
The life of David Gore


The film tells the story of a high-achieving student at Harvard University, a Rhodes Scholarship winner, and a professor of philosophy at a university, but is sentenced to death for rape and murder of a colleague. He remained silent on death row for six years, but asked for a media interview as he was about to be executed. Besie Bloom, a well-known female journalist who stands impartial, accepted the task and found that there were many mysteries in the case in the interview, so she interviewed and investigated, but the results of the investigation were unexpected and heartbreaking

But in any case, at the beginning of the film, the beautiful reporter Bessie runs all the way, and this set of shots is very attractive, but it quickly enters the flashback. At the beginning of the film, it takes about a minute to convey a lot of information about the background of the story - David Gore is killed for raping a female colleague, David is about to be sentenced to death, the case has attracted the attention of the national media, the Death Row Guardians, the radicals, Gore is dead, his request that Bessie interview him three times before his death, two hours at a time, only bessie alone to interview others, and so on.

It looks disorganized, but because each shot has something to point to, it's indispensable. Then It was Bessie who accepted the task and hinted through the performances and lines that Gore was looking for Bessie—impartial, independent, and responsive—and her boss teased her that she was immediately still colored, hard-natured, and even the judge dared not pee for the truth, and only such a person could help Gore and be able to reverse it.

Then it was Bessie who took the male assistant to death row. On the way, through the words of the beautiful little male assistant, he explained Gore's background - the first place in Harvard University, the Winner of the Rhodes Scholarship, the university professor at the age of 27, the publication of two books, the academic elite, the wife is the daughter of the US ambassador to Spain, he opposes the death penalty but always votes for the Republican Party that supports the death penalty, there are many doubts in the case, and so on.

These contents seem to be to let the audience understand the situation of Gore and the case, but in fact, it conveys a very important message, Gore is not only smart but also a very smart guy, but people of this level of intelligence make the kind of case that even a small journalist who has just entered the industry can see that there is something "wrong", there must be something greasy, at least hidden. This treatment is conducive to stimulating the curiosity of the audience, thus forming a strong driving force.

The life of David Gore

David Gore is the male protagonist of this without a doubt, he did not roar in prison, did not have too much expression, as if everything was in his expectations, I watched it very painfully and very painfully, except that the male protagonist was because of the performance of the female reporter Bessie, from the time she began to feel the strangeness of the matter to the time she really found the videotape, her cries for the collapse of the male protagonist, and she must arrive at the scene before six o'clock, but the car broke, she ran all the way through the firm, and finally squeezed through the crowd to hear the news that David Gore had been martyred, A series of efforts followed by a series of blows, her performance can be said to be unforgettable.

The life of David Gore

"The Life of David Gore" is a high-level film, an art film that can be called a model, an art film that deserves attention, thinking and analysis.

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