
Touch the sweet and sour fried red fruits that Beijingers love to eat |

author:Touch Beijing

Nowadays, it is difficult to find fried red fruits in large shopping malls, but it is a Beijing snack many years ago.

In the hot summer, the most beautiful thing is to eat a bowl of cold, sour and sweet fried red fruits, which is extremely appetizing and increases appetite. Many years ago in Beijing, as soon as the day was wiped black, there were hawkers carrying burdens and walking the streets and alleys. The vendors use a casserole pot to hold fried red fruits, and the utensils used are not exquisite, but a coarse porcelain bowl, but the taste is excellent. As they walked, they shouted, "Stir-fried --- red fruit!" "That taste is so comfortable to eat!" Sweet and sour appetizing red fruit with crystal clear, cool soup, as soon as you take it in, people immediately feel refreshed, sour red fruit, it is really reluctant to eat.

Touch the sweet and sour fried red fruits that Beijingers love to eat |

Speaking of fried red fruits, during the Guangxu years, Liu Hongyin carried a burden into Beijing City, settled on the shopping street outside Dong'an Gate (the predecessor of Dong'an Market), initially set up a stall to do fruit business, and later operated snacks such as preserved candied fruit. As the Dong'an market became increasingly popular, Liu Hongyin rented a two-storey paved house and listed "Liu Ji". Later, "Liu Ji" became more and more famous in the Dong'an market, and there was almost no one who did not know that the Liu family ate fried red fruits. However, frying red fruit is a hard job, the daughters-in-law of the Liu family have died early, there are fewer and fewer people who can make fried red fruit, and gradually "Liu Ji" has declined, and fried red fruit is becoming more and more rare. Liu Zongyi, a descendant of Liu Ji, although he learned the craft, did not want to re-hang the old sign of "Liu Ji" to run fried red fruits, and said, "This is a tired and dead business, the predecessors have suffered a lot, and the descendants of the Liu family do not want to return to their ancestral business, so they do not want to pass on the craft to their sons." Now, Liu Zongyi only occasionally stir-fried some red fruits, giving them to a few friends who are as often "nostalgic" as himself, "When I first learned it, maybe I just wanted to collect a history of traditional snacks in old Beijing!" "So now it's very rare to fry red fruits."

Touch the sweet and sour fried red fruits that Beijingers love to eat |

Although this fried red fruit is called fried red fruit, the actual processing process is blanched with water. Sift out the best red fruits, wash them and put them in a pot of cold water. There is a lot of learning about this boiling: first put the pot of cold water on the fire, before opening the pot to ensure that the red fruit is blanched thoroughly, if the water is boiled, the red fruit will crack and become a rotten sauce. So controlling the water temperature becomes the key to the process of boiling. The blanched red fruit is then seeded and peeled, and dipped in the boiled syrup, and the technique of boiling sugar is also the key. According to the liu family's standards, "boiling sugar should be boiled out of the bones." It is said that the white sugar is boiled into invert sugar during the boiling process, so that it tastes sweeter and tastes better.

Touch the sweet and sour fried red fruits that Beijingers love to eat |

Ingredients and preparation methods for sautéed red fruits:

Ingredients: hawthorn, rock sugar, water

1: Wash the red fruit (hawthorn), cut it in half with a knife, and dig out the core.

2, with the kind of microwave oven special plastic box put on the red fruit, almost put a layer of red fruit, and then sprinkled with some white sugar (the amount of sugar depends on personal taste, how much can be). Then try a layer of red fruit and a layer of sugar.

3, put it in the microwave oven on high heat for 5-7 minutes.

Making Tips:

1, the ratio of red fruit, water and rock sugar is about 3:3:1.

2, citrine rock sugar without fine processing and refining is more suitable for adding to it to improve nutritional value.

3. The fried red fruits stored in sealed and refrigerated are best eaten within two weeks to avoid spoilage.

Touch the sweet and sour fried red fruits that Beijingers love to eat |

The benefits of eating sautéed red fruits

Hawthorn contains a lot of vitamins, as well as minerals needed by the human body and a large amount of dietary fiber and pectin, so often eat hawthorn is conducive to stabilizing and regulating blood pressure, hawthorn can prevent cardiovascular disease, with dilating blood vessels, increasing coronary blood flow, improving heart vitality, excitation of the central nervous system, lowering blood pressure and cholesterol, softening blood vessels and diuretic and sedative effects. It can also promote the peristalsis of the intestine and the secretion of digestive glands, which is conducive to the digestion of food and the excretion of waste products. In addition, it also has the effect of lowering cholesterol and blood sugar and preventing gallstones.

Where to eat fried red fruits

Baikui time-honored brand: No. 195, Andingmennei Street, Dongcheng District


Touch the sweet and sour fried red fruits that Beijingers love to eat |

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