
Mozi and Zhuangzi are also descendants of Microzi

author:Changzhi Channel of Yellow River News Network

Original title: Mozi and Zhuangzi's distant ancestors are all Changzhi people

I once published an article in the Changzhi Daily, putting forward the view that "Confucius's distant ancestors were the princes of the Shang Dynasty------ the monarchs of the state." Later, I found that Mozi and Zhuangzi, like Confucius, were also descendants of The Microzi, and they were also the protagonists of the Hundred Schools of the Pre-Qin Dynasty.

Mozi and Zhuangzi are also descendants of Microzi

The legendary Mozi

About 3100 years ago, Emperor Yi was the 29th emperor of the Shang Dynasty. Emperor Yi had three sons, the eldest son named Qi, the second son named Yan, and the third son named Xin. Emperor Yi died after seventeen years, and his third son, Xin, took the throne, and was known as the King of Shang. In the last years of yin shang, the king of Yin Shang had no way, the masses were extravagant, and they were tyrannical and murderous, which led to rebellion and separation of the people and the decline of the country. Qi repeatedly consulted the King of Sui, and seeing that "the end of the silk cannot be consulted", he conspired with The Taishi Jizi and the Shaoshi Bigan. Miko believes that "now that the country is honestly governed, the country will not be hated when it is dead; for the sake of death, it is better to go." Therefore, Qi Sui left the Jingshi Chaoge (present-day Qi County, Henan) and went to his fiefdom ------ "Wei" (around the present-day Weizi Town of Lucheng), established the Weizi State, and became a princely monarch. Qi, because the fiefdom is micro, the title is zi, so the future generations are called weizi or weizi Qi; in the Han Dynasty, because of the instructions of Liu Qi, the Jing Emperor, changed the qi to kai, so it was called weizi kai.

After Zhou destroyed the Shang, Weizi was declared a vassal of Zhou, and Zhou led the Yin people to be enfeoffed in song (the capital of the state was in present-day Shangqiu, Henan), so Weizi became the monarch of the Song state during the Zhou Dynasty. The micro-son was sealed in the Song kingdom, called the Song Gong, and the Song people took the country as the surname, so the micro-son was the ancestor of the Song clan, so it was later called the Song micro-son.

After the death of Wei Zi, his brother Yan (Wei Zhong) took the throne; after the death of Yan (Wei Zhong), the son of The Duke of Song succeeded him; after the death of Song Gong Ji, Zi Ding Gong Shen Ji Li - In this way, the descendants of the Song nobles have been hereditary to the Song monarch and other important positions. Before the death of the fourteenth monarch, Duke Mu of Song, li's elder brother Andyi (historically known as duke Of Song) took the throne, and at the same time sent his son Gongzi Feng to the State of Zheng.

Mozi and Zhuangzi are also descendants of Microzi

The legendary Zhuangzi

Duke Song was a man who liked to fight, and he did not know where to hear that Gongzi Feng was going to return to China to seize the throne, so he repeatedly used troops against Zheng, Wei and other countries. During the ten years of the reign of The Duke of Song, he fought eleven wars, but most of them ended in failure, which made the people of the Song Kingdom cry out in pain. Duke Dai of Song's grandson Hua Du (華督) was then the Dazai of the Song Dynasty, and he and his son Feng were good friends and had always opposed the use of troops by Duke Song. By chance, he took a fancy to the beautiful wife of Kong Father Jia (a descendant of Song Tanggong), the secretary of the Imperial Dynasty, and he had a bad idea and always wanted to get rid of Kong Father Jia. Now that the opportunity had come, Hua Du rumored that the reason why the Song Kingdom had been fighting for many years was that this idea was made by Father Kong, and the angry people believed it to be true, so they gathered in front of Hua Du's door and demanded that he uphold justice. Hua Du pretended to resign, and then made a helpless appearance, leading the people and the army to rush into the Zhengqing Mansion, killing Kong Father Jia and taking away the long-coveted wife of Kong Father Jia by machine gun. In Chinese history, Kong Father Jia was the first person to die because of his wife's beauty.

When Duke Song learned of this, he was very angry and wanted to cure Hua Du of the felony of killing heavy ministers and robbing people's wives, and Hua Du was afraid in his heart, so he simply did not do anything and did not stop, and launched a coup d'état in 709 BC to kill Song Gong. After Killing Duke Song and Father Jia of Kong, Hua Tuo welcomed his son Feng from zheng back to the Song state and took the throne as the Duke of Song Zhuang. After Kong's father Jia was killed, his son Mu Jin's father was still young, and he was carried by his family and fled to the state of Lu, and from then on, Mu Jin's father and his descendants became Lu people. After Mu Jin's father arrived in Lu Guo'an to establish a family, he gave birth to a son to pray for his father' testi. In order to commemorate his biological father Kong Father Jia, Mu Jin's father took the "Hole" in his father's character as his surname. The son of Qifu Zhiyi was Kong Fangshu, the grandson was Boxia, and the eldest grandson was Shu Liangyi, that is, confucius's father. Shu Liang had a wife and a concubine, his wife Shi Shi, who gave birth to nine daughters and had no children; the concubine grew a son, Meng Pi, but Meng Pi had a foot disease and was a cripple, unable to bear the burden of supporting the whole family. Shu Liang Qi went to the Yan family's home, which was closely related on weekdays, to ask for relatives, the Yan family had three daughters, the eldest daughter and the second daughter were unwilling, and only the third daughter Yan Zheng agreed to marry him. In October, in August of the twenty-second year of Lu Xianggong (551 BC), Yan Zheng gave birth to Confucius.

Mozi (c. 468 BC --- 376 BC) was more than eighty years younger than Confucius, and he was born only after Confucius's death and the end of the Spring and Autumn Period. Mozi's grandfather was the nineteenth monarch of the Song Dynasty, Duke Heng of Song. Song Henggong took the throne in 681 BC and died in the spring of the thirty-first year of The Duke of Heng (651 BC). Duke Heng died, and Prince Zifu succeeded to the throne, which was one of the five hegemons of the Spring and Autumn Period in history, Song Xianggong. The Duke of Xiang had his half-brother Muyi (Ziziyu) the Prime Minister. Muyi was a famous politician and military figure in Chinese history, and was buried with his ancestor Weizi on present-day Weishan Island in Shandong After his death. Muyi is the protagonist of the famous "Ziyu Controversy" story in the history of the Song and Chu kingdoms at the time of the Hongshan War, but with the changes of history, the Muyi clan gradually descended from nobility to commoners, and its surname gradually evolved into Moyi, and eventually simplified to mo surname. Around the end of the Spring and Autumn Period, the Mo family gave birth to Mozi and named it Zhai.

Regarding Mozi, there are relatively few historical records, and even Sima Qian did not give him a biography, only after the transmission of Mencius and Xun Qing, there is a brief record: "Gai Mo Zhai Song Zhi Dafu, good at keeping the emperor, for the sake of festivals, or when he merged with Confucius, or after him." The famous scholar Tong Shuye clearly pointed out in the "Spring and Autumn Left Transmission Study": "The descendants of Mozi Shimu Yizi, with Moyi as the clan and the province as Moye". When Mozi was born, although his family was already poor, he visited famous teachers in the world when he was young, learned the way of governing the country, and gradually became a famous scholar, thinker, educator, philosopher, and military expert in the early Warring States period. Mozi's main deed in the world was to win the victory in the simulated attack and defense with the public defeat, thus convincing the King of Chu to cancel the plan to attack the Song Kingdom. Mozi advocated "simultaneous love" and "non-attack", put forward the political ideas of "Shangxian" and "Shangtong", and founded the Mo Theory, and the reasonable factors in his thinking were inherited and developed by later materialist thinkers.

According to relevant records, Mozi's ancestor Muyi also established a small fang state named Yi. Where is the center of the Kingdom of Qi? There are two or three theories, but the one with the greater support rate is the territory of present-day Tengzhou in Shandong, and there is Muyi Pavilion in the southeast of Shi zai Tengzhou. Today, in the Mozi Memorial Hall in Mushi Town, Tengzhou, there is still a Muyi Pavilion, but it is only copied by later generations. In addition, there are many legends about Mozi in Tengzhou folk, such as Mozi's cloth stone, preaching cave, and ink learning.

A few years after Mozi's death, Zhuangzi was born in the Ancient Mengqi Garden (in the area of present-day Dongming, Shandong) on the northern border of the Song Dynasty. Zhuangzi (c. 369 BC--- 286 BC), surnamed Zhuang (庄), courtesy name Zhou, and Zi Xiu, was preceded by the eleventh monarch of the Song Dynasty, Duke Dai of Song (huadu's grandfather). Song Dai, known as Wuzhuang, reigned from 799 BC to 766 BC, and after his death, some of his descendants took Zhuang as their surname. The origin of the Zhuang clan is recorded in the book "Song Domain People's Ancestral Hall": "Zhuang" came out of the zi surname, and was a descendant of the Spring and Autumn Song Guo Gong clan. Yuan Dynasty Husan Province "Zizhi Tongjian? Yin Note" contains: Song Dai Gong, name Wuzhuang, descendants take Zhuang as a surname.

In the ninth year of the Reign of Song Zhaogong (610 BC), there was a coup d'état in the Song dynasty. The reason was that Zhaogong was unreasonable and the people were dissatisfied, and with the help of Zhaogong's grandmother ---- Wang Ji, the wife of Duke Xiang of Song, Zhaogong's younger brother Gongzi Bao seized power and became the Duke of Wen. The following year, Zhaogong's son tried to avenge his father, but was killed by Wen Gong. After the unrest, Duke Wen killed the main people involved in the unrest, and at the same time moved some of the secondary personnel to the Gumeng Lacquer Garden on the northern border of the Song Dynasty, including the nobles surnamed Zhuang.

Zhuangzi was very poor in his life, and only worked as a "lacquer garden official" (that is, a small official who guarded the lacquer garden) in Mongolia, but this did not prevent him from becoming a famous thinker in the Warring States period through his own efforts. His masterpiece "Zhuangzi" has always been called "the world's first strange book". Famous passages include "Getaway", "The Theory of QiWu", "Health Lord", etc., of which "Ding Ding Xie Niu" in "Health Lord" is especially recited by later generations. The "Tao" advocated by Zhuangzi is the Tao of Heaven, the "Tao" that imitates nature, not the man-made cruelty. He believes that the "Tao" should be an infinite entity that transcends time and space, omnipresent and omnipresent, and manifested in all things. But the Tao is inactive and essentially nothing. Zhuangzi believed that "heaven" and "man" were two opposite concepts, "heaven" represented nature, and "man" meant "man-made"; he advocated obeying the "heavenly way" and abandoning man-made. In Zhuangzi's view, true life is natural, so there is no need to teach anything or prescribe anything, but to get rid of something, to forget something, to forget the mind, the mind of chance, and the mind of separation. It is precisely because Zhuangzi is the main founder of Taoist doctrine that he and Lao Tzu, the ancestor of Taoism, are called "Lao Zhuang", and their philosophical ideology is respected by the intellectual academia as "Lao Zhuang philosophy".

Although from a genetic point of view, Confucius and Mozi and Zhuangzi were originally the same root, they set off a hundred schools of contention among the sons of the pre-Qin Dynasty. This is a great cross-century debate that has lasted for more than three hundred years, and there are many problems and complicated situations. But to put it briefly, it can also be summarized into three major debates, namely, the first Confucian dispute, the second Confucian dispute, and the third Confucian controversy. Mozi was the first to publicly criticize Confucius and Confucianism, and the Mo family was very fierce in his criticism of Confucianism. The biggest difference between Confucianism and Mozi is that their positions are different, Confucius's position is aristocratic, mostly on the side of the ruling class, while Mozi's position is commoner, even working people. The dispute between Confucianism and Taoism is a dispute between ancient and modern, a dispute between morality, and a dispute between heaven and man, and the fundamental difference is "to do something or not to do something." In fact, the dispute between Confucianism and Taoism can also be said to be the dispute between Confucianism, Ink and Taoism, because the differences between the two families of Confucianism and Confucianism are mainly benevolence and love. But benevolence or love, in short, to do something, the starting point is to care about the rise and fall of the world. The Taoists have no intention of doing this, and although they have ideas, they do not put them into action, and even not only do not do it themselves, but also oppose others to do it.

In any case, the controversy of the hundred schools of thought of the pre-Qin dynasty can be called an important source of academic development of Chinese thought, and as the protagonists participating in this debate, Confucius, Mozi and Zhuangzi all represented the most idealistic, ambitious, and moral group of people at that time. Whether it is the dispute between Confucianism and Ink, the dispute between Confucianism and Taoism, or the dispute over Confucianism and Law later, it can be said that it is a longitudinal and horizontal struggle, and there is no doubt that they are all colorful movements in the history of our nation. In particular, the confucian-ink dispute, the machine edges overlapped, and the result of the controversy was that Confucius gave the Spring and Autumn Period a glorious end, and Mozi gave the Warring States Era a glorious beginning. (Guo Anting)

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