
The most unpopular emperor of the Qing Dynasty was assassinated by a chef in the imperial palace, and a hundred guards watched but did not save the car

In the feudal dynasty, the emperor who is known as the Ninth Five-Year Emperor undoubtedly has a power and status that is incomparable to ordinary people. Under normal circumstances, the emperor who was guarded by the stars and the moon at least did not have to worry about his personal safety.

However, as the so-called "water can carry a boat can also overturn a boat", if the emperor loses his support, it is not popular with the people, even if he hides in the heavily guarded imperial palace, it is difficult to ensure his own safety.

The most unpopular emperor of the Qing Dynasty was assassinated by a chef in the imperial palace, and a hundred guards watched but did not save the car

Among the more than ten emperors reigning in the Qing Dynasty, there was such an emperor, who was obviously hiding in the heavily guarded imperial palace, but was assassinated one after another, and the hundred guards present were actually just watching from the sidelines and did not come forward to save the car. What's going on here?

Accept inner Zen and have no right for four years

As the last glory of Kangqian's prosperous world, the Qianlong Emperor served as emperor for forty years. In the sixty years of Qianlong, in order to show respect for his grandfather Kangxi, Qianlong decided to pass the throne to his son without breaking the record of Kangxi's sixty years of reign.

After years of observation and testing, Qianlong finally chose his fourteenth crown prince, Emperor Yan, as the heir to the throne, the later Jiaqing Emperor.

Although the Jiaqing Emperor was secretly designated as the heir to the throne from the thirty-eighth year of Qianlong, Qianlong did not officially announce the results until his later years, and held a Zen concession ceremony to pass the throne to the Jiaqing Emperor, and he himself retreated behind the scenes to become the Taishang Emperor.

The most unpopular emperor of the Qing Dynasty was assassinated by a chef in the imperial palace, and a hundred guards watched but did not save the car

However, Qianlong, who is "old in heart", did not surrender the power in his hands and still firmly controlled the situation. In such a situation, although Jiaqing accepted Neichan to become emperor, he did not have the power of a real emperor compared to an "intern", and it was not until four years after Jiaqing's death and Qianlong's illness that the Jiaqing Emperor began to pro-government and grasped the power he dreamed of.

Eliminate greed and quell chaos, and return to heaven without skill

At the end of the reign of the Qianlong Emperor, due to the connivance of corruption and the oppression of the peasants, the social contradictions at that time intensified, which could be described as dangerous.

After Jiaqing took over the government, he also wanted to do something, and under the banner of "Saltiness and Restoration", Jiaqing vigorously began to deal with corruption and rectify internal affairs. Fifteen days after Qianlong's death, the Jiaqing Emperor killed the notorious corrupt official Hezhen and enriched the depleted treasury by confiscating Hezhen's family property, thus leaving behind the saying that "Hezhen fell, and Jiaqing was fed".

In addition, Jiaqing also carried out a certain degree of cleaning up and rectification of internal affairs, and even took the lead in living a frugal and simple life, hoping to change the situation in which private grants and bribes became common in the official circles during the Qianlong period.

The most unpopular emperor of the Qing Dynasty was assassinated by a chef in the imperial palace, and a hundred guards watched but did not save the car

However, the adjustments made by Jiaqing are mere formalities and have not fundamentally changed the situation of official corruption and sharp class contradictions. Due to the oppression of officials and landlords, many people rose up during the Jiaqing period to rebel against the rule of the Qing Dynasty. Although the huge White Lotus Sect rebellion was eventually suppressed by the Qing army' encirclement and blockade, it seriously threatened the foundation of the Qing Dynasty's rule.

Although Jiaqing also has certain abilities, it lacks the vision and ability to correct the chaos and turn the tide, and only blindly adopts a high-pressure policy to suppress rebellions in various places. Later, the deep crisis developed, and Jiaqing, which lost the people's hearts, directly threatened Jiaqing's personal safety.

One after another was assassinated, and the guards watched

In the eighth year of Jiaqing, the Jiaqing Emperor was on his way back to the Forbidden City from the Yuanmingyuan when he suddenly encountered assassins, and the situation was very critical. At that time, when Jiaqing had just entered the Shunzhen Gate of the Forbidden City, a masked assassin jumped out of the corner and pounced on the "Qing History Draft" of Jiaqing's warm car with a sharp knife: "Entering the Shunzhen Gate, the adulterous Chen De prominently committed a crime. ”

Faced with such a critical situation, the guards beside Jiaqing did not rescue the driver in time, but stayed in the same place like a wooden chicken. Fortunately, the accompanying Prince Ding, Mian'en, and Gulun's donkey, Lavan Dorji, reacted in time and quickly stepped forward to subdue the assassins, which allowed Jiaqing to escape the disaster. After that, Jiaqing not only executed the assassin who assassinated him, but also severely punished nearly a hundred guards who were present at the time.

The most unpopular emperor of the Qing Dynasty was assassinated by a chef in the imperial palace, and a hundred guards watched but did not save the car

In the eighteenth year of Jiaqing, the Tianli Sect members entered the palace under the guidance of the eunuchs in the palace, and the palace guards once again dropped the chain and "could not resist", and the Jiaqing Emperor was once again seriously threatened with his life. Fortunately, Jiaqing's son Min Ning, the later Daoguang Emperor, learned of the information and sent the firearms battalion and jianrui battalion soldiers into the palace in time to help, which was able to put out the rebellion.

Perhaps it was precisely out of doubt and disappointment in the Jiaqing Emperor's ability to govern the country that not only spawned many rebellions that directly threatened the personal safety of the Jiaqing Emperor, but also became sluggish and indifferent, and became a bystander "with peace of mind" when the Jiaqing Emperor was assassinated. It is no wonder that the Jiaqing Emperor lamented that he "caused things that did not happen between the Han and Tang Dynasties and the Song Ming Dynasty."

brief summary

Jiaqing had the desire and determination to maintain his rule, but lacked the ability and means to match it, and eventually lost the hearts of the people in one turmoil after another, and even made a situation where he was assassinated in the palace, but there were no guards willing to rescue him, which was really emotional.

Reference: Draft History of the Qing Dynasty

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