
Why Qinchuan cattle are not efficient beef cattle

author:Rabbit Breeding Alliance

Beef cattle farmers have long been looking for beef cattle that can get high efficiency. However, where are highly effective beef cattle born and where do they grow? Cattle farmers have not worked hard and "paid tuition".

There is a farmer in Ningxia who has kept cattle for many years. But at first, the beef cattle he raised were inefficient and ineffective. Later, when the beef cattle breed was renewed, he bought another breed of cow from Shaanxi, the Qinchuan cattle. Qinchuan cattle is a very excellent beef cattle breed in the western region of China, its meat performance is very good, the meat quality is delicate, the lean meat rate is high, and it is the leader in China's beef cattle breeds. To this day, the advantages of beef cattle's tolerance to rough feeding are still maintained, and all kinds of feeds can be eaten and can be reproduced normally.

However, when the farmer sold cattle, he found that Qinchuan cattle were not easy to sell, and fattening households believed that Qinchuan cattle grew too slowly, the slaughter rate was low, and the meat production rate was not high. Efficient beef cattle focus on low input and high output. The shortcomings of Qinchuan cattle growing slowly and the high-quality meat is fast and small obviously cannot meet the requirements of high output. If it cannot produce high, it will not meet the requirements of fatteners.

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