
Qinchuan cattle breeding technology

author:Sheep Breeding Alliance

Summary: Qinchuan cattle is China's famous large-scale meat combined breed cattle, native to the Guanzhong Plain area of the Weihe River Basin in Shaanxi Province, for the excellent local breed of cattle, is also one of the five major cattle breeds in China, large physique, strong service strength, good meat production performance, because of the eight hundred miles of Qinchuan in shaanxi province Guanzhong region and named, let's take a look at the Qinchuan cattle breeding technology!

Qinchuan cattle breeding technology
Qinchuan cattle breeding technology

Variety performance

Under good breeding conditions, Qinchuan cattle have 250 kg of male calves and 210 kg of female calves, with a daily weight increase of up to 1400 kg. Bulls can reach 511 kg in good rearing conditions. As a specialized large-scale beef cattle, the meat production performance is good, the slaughter rate is generally 60 to 70%, and the carcass lean meat rate is 80 to 85%. The 16-month-old fattening cow carcass weighed 418 kg and the slaughter rate was 66.3%. Cow milk production is high, a lactation stage can produce 2000 kg of milk, milk fat rate of 4.0 to 4.7%, but the cow purebred breeding difficult yield rate is higher.

Warm house fattening

If fattening is in a permanent barn or a plastic film warm shed barn, the barn should be repaired before feeding, and the surrounding wall holes, holes, gaps and windows should be blocked. The plastic greenhouse barn should be made of transparent plastic film. Cement or brick floors should be paved with padded grass and replaced frequently to keep the temperature in the shed above 5 °C. After April, the weather is getting warmer, and it is necessary to gradually increase the area of the shed, and the plastic should not be removed at one time, so as to avoid the cattle from catching a cold.

Disease prevention and insect repellent

1. The newly purchased cattle should be comprehensively inspected, and healthy people can be injected with foot-and-mouth vaccine, brucellosis vaccine, Clostridium weiss disease vaccine, etc. to be rounded up and polycultured, and a comprehensive deworming is carried out before entering the house for fattening. Oral insect buster capsules per 100 kg of body weight (containing 20 mg of active ingredient), or 2 ml per 100 kg of body weight subcutaneously. Anti-helminthias 5 to 7 mg or levamisole 6 to 8 mg per kilogram of body weight can also be given to drive away a variety of parasites in the body. In places where there are liver flakes, drugs such as nitrochlorophenol can be used for deworming.

2. The ectoparasites can be sprayed head by head with 0.3% peracetic acid, and then wiped with 0.25% mite cleansing emulsion. After 3 days of deworming, use artificial salt or other stomach medicines to strengthen the stomach. In addition, newly entered cattle due to environmental changes, transportation, fright and other reasons are prone to stress response, you can add 0.5% salt and 1% red pond to the drinking water, drink for a week, and feed more grass or hay, two days later feed a small amount of bran, and gradually transition to feeding fertilizer. In the process of fattening, attention should be paid to observing the feeding, excretion and mental condition of the cattle.

Well managed

The most suitable ambient temperature for Qinchuan cattle is 5 to 21 °C. During the fattening period, we should try to create a warm, quiet and comfortable environment for the cattle. It is generally advisable to take a tether to nourish the fat. Except on snowy days, cattle are tied to stakes outside the house every day from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. to bask in the sun. The fixed cattle rope should not be too long, 0.4 meters is appropriate. Brush the cow body 1 to 2 times a day to keep the cow clean. Install ventilation windows that can be opened and closed at the top of the barn, and ventilate once a day at noon for 10 to 20 seconds. Remove feces regularly every day, keep the barn clean and hygienic, dry and ventilated, and strictly prevent moisture.

Qinchuan cattle breeding technology

Scientific breeding

1. Pre-fattening: The pre-fattening stage takes about fifteen days, mainly using ammonized straw and silage corn straw as roughage, and combined with local reality to feed refined feed. Ammonized straw or silage corn stalks are free to feed, drinking water is well supplied, starting from the next day gradually feeding concentrate, and then rapidly increasing, by the end of the early stage, feeding concentrate per day can reach about 2 kg, or mixed concentrate according to 0.8% of body weight, an average of about 1.5 kg per day. The concentrate formula is 45% corn flour, 40% wheat bran, 10% cake, 2% bone meal, 2% urea, 1% salt, and two cod liver oil per kilogram of feed.

2, fattening middle: fattening in the middle of the period is usually about thirty days, feeding process should pay attention to reasonable collocation of roughage, the transition period at the beginning of the crude concentrate ratio of 3:1, the middle period of 2:1, the later stage of 1:1. The feed formula in this period is 6% of cornmeal, 15.5% of wheat bran, 12% of peeled cottonseed cake, 25.8% of corn stalk flour, 0.4% of bone meal, 0.3% of shell powder, 50 g/head of salt, vitamin a2iu/head, fed once a day in the morning and 1 time in the evening, maintaining 4 to 5 kg/day. Head, 2 hours after feeding with water.

3. Late fattening: The late stage of fattening takes about 45 days. Diet should be based on concentrate, the amount of concentrate can account for 70 to 80% of the total amount of the entire diet, and supply high energy (60 to 70%), low protein feed (10 to 20%), according to 1.5 to 2% per 100 kg of body weight, crude concentrate ratio of 1:2 to 1:3, appropriately increase the number of daily feedings, and ensure adequate drinking water supply. The feed formula in this period is 2 to 3 kg of corn flour, 20 to 25 kg of sugar residue, 15 to 20 kg of lees, 10 to 15 kg of silage straw, 50 g of salt, 20 g of mineral additives, and fed once in the morning and evening, or 56% of corn flour, 10% of cottonseed cake, 8% of wheat bran, 23.5% of ammonitized wheat straw powder, 1% of auxin, 1% of salt, 0.5% of sodium bicarbonate, and 6 to 7 kg per head per day.

Precautions for Qinchuan cattle breeding

1. Rational use of weight gainers: At present, the weight gainers that are mainly used through rumen, such as rumen (monensin), lasarimonin, etc. Usually in the form of additives mixed with feed by mouth, generally 40 to 60 mg per kilogram of concentrate. Initially, the feeding amount can be lowered, and then gradually increased to the required amount. However, the amount fed per head per day should not be higher than 360 mg. In addition, there are chemicals and hormones (implants). The application of weight gainers can increase the daily weight gain of beef cattle by 9.38 to 27.31%.

2, reasonable use of urea: reasonable use of urea is very beneficial to cattle weight gain, according to each head of the daily addition of sustained release urea additives 0.25 kg can be. Urea and various additives can be fed at night, and no water can be drunk for 2 hours after feeding to prevent poisoning.

3. Regular quantitative feeding: feed twice a day, 6 to 8 o'clock in the morning, 5 to 7 o'clock in the evening, each time for 2 hours. The coarse refined feed should be mixed reasonably, the feeding should be coarse and then refined, the hay should be fed first, and then the lees should be fed, and then the cornmeal should be mixed with various additives and fed evenly. Drink water 1 to 2 times a day, if possible, it is best to drink cattle with warm water, you can also drink deep well water. The silage is removed in the afternoon of the first day and pre-warmed in the house. It is forbidden to feed cattle with moldy and spoiled hay to prevent the onset of disease.

4. Pay attention to timely out of the pen: when the shelf cattle are fattened for 2 to 3 months and the weight of the cattle reaches more than 500 kg, stop fattening and get out of the pen in time. There are two ways to specifically judge the time of the barn, one is to find that the amount of cattle feeding is gradually reduced, and it cannot be recovered after feeding. Second, when touching the waist corner with your hand or holding the root of the ear with your hand has a feeling of fat, it means that the muscles are full and you can get out of the column.

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