
Former CCTV host Zhou Zhou exposed himself to a "humiliating" experience on CCTV, which was too sad

author:China Broadcast Host Network

CCTV's children's program host accompanied us through a carefree childhood, which CCTV children's program host impressed you?

Recently, I saw a video of former CCTV host Zhou Zhou.

Former CCTV host Zhou Zhou exposed himself to a "humiliating" experience on CCTV, which was too sad

In the video, Zhou Zhou recalled that when he first entered CCTV, he was the host of the "Big Windmill" program, but at that time there was no formal compilation, and the monthly income was 500 yuan, and he had to take the invoice to reimburse.

Specializing in reimbursement is an old comrade with deep qualifications, one day Zhou Zhou went to reimburse, maybe he was in a bad mood, when Zhou Zhou handed him the invoice, he threw the invoice to the ground and let Zhou Zhou go to him in two days.

Zhou Zhou: "That 500 yuan is my living expenses for a month, and I silently bent down to pick up the pile of invoices from the ground." I thought about looking at these two days, which day he was in a better mood to come back to reimbursement, maybe the reimbursement can go a little smoother. ”

"Then I got a formal production, I hosted a lot of shows, and then I became a producer. This "humiliating" experience has affected me for the rest of my life. ”

In 1993, Zhou Zhou, who had just graduated from Nanchang Normal School majoring in art, encountered the opportunity of Jiangxi Television Station to recruit a host. Among the many competitors, Zhou Zhou stood out and became the youngest program host of Jiangxi Television at that time with the first place.

The following year, the Youth Department of Jiangxi Television Station was established, and the first children's program of Jiangxi Television Station, "Wisdom Entertainment Circle", was launched. Zhou Zhou became the first children's program host of Jiangxi Television. She is simple and kind, lively and cute, and soon became the "Zhou Zhou Sister" loved by the children.

Former CCTV host Zhou Zhou exposed himself to a "humiliating" experience on CCTV, which was too sad

With the continuous enrichment of the hosting experience, Zhou Zhou gradually realized his own shortcomings. She began to read a lot, and with the support of the leadership began to participate in program planning, learn to be a post-editing, after a period of study and tempering, in 1995 Zhou Zhou won the "Jin Shiming" Cup National Host Competition Children's Television Program Gold Award sponsored by CCTV, and successfully entered the Children's Department of CCTV Youth Center as a program host.

Former CCTV host Zhou Zhou exposed himself to a "humiliating" experience on CCTV, which was too sad

At this time, Zhou Zhou, whose career was in the ascending period, successively hosted the "Local Edition of the Big Windmill", the seventh set of satellite TV children's programs, and "The Big Windmill".

After the revision of "Big Windmill" in 1997, Zhou Zhou's sister, as the role host "Windmill Baby", formed the "Big Windmill Family" together with Ju Ping's sister, Uncle Dong Hao, Sister Hua, and Scarab, and "Windmill Baby" was quickly accepted by children and became the favorite image of children. In addition, the programs such as "Big Hands Holding Small Hands", "Happy Bus" and "Baby Family" hosted by Teacher Zhou Zhou have also been welcomed by children and parents.

Former CCTV host Zhou Zhou exposed himself to a "humiliating" experience on CCTV, which was too sad

The "Sister ZhouZhou" label, the repetitive work day after day and the two small braids that have been tied for more than twenty years gradually made Zhou Zhou feel distorted, and she encountered her own career bottleneck, "It's time to change!" This was the truest thought in Zhou Zhou's heart at that time.

Former CCTV host Zhou Zhou exposed himself to a "humiliating" experience on CCTV, which was too sad

Therefore, in the eyes of others who were surprised and incomprehensible, Zhou Zhou resolutely resigned from CCTV and started an independent business.

Zhou Zhou, who left CCTV in August 2016, founded Beijing Youyang Growth Media Co., Ltd., China's first content platform focused on parent education.

Former CCTV host Zhou Zhou exposed himself to a "humiliating" experience on CCTV, which was too sad

From "Zhou Zhou Sister" to Zhou Zong, Zhou Zhou is constantly working hard to make progress, wishing her better and better in the future.

In the workplace, what unhappy things have you encountered?

This article comes from the network, compiled and edited by China Broadcast Network,

It is for exchange and learning only, and the copyright belongs to the original author

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