
Why was U.S. President John F. Kennedy assassinated? What is hidden behind the assassination of the murderer President Kennedy in Texas, and how many people were offended by the assassination of President Kennedy during the assassination? Kennedy's struggle for a large amount of power for blacks caused dissatisfaction among the white elite with the Apollo moon landing plan, making the Soviet Union and other socialist countries more hostile to Kennedy, CIA Director Hoover was dissatisfied with Kennedy that Kennedy would withdraw troops from Vietnam, touching the end of arms dealers' interests

author:Veterans say literary history

The assassination of the president of the United States, this joke if it is proposed in modern times, may laugh off the teeth, after all, today's US intelligence agencies and the Presidential Guard are very powerful, but also represent the highest level of security in the world, so the assassination of the US president, in modern society is almost difficult to succeed, because under strict security conditions, many assassins may not have the opportunity to connect with the president, let alone assassination.

Why was U.S. President John F. Kennedy assassinated? What is hidden behind the assassination of the murderer President Kennedy in Texas, and how many people were offended by the assassination of President Kennedy during the assassination? Kennedy's struggle for a large amount of power for blacks caused dissatisfaction among the white elite with the Apollo moon landing plan, making the Soviet Union and other socialist countries more hostile to Kennedy, CIA Director Hoover was dissatisfied with Kennedy that Kennedy would withdraw troops from Vietnam, touching the end of arms dealers' interests

However, in the 1960s, the united states broke out the largest assassination, the impact of this assassination, even let the world into a certain degree of panic, this event is the famous president of the United States, Kennedy was assassinated. Many people are very familiar with President Kennedy, who is considered one of the greatest presidents of the United States and is also popular with the American people.

However, such a good president was assassinated in a trip, and his death also triggered a series of subsequent accidents, so what is behind the assassination of President Kennedy?

In 1963, Kennedy conducted an inspection visit to Russ, Texas, and the purpose of this inspection was to mediate the conflict between liberals and conservatives in the Democratic Party in Texas. As Kennedy was moving inside Texas, the convoy passed a warehouse in Texas, where a bullet shot directly into the car from the front windshield and into President Kennedy's forehead.

Why was U.S. President John F. Kennedy assassinated? What is hidden behind the assassination of the murderer President Kennedy in Texas, and how many people were offended by the assassination of President Kennedy during the assassination? Kennedy's struggle for a large amount of power for blacks caused dissatisfaction among the white elite with the Apollo moon landing plan, making the Soviet Union and other socialist countries more hostile to Kennedy, CIA Director Hoover was dissatisfied with Kennedy that Kennedy would withdraw troops from Vietnam, touching the end of arms dealers' interests

At the same time, the gangsters fired several shots in a row, not only killing President Kennedy, but also the governor of Texas who was accompanying him at the time; therefore, in this incident, the president of the United States and the governor of Texas were assassinated; when President Kennedy was assassinated, the US intelligence department began to investigate the shooter, and quickly arrested the criminal Oswald, that is, the murderer of Kennedy, through the method of investigation and search.

However, when asked about the murderer's purpose in killing Kennedy, all his confessions only expressed his dissatisfaction with President Kennedy, and that he had brought great pain to his administration; later, when the intelligence services investigated Oswald's background, they keenly discovered that the murderer in front of him had been to the Soviet Union, married a Soviet woman, and also became a Soviet citizen; after coming to the United States, because of personal setbacks, he developed a great dislike for the President of the United States and society, and assassinated President Kennedy. It was Oswald's radical thoughts that led to it.

Why was U.S. President John F. Kennedy assassinated? What is hidden behind the assassination of the murderer President Kennedy in Texas, and how many people were offended by the assassination of President Kennedy during the assassination? Kennedy's struggle for a large amount of power for blacks caused dissatisfaction among the white elite with the Apollo moon landing plan, making the Soviet Union and other socialist countries more hostile to Kennedy, CIA Director Hoover was dissatisfied with Kennedy that Kennedy would withdraw troops from Vietnam, touching the end of arms dealers' interests

However, on the third day after his arrest, Oswald was accidentally shot by a hotel owner on the way to the prison, so the assassination of President Kennedy began to become more confusing, and the intelligence services no longer believed that Oswald simply hated American society, but they suspected that Oswald must be involved in many people.

However, it is said that because of the pressure of the upper echelons, the US intelligence agencies can only define the case as Oswald's personal crime, but most of the American people do not believe this statement, and even the Associated Press has made an investigation, most of which believe that there must be a great conspiracy behind the Kennedy assassination, and the crime is definitely not one person, but many people.

Why was U.S. President John F. Kennedy assassinated? What is hidden behind the assassination of the murderer President Kennedy in Texas, and how many people were offended by the assassination of President Kennedy during the assassination? Kennedy's struggle for a large amount of power for blacks caused dissatisfaction among the white elite with the Apollo moon landing plan, making the Soviet Union and other socialist countries more hostile to Kennedy, CIA Director Hoover was dissatisfied with Kennedy that Kennedy would withdraw troops from Vietnam, touching the end of arms dealers' interests

Several hypothetical reasons for Kennedy's assassination

Therefore, the American people have put forward several hypotheses: Johnson murder (the politician who succeeded the president after The assassination of Kennedy), according to the U.S. Constitution, after the president dies during his term, the vice president succeeds the president; Castro (the Cuban leader) murder says that Kennedy intended to invade Cuba.

The Murder Theory of the Fed Boss (the Fed BigWigs have always had a very tense relationship with President Kennedy); the Murder Theory of The Arms Forces (Kennedy vigorously rectified the domestic arms dealers when he was in office); the Intelligence Department Murder Theory said that the relationship between the intelligence service and Kennedy is also very delicate, and he even wants to limit the power of the CIA Director Hoover, who has controlled the FBI for nearly half a century and has been in power.

Why was U.S. President John F. Kennedy assassinated? What is hidden behind the assassination of the murderer President Kennedy in Texas, and how many people were offended by the assassination of President Kennedy during the assassination? Kennedy's struggle for a large amount of power for blacks caused dissatisfaction among the white elite with the Apollo moon landing plan, making the Soviet Union and other socialist countries more hostile to Kennedy, CIA Director Hoover was dissatisfied with Kennedy that Kennedy would withdraw troops from Vietnam, touching the end of arms dealers' interests

In addition, there is Vietnam's Ngo Dinh Dinh Dinh Yuk Party retaliating against murder, but no evidence can be found in any way, so the assassination of President Kennedy has become a mystery in the United States.

President Kennedy is a very accomplished, and very good president, during his reign, put forward the "new frontier" political declaration, "new frontier" is to stimulate economic development policy, to solve the problem of domestic poverty rate, this is not only his political declaration, but also Kennedy's unique political thinking, and Kennedy has always adhered to the core idea of the new frontier during his term.

Kennedy's work on civil rights was also remarkable, he gave many new powers to black Americans, giving them the right to employment in some special jobs, and even giving some black people the right to vote in the Southern United States; he advocated racial equality and called on whites to respect their fellow blacks.

Why was U.S. President John F. Kennedy assassinated? What is hidden behind the assassination of the murderer President Kennedy in Texas, and how many people were offended by the assassination of President Kennedy during the assassination? Kennedy's struggle for a large amount of power for blacks caused dissatisfaction among the white elite with the Apollo moon landing plan, making the Soviet Union and other socialist countries more hostile to Kennedy, CIA Director Hoover was dissatisfied with Kennedy that Kennedy would withdraw troops from Vietnam, touching the end of arms dealers' interests

However, his measures aroused the resentment of many white people, many of whom believed that Kennedy had turned his back on the legitimacy of the white community and spoken for black people. Among them, the whites of the American elite class were extremely disgusted with Kennedy; but the world gave great approval to Kennedy's policy of racial equality.

Unfortunately, at that time, white Americans were seriously discriminating against blacks, and they even believed that the existence of blacks was to tarnish the orthodox blood of the American nation, so in the 1960s, the discrimination and oppression of blacks by white people in the United States was very serious; and Kennedy was also hated by whites for speaking for blacks.

Kennedy also launched the U.S. moon landing Apollo program, although this plan is the product of the Cold War period, the United States and the Soviet Union military hegemony, but objectively, it has greatly promoted the development of science and technology in the United States, it can also be said that it is a cross-era achievement in the field of American science and technology, if it can be successful, then the United States will lead the world's aerospace science and technology trend.

Why was U.S. President John F. Kennedy assassinated? What is hidden behind the assassination of the murderer President Kennedy in Texas, and how many people were offended by the assassination of President Kennedy during the assassination? Kennedy's struggle for a large amount of power for blacks caused dissatisfaction among the white elite with the Apollo moon landing plan, making the Soviet Union and other socialist countries more hostile to Kennedy, CIA Director Hoover was dissatisfied with Kennedy that Kennedy would withdraw troops from Vietnam, touching the end of arms dealers' interests

Kennedy also allocated a lot of funds for the development of the National Aviation Administration, but this measure directly intensified the contradictions between the United States and the Soviet Union, the two Cold War processes began to heat up violently, and the two countries even almost went to war because of the Cuban Missile Crisis. The Apollo program exposed the United States to the collective hostility of the socialist countries, and at the same time Cuba completely turned its face to the United States, and small military conflicts and assassinations between the United States and Cuba were also very frequent.

At the same time, during the Kennedy administration, he also repeatedly proposed to rectify the US intelligence agencies and arms dealers, he believed that the US intelligence agencies were too powerful, and even extended their hands to the presidential residence, which was a serious problem of power violation; moreover, Kennedy had quarreled with Hoover, the director of the CIA, on many occasions, because Hoover took the initiative, trained thousands of Cuban displaced people, and engaged in a humiliating Bay of Pigs incident, for which Kennedy innocently carried a black pot and was ridiculed by the international community.

Why was U.S. President John F. Kennedy assassinated? What is hidden behind the assassination of the murderer President Kennedy in Texas, and how many people were offended by the assassination of President Kennedy during the assassination? Kennedy's struggle for a large amount of power for blacks caused dissatisfaction among the white elite with the Apollo moon landing plan, making the Soviet Union and other socialist countries more hostile to Kennedy, CIA Director Hoover was dissatisfied with Kennedy that Kennedy would withdraw troops from Vietnam, touching the end of arms dealers' interests

For this reason, the conflict between Kennedy and Hoover was very sharp, and he also became a sworn enemy, Hoover once said to his colleagues behind his back: "I am extremely tired of Kennedy, and his presence makes me very unhappy." Kennedy wanted to rectify the CIA because of Hoover, but Hoover was in charge of the CIA for many years, not Kennedy said that he could rectify it if he wanted to, so Kennedy had been unable to bring down Hoover, and Hoover had been waiting for Kennedy to step down.

As for arms dealers, Kennedy is not soft at all, during his administration he ordered the government to take down several US arms companies, but almost all of the US arms dealers are related to high-powered politicians in the United States, and behind the arms dealers are some big us conglomerates and politicians, so Kennedy invisibly provoked arms dealers and political enemies.

Why was U.S. President John F. Kennedy assassinated? What is hidden behind the assassination of the murderer President Kennedy in Texas, and how many people were offended by the assassination of President Kennedy during the assassination? Kennedy's struggle for a large amount of power for blacks caused dissatisfaction among the white elite with the Apollo moon landing plan, making the Soviet Union and other socialist countries more hostile to Kennedy, CIA Director Hoover was dissatisfied with Kennedy that Kennedy would withdraw troops from Vietnam, touching the end of arms dealers' interests

And at that time, Kennedy ordered the withdrawal of American troops from Vietnam, but once this measure was promulgated, Kennedy once again annoyed the arms tycoons, they hoped that the Vietnam War would continue to be fought, so that the arms dealers could have money to earn, but Kennedy firmly issued an order to withdraw the troops, and began to suppress the arms dealers.

We know that the American arms dealers have a very solid foundation in the United States, and it can be said that no president dares to provoke them, but Kennedy is the first, and for this reason, he is also hated by the arms dealers.

Why was U.S. President John F. Kennedy assassinated? What is hidden behind the assassination of the murderer President Kennedy in Texas, and how many people were offended by the assassination of President Kennedy during the assassination? Kennedy's struggle for a large amount of power for blacks caused dissatisfaction among the white elite with the Apollo moon landing plan, making the Soviet Union and other socialist countries more hostile to Kennedy, CIA Director Hoover was dissatisfied with Kennedy that Kennedy would withdraw troops from Vietnam, touching the end of arms dealers' interests

Kennedy also offended a huge power institution - the Federal Reserve, at that time Kennedy was very dissatisfied with some of the Fed's practices, he thought that the Fed was wearing away the integrity of the United States a little bit, for this reason, Kennedy advertised that the dollar will return to the gold standard, but once the dollar returns to the gold standard, this will make many Fed big guys lose a lot of money in an instant, Kennedy moved the cheese of the financial big guys, the financial big guys of course hate him very much.

In fact, the Kennedy family is not only assassinated, after him, there are many members of the family also suffered assassination, for this reason the United States has a new curse "Kennedy family curse"; but according to Kennedy's governing measures and related achievements, president Kennedy's assassination may be hidden behind the arms, intelligence community of power figures planning and promotion.

Why was U.S. President John F. Kennedy assassinated? What is hidden behind the assassination of the murderer President Kennedy in Texas, and how many people were offended by the assassination of President Kennedy during the assassination? Kennedy's struggle for a large amount of power for blacks caused dissatisfaction among the white elite with the Apollo moon landing plan, making the Soviet Union and other socialist countries more hostile to Kennedy, CIA Director Hoover was dissatisfied with Kennedy that Kennedy would withdraw troops from Vietnam, touching the end of arms dealers' interests

After Kennedy's death, his nemesis Johnson immediately succeeded him, and Johnson's relationship with arms dealers, intelligence agencies, and the Federal Reserve was excellent, so Johnson may have a certain connection in this murder case, so from the analysis of these things, we find that President Kennedy's assassination is not so simple.

From the Kennedy assassination case, we can see that the president of the United States is behind the political groups, large consortiums, large real estate developers, large arms dealers and other different interest groups, the reason why the president of the United States can be elected is the result of the game of these forces behind them, and the president elected is the first to serve them, when the president violates their interests, there is no doubt that they must step down or be eliminated.

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