
The Kennedy Assassination Report was released in 2038, Agent Hill: 6 seconds recalled a million times 01 Kennedy Profile 02 The assassination went through 03 Suspect 04 Various speculations

author:Ten Mile Osmanthus read history

A few days ago wrote an article on the mystery of Stalin's death, only to see a lot of comments in the comment area, at that time it was quite confusing, many people put the Beria in the text, pulled to the game ultraman, but also said quite mysterious, to be honest I never play games, this is really a bit of a surprise Ha.

Today, let's continue to talk about the mystery of the death of celebrities, and talk about Kennedy in American history.

John F. Kennedy, the 35th president of the United States, grew up in a wealthy family with nine siblings, the second oldest. After graduating from college, Kennedy enrolled in Harvard Law School to study law, and then entered politics as a senator.

At the end of 1960, Kennedy was elected president. At that time, the prevailing sentiment in the United States was bold and inspiring, encouraging people to achieve great and noble goals.

In his inaugural address to the president, he said a very classic sentence:

"Compatriots, please do not ask what the motherland can do for you, but ask yourself what you can do for the motherland."
The Kennedy Assassination Report was released in 2038, Agent Hill: 6 seconds recalled a million times 01 Kennedy Profile 02 The assassination went through 03 Suspect 04 Various speculations

For Americans, Kennedy was a brilliant, charismatic man who painted vivid pictures of how to change the world, explore outer space, achieve equality, and eradicate poverty.

His ideas had a great influence on the formation of the worldview of many young people, such as Jobs and Dalio, and many young people began a spiritual journey.

Kennedy was deeply loved by the American people and became a symbol of the American spirit at that time.

At that time, compared with other countries, the United States was at its peak: the total economy accounted for 40% of the world's total, the dollar was the global currency, and the United States was the dominant military power.

During Kennedy's administration, he proposed many reforms, and by the end of 1963, the U.S. gross national product had grown by 16.3 percent.

Just when Kennedy was full of spirits, misfortune came.

In November 1963, in order to reconcile partisan divisions in Texas, Kennedy traveled to Dallas, Texas, with his wife, Jacqueline. Dallas is the second largest city in the state, but the law and order is very chaotic, because the gap between rich and poor is large, racial conflicts are serious, and there are many chaotic incidents.

Beginning, the Kennedys visit san antonio and Houston, and check into the Texas hotel.

On the morning of November 22, Kennedy's plane arrived at dallas airport, and the weather was so good that hundreds of supporters were already waiting at the airport, and people cheered loudly the name of the president and his wife: "Jack! Jackie! ”

The Kennedy Assassination Report was released in 2038, Agent Hill: 6 seconds recalled a million times 01 Kennedy Profile 02 The assassination went through 03 Suspect 04 Various speculations

The Kennedys also seemed to be in a good mood, shaking hands with people. Soon, the president's motorcade left the airport and headed for the city center, arriving at the World Trade Center, where the president delivered his speech.

Next, the motorcade drove to the downtown area, and hundreds of thousands of citizens flocked to the streets to greet the president and his wife at various intersections, and the atmosphere was very warm. More and more people welcomed, and the speed of the car gradually slowed down.

At 12:28, Kennedy's motorcade left the city center and turned toward Elmon Street, speeding about 15 to 20 kilometers per hour, and was about to reach the visit center, in front of the Simmons Highway.

The Kennedy Assassination Report was released in 2038, Agent Hill: 6 seconds recalled a million times 01 Kennedy Profile 02 The assassination went through 03 Suspect 04 Various speculations

Just then, gunshots rang out, and the time was around 12:30.

Kennedy's head shook violently, and the president's wife, Jacqueline, suddenly understood what was happening, and couldn't help but panic and shouted: "No, no! She held her husband's forearm.

After the first gunshot, Agent Clint Hill climbed onto the back cover of the car and tried to block the bullet. Kennedy raised his hand to protect his head, when the second shot rang out again, and Kennedy fell on Jacqueline's knee.

In a panic, Jacqueline tried to climb onto the back cover of the car and reach for a blasted skull. Agent Hill, fearing she's falling out of the car, wants to push her back into her seat. Texas Governor John Connery was also hit.

The Kennedy Assassination Report was released in 2038, Agent Hill: 6 seconds recalled a million times 01 Kennedy Profile 02 The assassination went through 03 Suspect 04 Various speculations

Hill climbed onto the back cover of the car and tried to block the bullet

Ten minutes after Kennedy's assassination, CBS released the news to the nation, and more than an hour later, it interjected the news of Kennedy's death to a nationwide audience.

For a time, the whole United States was in a state of solemnity, and the whole country was grieving.

That afternoon, Vice President Lyndon Johnson sworn in as the 36th president aboard Air Force One, with Mrs. Kennedy on Johnson's side.

The Kennedy Assassination Report was released in 2038, Agent Hill: 6 seconds recalled a million times 01 Kennedy Profile 02 The assassination went through 03 Suspect 04 Various speculations

Johnson was sworn in on Air Force One

On November 25, Americans watched the president's funeral in front of the television set with grief, and a 10,000-year-old torch was placed in front of Kennedy's grave, symbolizing that the Kennedy spirit will never be extinguished.

So who are the Assassins?

Immediately after the president was stabbed, witnesses provided clues to police, saying the gunshots came from the sixth floor of the warehouse building next to it. It turned out that the Assassin was Oswald, who was hiding in a warehouse where school books were stored, and through a window on the 6th floor, shot and killed Kennedy, who was passing by.

The Kennedy Assassination Report was released in 2038, Agent Hill: 6 seconds recalled a million times 01 Kennedy Profile 02 The assassination went through 03 Suspect 04 Various speculations

Oswald left quickly after the shooting and took the bus back to the residence. When he went out again, he encountered the patrolman, and eventually he shot the patrolman with a pistol and fled to the nearby Texas Theater.

At 13:50 that afternoon, Oswald was arrested.

Born in New Orleans in 1939, Oswald was a former U.S. Marine Gunner who lived in the Soviet Union and publicly declared his soviet citizenship.

On November 24, Oswald was about to be transferred to prison, and television news relayed the situation.

On November 25, the Dallas Police Department was preparing to escort him to the county jail, and when Oswald was taken out to the prison cart, a man suddenly stepped out of the crowd and shot him in full view.

The Kennedy Assassination Report was released in 2038, Agent Hill: 6 seconds recalled a million times 01 Kennedy Profile 02 The assassination went through 03 Suspect 04 Various speculations

This man was named Jack Ruby and was a hotel owner. He claimed to have done so out of frustration and anger over Kennedy's assassination. At the time, the ABC was reporting on the deportation of the offender and unexpectedly "live- it" the scene.

Did it happen strangely?

Investigating Kennedy's assassination was the Warren Commission. After investigation, the Assassins fired a total of 3 bullets at the time of the crime, the first hitting the President's back, the second hitting Governor Connery, and the third hitting the President directly in the head.

But how many bullets it was, it is very controversial, according to the gunshot wound many people think that it is four bullets, if it is really four, it is a group crime, and one person escaped.

The Kennedy Assassination Report was released in 2038, Agent Hill: 6 seconds recalled a million times 01 Kennedy Profile 02 The assassination went through 03 Suspect 04 Various speculations

But the final conclusion of the investigative committee was that Oswald's assassination of Kennedy was an act of personal action, that there was no domestic organization or conspiracy by foreign forces, and that the behavior of the hotel owner Ruby was also a personal act, and there was no connection between them.

However, at that time, the public opinion circle was not convinced, since the assassination of Kennedy, some people have constantly raised doubts and statements about the assassination of the president, mainly the following three.

The first is the theory of a palace coup.

Kennedy and the vice president have always been at odds with passers-by, and in his early presidential campaign, Johnson's supporters threatened that Kennedy would not live to the end of his first term.

After Kennedy was elected, the relationship between the two remained tense. Therefore, some people suspect that Johnson has great suspicions, and some people think that Johnson was forced to the end of the road and had to take risks.

Johnson's mistress Brown once broke the news in a magazine that the assassination of Kennedy was paid for by a Texas oil tycoon and specifically planned and directed by Johnson.

Some businessmen disclosed Kennedy's reform policies, which greatly damaged the interests of Texas business groups.

The Kennedy Assassination Report was released in 2038, Agent Hill: 6 seconds recalled a million times 01 Kennedy Profile 02 The assassination went through 03 Suspect 04 Various speculations

This can be found in some books such as currency wars.

In addition, Nixon has repeatedly told his personal assistants and secretaries that he is convinced that the person behind Kennedy's murder was his successor, Lyndon Johnson.

At one point, Nixon told his personal assistant,

"The difference between me and Lyndon Johnson is that while we both want to be president, I'm not killing anyone for it."

The second is the theory of revenge by foreign forces.

In 1955, the CIA supported Diệm Dinh Yan as president of South Vietnam, but then the Diệm clique carried out heinous brutal rule, which caused strong dissatisfaction and accusations at home and abroad.

Kennedy warned Diệm, but the other side ignored it, so the United States planned a military coup d'état in South Vietnam, in which Diệm was killed. Therefore, some people believe that the assassination of Kennedy was a revenge by South Vietnam, an action planned by Ngo Dinh Yan's Yu Party.

The third is the Soviet KGB said.

Oswald was a Former Soviet agent, and his uncle was a senior Soviet intelligence officer, so it is likely that the KGB bribed Oswald to plan the assassination.

Some people speculate that the US Commission of Inquiry did not reveal the truth because it was worried that anti-Soviet sentiment throughout the United States would trigger a new world war.

In 1963, successor President Johnson claimed that the Warren Report investigating the incident was sealed and would be made public in 2038.

All in all, Kennedy's assassination has left too many mysteries for future generations, many people are exploring the truth, and many books about this incident have come out.

For example, "Triangle of Death", "Doomsday: The Assassination of John F. Kennedy", etc., and "Kennedy Details", published in 2010 by a number of retired American agents.

Agent Hill, who was once at the scene of the assassination, wrote in the preface:

"Everyone involved in writing has recalled that short 6 seconds millions of times. For the rest of their lives, they will forever be associated with the assassination and will be questioned and condemned for failing to complete their mission. ”

In addition, it is worth mentioning that Kennedy's widow, Jacqueline, at the age of 39, married a Rich Man in Greece over sixty, that is, the Greek ship king billionaire Aristotle Onassis, and her remarriage broke the heart of Americans.

The Kennedy Assassination Report was released in 2038, Agent Hill: 6 seconds recalled a million times 01 Kennedy Profile 02 The assassination went through 03 Suspect 04 Various speculations

Americans think it's really a tyrannical thing, how can a model wife marry a little old man covered in copper?

What is the reason, everyone has speculated. Perhaps to escape the Kennedy family's doom, Kennedy's younger brother was also assassinated in 1968 while running for president.

If you think I'm writing pretty well, please give it a thumbs up.

Text: Ten Mile Osmanthus (Follow me and tell you more interesting historical stories.) )

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