
It is time to eat crab in autumn, the meat is tender, so fried a plate is delicious, more delicious than spicy crab


#Food Inspector ##秋日时令美味 #

It is time to eat crab in autumn, the meat is tender, so fried a plate is delicious, more delicious than spicy crab

Hairy crab fried rice cake

"Autumn wind, crab feet itch", the most important thing to miss in the autumn of October is the hairy crab, Su Dongpo once wrote "I hope there are crabs without prison state", only hairy crabs to eat, officials can be improper. Now is the most fat time for hairy crabs, a good friend introduced me to buy a gift box of hairy crabs in Su Crab Pavilion, I have done steamed hairy crabs and hairy crab health pots, these hairy crabs are large and small are a lot of crab paste, eating sweet aftertaste is endless. 6 hairy crabs are still 2 left in the refrigerator to save, yesterday afternoon I took it out of the refrigerator, these two crabs are still full of vitality, share the method of this preservation, hairy crabs put in the refrigerator's cold room, covered with a wet towel to preserve, preservation for 3 days is still vigorous. Can you keep it for a longer time, I would like to say that the delicious hairy crab is full of food.

It is time to eat crab in autumn, the meat is tender, so fried a plate is delicious, more delicious than spicy crab

Hairy crab the most original way to eat is steaming, in Jiangsu and Zhejiang with a famous dish pike crab fried rice cake, rice cake is used in Jiangsu and Zhejiang flake rice cake, I went to Jiangsu and Zhejiang tourism tasted pike crab fried rice cake, crab and rice cake these two looks unrelated ingredients with the unexpected collision spark, crab delicious and rice cake soft glutinous together is very harmonious, eat once can never forget this delicious. I don't have pike crab only hairy crab, I tried to use this hairy crab fried rice cake, used Korean rice cake strips and Korean hot sauce, so that the fried rice cake and hairy crab is a little spicy and a little sweet, suck enough hairy crab and sauce rice cake is too delicious, I fried a full plate, eat a plate is not enough.

It is time to eat crab in autumn, the meat is tender, so fried a plate is delicious, more delicious than spicy crab

【Ingredients】2 hairy crabs, 500 grams of rice cake, 20 grams of ginger, 2 cloves of garlic, 2 green onions, 2 spoons of cooking wine,

3 scoops of Korean hot sauce, 1 scoop of light soy sauce, starch to taste.


1 First soak the hairy crab in cooking wine and salt, so that you can remove the fishiness, and use a brush to brush the hairy crab to get both sides and double tongs. If the hairy crab is more ferocious, use the pliers to knock the hairy crab and knock on the hairy crab's pliers and belly cap.

It is time to eat crab in autumn, the meat is tender, so fried a plate is delicious, more delicious than spicy crab

2 Open the belly cap of the hairy crab, clean the gills and fluff of the belly cap of the hairy crab, etc., and scrape the crab claws with a knife to shoot cracks.

It is time to eat crab in autumn, the meat is tender, so fried a plate is delicious, more delicious than spicy crab

3 Remove the lid off the back of the hairy crab, where there are only fluff and excrement.

It is time to eat crab in autumn, the meat is tender, so fried a plate is delicious, more delicious than spicy crab

4 After the hairy crabs are cleaned, chop two pieces of each hairy crab.

It is time to eat crab in autumn, the meat is tender, so fried a plate is delicious, more delicious than spicy crab

5 Hairy crabs have crab yellow parts dipped in starch.

It is time to eat crab in autumn, the meat is tender, so fried a plate is delicious, more delicious than spicy crab

6 Prepare ginger garlic and green onion, as well as Korean hot sauce and light soy sauce.

It is time to eat crab in autumn, the meat is tender, so fried a plate is delicious, more delicious than spicy crab

7 Rice cake strips made of Korean-style rice cakes are small and easy to absorb the sauce and crab flavor.

It is time to eat crab in autumn, the meat is tender, so fried a plate is delicious, more delicious than spicy crab

8 Use the Cartmark star anise frying pan, non-stick, fried rice cake is more convenient, put some oil in the wok, put the crab yellow part in the oil and fry it.

It is time to eat crab in autumn, the meat is tender, so fried a plate is delicious, more delicious than spicy crab

9 Fry the starchy parts and stir-fry the hairy crabs.

It is time to eat crab in autumn, the meat is tender, so fried a plate is delicious, more delicious than spicy crab

10 Sauté the ginger and garlic in the remaining oil.

It is time to eat crab in autumn, the meat is tender, so fried a plate is delicious, more delicious than spicy crab

11 Add the fried crab and stir-fry.

It is time to eat crab in autumn, the meat is tender, so fried a plate is delicious, more delicious than spicy crab

12 Add The Korean hot sauce and soy sauce and stir-fry.

It is time to eat crab in autumn, the meat is tender, so fried a plate is delicious, more delicious than spicy crab

13 Add 1 bowl of water and boil the hairy crabs.

It is time to eat crab in autumn, the meat is tender, so fried a plate is delicious, more delicious than spicy crab

14 Cook the rice cakes in another pot, bring to a boil and rinse with cool water.

It is time to eat crab in autumn, the meat is tender, so fried a plate is delicious, more delicious than spicy crab

15 After the hairy crab is boiled, add the rice cake strips and stir-fry well, cover the lid and simmer for a while, wait for the rice cake to absorb the sauce, collect the juice on high heat, and sprinkle with green onions.

It is time to eat crab in autumn, the meat is tender, so fried a plate is delicious, more delicious than spicy crab

To sum up the hairy crab fried rice cake with high quality hairy crab, crab yellow is very good to eat, using Korean hot sauce as a seasoning, Korean hot sauce sweet and spicy taste, will not be very spicy, and there is a soft sticky rice cake strips, hairy crab fried rice cake is more delicious than spicy crab, both as a dish and can be used as a staple food, here is the portion of 2 people.

I hope you like hairy crab fried rice cake, welcome to leave a message and communicate with me.

It is time to eat crab in autumn, the meat is tender, so fried a plate is delicious, more delicious than spicy crab

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