
4 years ago the mother's age was 4 times that of the daughter, and after 4 years, the two were 51 years old in total. The changing age and the solution of the problem are the same

author:Teacher Wang of yixuetang

First answer: 4 years ago my mother was 28 years old. This is the age and related question type. I am Teacher Wang, focusing on primary school mathematics! The age difference between the two people is unchanged, but the age and age change over time. Therefore, according to the age and change of the law to transform the question into a and times the problem. Here's my problem-solving strategy.

"4 years ago the mother was 4 times the age of the daughter, and in 4 years, the mother and daughter are 51 years old. How old was Mom 4 years ago? ”

Change in age and number of people = change in the number of years ×.

4 years ago the mother's age was 4 times that of the daughter, and after 4 years, the two were 51 years old in total. The changing age and the solution of the problem are the same

Age and change are: (4 + 4) × 2 = 16 years old

→ The sum of the age of mother and daughter 4 years ago was: 51-16 = 35 years old

Four years ago the mother was four times the age of the daughter.

And times the problem, the solution diagram is as follows

4 years ago the mother's age was 4 times that of the daughter, and after 4 years, the two were 51 years old in total. The changing age and the solution of the problem are the same

Set the age of the daughter to 1 and the age of the mother to 4

1 serving + 4 servings = 35 years old

The age of the daughter was 35 years old ÷ 5 = 7 years old

4 years ago, the mother's age was: 7× 4 = 28 years old.

Solve it!

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4 years ago the mother's age was 4 times that of the daughter, and after 4 years, the two were 51 years old in total. The changing age and the solution of the problem are the same

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