
Three elementary school students picked up babies on the side of the road and handed them to the police uncle and took turns to carry them to the police station

author:Red Star News

On June 22, three second-grade elementary school students at Xinmin Primary School in Yuexi County, Liangshan Prefecture, Sichuan Province, were on their way home from school when they found a 5- or 6-month-old baby sleeping on the side of the road.

When they looked around and saw that there were no adults, they rushed forward to find out, but the baby began to cry hard. They suspected that the baby might be hungry and fed the milk from the school to the baby.

Three elementary school students picked up babies on the side of the road and handed them to the police uncle and took turns to carry them to the police station

Subsequently, they picked up the baby and walked from the school to the gate of the Xinmin police station in Yuexi County in the form of relay, and Deng Long, the deputy director of the police station who had just returned from a plainclothes mission, found that the 3 primary school students were holding the baby and wandering at the gate, so they went forward and asked: "Children! Did you encounter anything? The 3 "little clever" turned their backs and muttered, "He doesn't have a police uniform, he's not a policeman, you can't tell him!" ”

Deng Long reacted, smiled and said, "If you want to find a police uncle, go inside, there are many police uniforms in the hall!" The children dragged one by one, and finally walked into the police station to find the police on duty and told them their intentions: "Uncle! We want to help him find his mother. The childish but resolute voice burned the hearts of the police and the masses present.

Three elementary school students picked up babies on the side of the road and handed them to the police uncle and took turns to carry them to the police station

Deng Long then changed into a police uniform and drove into a police car, taking the children along Xinmin Street, all the way to inquire, and finally asked the mother who was looking for the child on the street, Deng Long verified that the identity information was correct, sent the child back to the mother's hands, and the 3 primary school students finally breathed a sigh of relief. Later, the mother bought 3 toy water guns and asked the Xinmin police station to thank the 3 elementary school students on their behalf.

According to the police, the baby is only 5 or 6 months old, the baby's father quarreled with his wife after getting drunk that day, and took advantage of the wife's sleep break, drunk to take the child away, and then put it on the side of the road, "the child's father woke up, but also regretted." ”

To this end, the director of the Xinmin police station came forward to praise the three children at the school meeting, and also issued a certificate of "seeing righteousness and courage" to encourage them.

Zhu Qi Red Star News reporter Jiang Long photo report

Edited by Zhang Chao

Three elementary school students picked up babies on the side of the road and handed them to the police uncle and took turns to carry them to the police station

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