
Emperor Yang Jian of sui: A low-key and great emperor who has been forgotten ended the war and established a perfect political system to unify the world

author:History of Poplar Studies

In the entire ancient history of China, there are more than four hundred emperors, some of whom have been exiled for hundreds of generations, and some who have been spitting for thousands of years, no matter what future generations say, they are the supreme rulers of that era after all.

When it comes to the emperors of ancient China, people may be most familiar with qin shi huang, Han Gaozu, han wudi, tang taizong, kangxi qianlong and other emperors with a large number of fans.

Compared with the Qin Emperor Han Wu, there was an emperor whose exploits were not below them, but because his existence was too short, people only remembered his son's absurdity, but forgot his Wenzhi martial arts.

He was the founding emperor of the Sui Dynasty, The Sui Wen Emperor Yang Jian. The Sui Dynasty (581-618) was a short-lived dynasty that only existed for more than thirty years, but it was this short-lived dynasty that made great contributions to Chinese history, and its founding emperor Yang Jian was an emperor of all ages.

Emperor Yang Jian of sui: A low-key and great emperor who has been forgotten ended the war and established a perfect political system to unify the world

Since the fall of the Han Dynasty, China has been caught in the situation of the division of princes and warlords, and has experienced the Three Kingdoms of Wei and Jin, the Southern and Northern Dynasties, and the division of the entire north and south of China has lasted for hundreds of years.

Emperor Wen of Sui (541-604), a native of Huayin, Hongnong Commandery (present-day Huayin, Shaanxi), was born into an aristocratic family, whose family was a high-ranking official of Northern Zhou, and after the death of his father Yang Zhong, the 27-year-old Yang Jian inherited his father's title, and he himself looked like a talented man, both literary and martial.

In the "History of the North", it is recorded: "Emperor Kaomei has a beard, seven feet and eight inches in length, a magnificent appearance, and a superb martial art; he has a deep knowledge and a strategy of generalship." ”

After the untimely death of Emperor Yuwen Yong of Northern Zhou, the successor Emperor Xuan of Northern Zhou, Yuwen Yun, was extravagant, drunk, and politically corrupt, and was the most empress in history, and had five empresses at the same time, of which Empress Tianyuan was Yang Jian's eldest daughter, Yang Lihua.

During the reign of Emperor Xuan of Northern Zhou, Yang Jian, together with Liu Fang, Zheng Yi and other foreign relatives, gradually took charge of state affairs, and in 581 AD, Emperor Jing of Northern Zhou gave way to Emperor Yanjian, and Yang Jian ascended the throne as emperor for Emperor Wen of Sui, with the state name Sui, and the capital daxingcheng (present-day Xi'an), and Northern Zhou fell.

It is a very meaningful thing that China's nearly 300-year-long division has come to an end, and Emperor Wen of Sui is also the second emperor in China besides Qin Shi Huang to end the chaos and unify the whole country.

Emperor Yang Jian of sui: A low-key and great emperor who has been forgotten ended the war and established a perfect political system to unify the world

The Sui Dynasty inherited the Southern and Northern Dynasties in history and the Tang Dynasty in the lower, and it can be said that without the Sui Dynasty, there would be no later Tang Dynasty, and Emperor Wen of Sui himself was a rare Ming Emperor.

He was diligent in government and loved the people, diligent and thrifty, and his virtues were all of the highest quality, never working hard to satisfy his own desires, so that the people who had experienced hundreds of years of war and chaos could rest and recuperate.

After the establishment of the Sui Dynasty, Emperor Wen of Sui implemented a very important political initiative to establish a three-province and six-part system. The state power is divided into Neishi Province, Menxia Province, and Shangshu Province, and there are six departments under Shangshu Province, including the Bureaucracy Department, the Ceremonial Department, the Military Department, the Punishment Department, the Ministry of Works, and the Household Department.

Emperor Yang Jian of sui: A low-key and great emperor who has been forgotten ended the war and established a perfect political system to unify the world

The three provinces and six ministries have a clear division of labor, mutual restraint, and mutual supervision, marking the formation of a complete and complete bureaucratic system in China, and further promoting the development of the feudal system to a more mature stage.

Since Emperor Wen of Sui formulated these three provinces and six ministries, this system continued until the Qing Dynasty and played a major role in the entire feudal society of our country.

Before the Sui Dynasty, the inspection system was practiced until the later Jiupin Zhongzheng system, and these systems were completely based on the interests of the established Door Valve clan, and it was difficult for ordinary people to have a head start.

Emperor Wen of Sui set up a system of examinations, which recruited talents regardless of class, gave the lower social classes great opportunities, and also cultivated a large number of talents for the country and enhanced the mobility of the class.

Emperor Yang Jian of sui: A low-key and great emperor who has been forgotten ended the war and established a perfect political system to unify the world

The influence of the imperial examination system was far-reaching, and it has been running through the entire feudal society that followed, and this system has been implemented in China for more than 1300 years, becoming a unique system of electing officials in China's history.

In addition, Emperor Wen of Sui also implemented the equalization system, built granaries throughout the country, reformed the national currency, and restored the social economy, at the same time, he personally practiced and advocated frugality, which raised the economic level of the Sui Dynasty to another level.

At the same time, Emperor Wen of Sui also built Daxingcheng, the largest city in the world at that time, with an area of 2.4 times that of Chang'an City in the Han Dynasty, 1.4 times that of Beijing in the Ming and Qing dynasties, 7 times larger than the capital of the Byzantine Kingdom in the same period, and 6.2 times larger than the city of Baghdad built in 800 AD.

Emperor Yang Jian of sui: A low-key and great emperor who has been forgotten ended the war and established a perfect political system to unify the world

The design and layout ideas of Daxing City have had a profound impact on the urban construction of China in later generations, as well as the urban construction of Japan and Korea.

Daxing City was the Chang'an City of the later Tang Dynasty, so there was no Daxing City of Emperor Wen of Sui and there was no Chang'an of the Tang Dynasty.

Emperor Wen of Sui was also an emotional emperor who only loved his wife Dugu Jialuo in his life, and Dugu Jialuo married Yang Jian when he was 14 years old, and the two lived together for more than forty years.

Emperor Yang Jian of sui: A low-key and great emperor who has been forgotten ended the war and established a perfect political system to unify the world

In 602, the Dugu Empress died first, and two years later Emperor Wen of Sui also left with his beloved wife, and the two were buried together with Tailing.

It is said that people, grateful for the merits of Emperor Wen of Sui, voluntarily guarded his tomb, and for more than a thousand years, generation after generation of people were still willing to guard him and be his tomb keepers.

Perhaps because the history of the Sui Dynasty was too short, or perhaps because his son, the Sui Emperor, was too faint, people's feelings about the Sui Dynasty were that it was only a short-lived tyrannical dynasty. However, it was such a short-lived dynasty, it was like a fulcrum, which uplifted the prosperity of the future millennium.

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