
Young people don't talk about "martial arts"? does not exist

author:Yangtze River Daily
Young people don't talk about "martial arts"? does not exist

The top three finishers took a group photo with the coach. Yangtze River Daily reporter Yu Zhiyong photographed

Young people don't talk about "martial arts"? does not exist

Under the watchful eye of the referee, the young players performed calmly. Yangtze River Daily reporter Yu Zhiyong photographed

Young people don't talk about "martial arts"? does not exist

A young player in a long boxing match. Yangtze River Daily reporter Yu Zhiyong photographed

Yangtze River Daily, May 22 news " young people do not talk about martial arts, rat tail juice (good for their own)", this is a phrase that was once popular on the Internet. Do people who practice martial arts in life really not talk about "martial virtue"? The Yangtze River Daily reporter saw in the Municipal Games Youth Sports Children's Martial Arts (Taolu) Competition on the 22nd that "Wude" is actually everywhere in martial arts competitions, and the team members must be majestic and angry when they enter, and they must give a fist salute to the audience and the referee after the game, and when they see coaches and elders, they must hold their fists and say hello... "Learn to be a person before learning martial arts, and the moral education function of martial arts is actually very obvious." Zhang Jiujiu, president of the Municipal Wushu Association, said.

In martial arts movies and novels, the martial arts practice process of martial arts masters generally begins with the master's "difficulty", and it is common to help the master carry water and do miscellaneous work. Zhang Jiujiu, 74, laughed and said that this was a real experience, he learned martial arts with his master when he was a child, and he had to help his master do something before practicing martial arts every day. "Master, this is to temper the disciple's mental nature, and only after the mental nature is stable can he learn martial arts." The so-called 'martial virtue' is the etiquette of benevolence and righteousness as the core in traditional Chinese culture, and learning martial arts is to learn to be a person before learning to be a person, otherwise it is impossible to practice. Zhang Jiujiu said.

Tu Nicole, a 10-year-old young player from the Jianghan District team, participated in the junior three-way long boxing competition. The little girl was angry and went on the field, holding her fist and performing the ceremony before the official game began, a set of boxing techniques for more than a minute, and the little girl's forehead was full of beads of sweat. Unable to wipe her sweat, she made a fist bump before leaving the scene quickly. Coming to the sidelines, the little girl wiped her sweat while saying: "I practiced martial arts for a year and a half, my body became healthy and powerful, and I learned martial arts etiquette, that is, respecting teachers and re-teaching, usually when I see coaches and teachers, I will take the initiative to say hello, this is the 'martial virtue' I learned." ”

Yang Zenghui, a member of the Qingshan District team, is 15 years old and has been practicing martial arts for 7 years, and in the competition on the 22nd, he won two championships of self-selected knife skills and self-selected long fists. He said that when he first started practicing martial arts, the coach let himself recite the classics about "martial arts". After practicing martial arts for so many years, when he encounters disputes, he never uses martial arts to deceive others, and he will reason with the other party. "Martial arts is a traditional culture that can strengthen the body and cultivate the body, of which self-cultivation is part of the 'martial virtue'. Speaking of 'martial arts' can improve personal qualities. Yang Zenghui said with a smile.

The Yangtze River Daily reporter met Liu Qing, the head coach of the Hubei Provincial Wushu Team, who was taking his 12-year-old daughter Liu Yingying to the competition. Speaking of "Wude", he said that this is what he values most in the process of talent selection and training. "When we select seedlings, we will first observe the character of children and parents, and those with bad character will not be given priority, because people without 'martial virtue' cannot practice martial arts." Martial arts competitions pay attention to every move and style in place, and if you are wrong, you will deduct points. People who practice martial arts usually have stricter requirements for themselves in training and life, and in the long run, 'martial virtue' is naturally formed, so after the children who practice martial arts enter the society, they not only respect the teacher and re-teach, but also standardize things in place, giving a high impression of emotional intelligence, so that such talents can more easily integrate into society. ”

Speaking of her children, Liu Qing said that her daughter began to practice martial arts with herself in kindergarten, can endure hardships in life, be helpful, especially know etiquette, and have a good reputation in school and relatives and friends.

"Martial arts sports not only exercise the body, but also have a very obvious educational function." Zhang Jiujiu said, "Wuhan now has 13 traditional martial arts schools and a large number of martial arts training institutions, hoping to promote the traditional Chinese art of martial arts among primary and secondary school students, so that more Chinese can benefit from martial arts for life." ”

(Yangtze River Daily reporter Zhu Wenxiu correspondent Xiao Hong Zhou Lixia)

【Editor: Tao Qing】

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