
The 57-year-old ankle bracelet unveiled the mystery of Fang Zhimin's remains, and the former guard Ling Fengwu personally identified: it was this anklet that found the bones of the revolutionary heroic martyrs who fell into mystery, and twenty years later, they could not bury the soul of the hero

author:Nangong Qin

On November 9, 1964, Chairman Mao placed a special letter in front of his case, which came from the Jiangxi Provincial Party Committee and was forwarded by Wang Zhuochao, vice governor of Jiangxi Province, to Wang Dongxing, director of the General Office of the Central Committee, and was finally presented to Chairman Mao.

The main content of the letter was to ask Chairman Mao for an inscription, hoping that Chairman Mao could write an inscription for the tombstone of the martyr Fang Zhimin.

Chairman Mao pondered for a long time, personally inscribed the "Tomb of Martyr Fang Zhimin" in seven big characters, sent it to Wang Dongxing, and attached a letter: "Wrote a piece, ask Comrade Wang Dongxing to transfer it, I don't know if it is available?" ”

The 57-year-old ankle bracelet unveiled the mystery of Fang Zhimin's remains, and the former guard Ling Fengwu personally identified: it was this anklet that found the bones of the revolutionary heroic martyrs who fell into mystery, and twenty years later, they could not bury the soul of the hero

After the birth of New China, Chairman Mao mentioned Fang Zhimin to his neighbors many times and recalled the life of this great martyr. Now that he has personally inscribed the tombstone for Fang Zhimin, he must also be grateful for Fang Zhimin's blood and tears and his own life for the revolution.

However, although Chairman Mao's inscription has been written, and Fang Zhimin's tomb has been built in Meiling, a suburb of Nanchang City, Jiangxi Province since 1960, although the tomb has been completed and the inscription has been completed, Fang Zhimin's remains have not been buried until 13 years later, when Fang Zhimin's bones are really buried.

In fact, until 1957, Fang Zhimin's remains had been lost for 22 years, and the central authorities even set up a Fang Zhimin remains investigation team in Jiangxi under the special instructions of Liu Shaoqi in order to recover the bones of Comrade Fang Zhimin.

The 57-year-old ankle bracelet unveiled the mystery of Fang Zhimin's remains, and the former guard Ling Fengwu personally identified: it was this anklet that found the bones of the revolutionary heroic martyrs who fell into mystery, and twenty years later, they could not bury the soul of the hero

In fact, since Fang Zhimin's death, it took a full 22 years to recover the bones of the martyrs, and it took another 20 years to be buried, and it was 42 years late that Fang Zhimin's heroic soul was truly settled.

So, why was the remains of this martyr not found until 22 years after his death, and Fang Zhimin's tomb and cemetery inscription were in place, but it was not really found until thirteen years later?

The source of all this is to recall Fang Zhimin's hard work in revolutionary neutrality, which made him still remembered by the world after his death, but also let his remains drift outside for 42 years before he could be buried and settled.

On August 21, 1899, accompanied by a loud cry, Fang Zhimin was born into a commoner family in Shangrao City, Jiangxi Province.

The 57-year-old ankle bracelet unveiled the mystery of Fang Zhimin's remains, and the former guard Ling Fengwu personally identified: it was this anklet that found the bones of the revolutionary heroic martyrs who fell into mystery, and twenty years later, they could not bury the soul of the hero

For people at that time, the birth of a boy obviously had a special significance, and the mission of passing on the generations made the boy more loved by the family, but with it came the high cost of child support.

At the age of 8, Fang Zhimin entered a private school, and before he could finish reading the Four Books and Five Classics, Fang Zhimin had to drop out of school to work as a farmer at the age of 12 to alleviate the family.'

After five years, Fang Zhimin finally found the opportunity to be admitted to the local higher primary school, and since then he has continued to improve his academic path and has been admitted to the A Industrial School. From what he did on his way to study, we can glimpse the progressive ideas of a future revolutionary.

The 57-year-old ankle bracelet unveiled the mystery of Fang Zhimin's remains, and the former guard Ling Fengwu personally identified: it was this anklet that found the bones of the revolutionary heroic martyrs who fell into mystery, and twenty years later, they could not bury the soul of the hero

During his studies at the school, Fang Zhimin organized the establishment of the "Nine District Youth Club", and later led the primary school students to carry out anti-imperialist and patriotic struggles, and when studying in higher schools, Fang Zhimin was even braver to make the first year, leading students to oppose educational corruption, seeking school reform, and finally failed, and he was expelled from school.

At that time, the youth, as the first group of people in China to wake up, truly achieved that young people should see the country, the nation, and the future, and Fang Zhimin was the best among these young people, and he insisted on seeking progress and reform from beginning to end.

It was not until 1922 that Fang Zhimin really found an organization in Shanghai. Here, he came into contact with the earliest communist parties in China, and became acquainted with Chen Duxiu, Xiang Jingyu and other important communist figures, after which Fang Zhimin really opened the revolutionary road.

The 57-year-old ankle bracelet unveiled the mystery of Fang Zhimin's remains, and the former guard Ling Fengwu personally identified: it was this anklet that found the bones of the revolutionary heroic martyrs who fell into mystery, and twenty years later, they could not bury the soul of the hero

Fang Zhimin successively published progressive books and periodicals such as "The Voice of Youth," "Inch Iron," and "Nianguan Struggle" and progressive revolutionary dramas, firing at the enemy in another important battlefield, literary ideology, so that more progressive young people could recognize and understand the ideology of the Communist Party and thus join the struggle of the Communist Party.

In addition to awakening the Chinese people in literature like Lu Xun and others, Fang Zhimin was also committed to truly participating in the front line of the revolutionary cause, he participated in the creation of the Jiangxi Party organization, led the peasants in the province to carry out the struggle, and sounded the clarion call of the autumn harvest uprising.

When he was appointed to establish a revolutionary base area, Fang Zhimin's base area was praised by Chairman Mao as a "Fang Zhimin-style" base area, and the Soviet government even called the base area under his management a "model province" in the Red Soviet Zone.

The 57-year-old ankle bracelet unveiled the mystery of Fang Zhimin's remains, and the former guard Ling Fengwu personally identified: it was this anklet that found the bones of the revolutionary heroic martyrs who fell into mystery, and twenty years later, they could not bury the soul of the hero

Recalling Fang Zhimin's life, it is not difficult for us to find that this man, who can be called Wen Ke, wrote an article to order the masses and awaken the people of the world, Wu Ke advanced seven times and retreated seven times, smashed the Kuomintang's encirclement and suppression conspiracy, and even from his outstanding performance in governing the base areas, we can also see his outstanding ability in people's livelihood.

Such an all-rounder naturally became a thorn in the eyes of the Kuomintang.

In 1934, Fang Zhimin served as the chairman of the anti-Japanese advance team of the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army going north, and led the Red Tenth Army organization to lead the party organization and armed forces in Fujian, Zhejiang, Anhui and Gansu. During the revolution, Fang Zhimin fought bravely, often taking the lead as a soldier, and even issued the slogan of "work hard to the death, struggle to the death".

In January of the following year, Fang Zhimin was captured in Yushan County, Jiangxi Province, and the Kuomintang reactionaries imprisoned him in the Nanchang Military Justice Detention Center in an attempt to corrupt the hero with sugar-coated shells, but in the end it was in vain.

The 57-year-old ankle bracelet unveiled the mystery of Fang Zhimin's remains, and the former guard Ling Fengwu personally identified: it was this anklet that found the bones of the revolutionary heroic martyrs who fell into mystery, and twenty years later, they could not bury the soul of the hero

With nothing to do, the Kuomintang used a butcher's knife and on August 6, 1935, secretly killed him in Xiashawo, Nanchang, Jiangxi Province, while Fang Zhimin was no more than thirty-six years old.

After Fang Zhimin's death, all the people in the party who heard this news wept, and his good friend and revolutionary comrade-in-arms Ye Jianying, after receiving the news of his death and the posthumous work he wrote before his death, even wrote an elegy for him: "Blood stains the southeast half of the river, and endures miracles to do miracles." Wenshan went to the south to the moon, and then illuminated QinHuai a leaf maple."

The first half of the sentence is full of Fang Zhimin's brilliant achievements, and the second half of the sentence is to compare Fang Zhimin to the composition Oftei Tianxiang, a great poet who is also proud of his bones and makes "leaving Dan's heart to take care of Khan Qing".

Fang Zhimin and Wen Tianxiang, the two of them have the same patriotic feelings and great character of being willing to die without surrendering, making Ye Jianying's comparison across time and space particularly appropriate.

Then, after Fang Zhimin's death, because he was executed by the Kuomintang, his remains have never been found, and because he was in the middle of the war at that time, the matter of recovering Fang Zhimin's bones was temporarily shelved.

The 57-year-old ankle bracelet unveiled the mystery of Fang Zhimin's remains, and the former guard Ling Fengwu personally identified: it was this anklet that found the bones of the revolutionary heroic martyrs who fell into mystery, and twenty years later, they could not bury the soul of the hero

Twenty years have passed, and in the meantime China has undergone earth-shaking changes, the Japanese invaders have been driven away, and the Reactionary Kuomintang government has been completely crushed after several battles.

When the heroes who died in the war were counted after the war, a large number of martyrs were posthumously awarded high status, but at this time, people found that Comrade Fang Zhimin had made great contributions to the revolution, but there was not even a tomb, and even the whereabouts of the bones are still unknown.

In order to let today's people not forget the deeds of their predecessors in the past, and in order to commemorate this revolutionary martyr, the central government issued a decision in 1955 to trace the remains of martyr Fang Zhimin, and under the supervision of Liu Shaoqi, Jiangxi Province set up a fang Zhimin remains investigation team to go all out to find the bones of martyrs.

However, in the process of pursuit, the investigation team encountered many difficulties, and even fell into difficulties for a while.

The 57-year-old ankle bracelet unveiled the mystery of Fang Zhimin's remains, and the former guard Ling Fengwu personally identified: it was this anklet that found the bones of the revolutionary heroic martyrs who fell into mystery, and twenty years later, they could not bury the soul of the hero

First of all, because of the age, where to start the investigation and what the direction of the investigation has become a problem.

Secondly, because Fang Zhimin's death was carried out in secret, there must have been only a few participants, and all of them were Kuomintang people, and after more than twenty years, how to find the whereabouts of these people is also a difficult problem.

With the step by step investigation, the investigation team gradually restored Fang Zhimin's death.

The Kuomintang secretly executed Fang Zhimin on August 6, 1935, after the "Celebration of The Capture of Fang Zhimin" was held in Yuzhang Park in Nanchang City in order to intimidate the revolutionaries and commoners in Jiangxi and to soften Fang Zhimin's resolve.

Later, he was tied with ankle bracelets and handcuffed to the streets to show the public, and then senior officials of the Kuomintang authorities persuaded him to surrender, and even arrested Fang Zhimin's wife to force Fang Zhimin to surrender, but none of this could make Fang Zhimin waver.

It was not until August, seeing that Fang Zhimin could not surrender, that the Kuomintang authorities really moved their hearts to kill him in The Sand Nest in Nanchang, wrapped him in a thin coffin, and buried him on the spot, while he died with anklets on his feet.

This information was all the key information collected after the investigation team reached an impasse, seeking help from the people, but the investigation team invited the cameraman responsible for shooting the scene of the execution site along these directions to dig up the sand nest scene, but it all ended in no results. Suddenly, where the bones of the martyrs were located became a doubt that troubled the hearts of many people.

The 57-year-old ankle bracelet unveiled the mystery of Fang Zhimin's remains, and the former guard Ling Fengwu personally identified: it was this anklet that found the bones of the revolutionary heroic martyrs who fell into mystery, and twenty years later, they could not bury the soul of the hero

Until 1957, when large-scale earthwork was carried out in the Xiashawo area of Nanchang, Jiangxi, the construction team found a pile of bones here, and there was a pair of anklets in it.

This news was first passed to the special investigation team, before that, the investigation team had been searching for Fang Zhimin's remains for two years but found nothing, and now the serendipity of the accident made them immediately invite a special person.

This person was The director of Ling Fengwu, who was in charge of guarding Fang Zhimin, and it was he who personally changed the chains for Fang Zhimin.

This does not mean that this person is in the company of the Kuomintang lackeys, during Fang Zhimin's imprisonment, the only thing he can contact is these guards in the prison, and under long-term contact, Ling Fengwu is also influenced by Fang Zhimin's noble character.

In order to torture Fang Zhimin, the senior Kuomintang official who was responsible for persuading him to surrender at that time specially added a pair of heaviest handcuffs and ankle chains to Fang Zhimin, but Ling Fengwu personally asked the Military Justice Department for instructions on the grounds of facilitating the work of persuasion, hoping to change Fang Zhimin's light and small anklets to reduce weight.

Therefore, after Fang Zhimin's death, the person who could recognize the ankle chain style he wore before he died must be Ling Fengwu.

Knowing that the remains of the hero he most admired finally had a whereabouts, Ling Fengwu, who was working as a rural teacher in Dongyang, Zhejiang Province, rushed to Nanchang. The next day, accompanied by Fang Zhimin's widow and the members of the investigation team, Ling Fengwu arrived in Xiashawo for on-the-spot verification.

Ling Fengwu carefully picked up the martyr's foot bones, first gently tossed the weight, and then brushed away the sand on it, and after careful proofreading, he shouted: "This is the anklet."

The 57-year-old ankle bracelet unveiled the mystery of Fang Zhimin's remains, and the former guard Ling Fengwu personally identified: it was this anklet that found the bones of the revolutionary heroic martyrs who fell into mystery, and twenty years later, they could not bury the soul of the hero

After 22 years, Fang Zhimin's only nine remaining bones have finally been found, and the bones of the martyr can finally return to their hometown and be stabilized.

However, from 1960, the construction of Fang Zhimin's tomb began, until 1964, Fang Zhimin's tomb was completed, chairman Mao even wrote "Fang Zhimin Martyr's Tomb", Fang Zhimin's remains still failed to land as safety, has been stored in the Jiangxi Provincial Public Security Department Forensic Department. It was not until 1977 that Fang Zhimin's remains were buried.

The various waves in this are due to the arrival of the special era, resulting in Fang Zhimin's tomb being ignored. It was not until 1960 that the construction of Fang Zhimin's cemetery officially began to plan, but due to the subsequent impact, the process was also delayed indefinitely.

The 57-year-old ankle bracelet unveiled the mystery of Fang Zhimin's remains, and the former guard Ling Fengwu personally identified: it was this anklet that found the bones of the revolutionary heroic martyrs who fell into mystery, and twenty years later, they could not bury the soul of the hero

Until Chairman Mao's inscription in 1964, the Jiangxi provincial government had planned to lay the tomb of the martyr the following year. However, at this time, another storm was ushered in, so that the work of the martyrs to go to the tomb was once again postponed indefinitely.

During this period, in order to protect Fang Zhimin's remains, Zhang Weina of the Forensic Medical Department was assigned to take care of the bones of martyrs, during which Zhang Weina repeatedly covered up and protected Fang Zhimin's bones, and he regarded the protection of martyrs' bones as his lofty mission, for which he did not hesitate to sacrifice everything.

During the protection of the bones, Zhang Weina encountered gangsters several times to smash them, and even later he had to tear off the name of "Fang Zhimin Martyr's Remains" and hide it in a seemingly unrestricted writing desk.

The 57-year-old ankle bracelet unveiled the mystery of Fang Zhimin's remains, and the former guard Ling Fengwu personally identified: it was this anklet that found the bones of the revolutionary heroic martyrs who fell into mystery, and twenty years later, they could not bury the soul of the hero

This incident has lasted for more than a decade, and Zhang Weina is also like a guard, vowing to guard the bones of martyrs to the death.

In May 1977, the Jiangxi Provincial Party Committee opened a special issue, the main content of which was the burial of the martyr Fang Zhimin and the creation of the script of "Fang Zhimin", and Fang Zhimin's widow Miao Min was very excited when she heard the news.

However, at this time, Miao Min's physical condition was already extremely poor, she did not know whether she had a chance to wait until the day when her husband was buried, she entrusted her daughter, she had written a script describing her husband's life in 1956, and she must further improve it and cooperate with the provincial party committee to put it on the silver screen.

She herself, however, could not wait for her husband to be buried, and pursued her husband on July 9. Ms. Miao's last wish, Fang Zhimin's daughter participated in the creation of "Blood Fertile China" as a screenwriter to describe Fang Zhimin's life. The previous wish was fulfilled on August 6 of the same year.

The 57-year-old ankle bracelet unveiled the mystery of Fang Zhimin's remains, and the former guard Ling Fengwu personally identified: it was this anklet that found the bones of the revolutionary heroic martyrs who fell into mystery, and twenty years later, they could not bury the soul of the hero

On August 6, 1977, the belated funeral of martyr Fang Zhimin was finally held as scheduled. Zhang Weina, who had preserved the bones of the martyr for more than 20 years, solemnly took out the bone box and transferred Fang Zhimin's nine bones to the Han white jade coffin.

Under the protection of relatives and thousands of people, the hearse of martyr Fang Zhimin slowly walked to the cemetery, and after forty-two years, the remains of martyr Fang Zhimin finally returned to his hometown and was buried in peace.

"Qingshan has the honor of burying loyal bones, and the remnant moon silently illuminates the soul of the hero", Fang Zhimin's remains were buried for forty-two years ago, behind which is a special background of the times, but in the forty-two years after his death, thousands of people sent each other away, and even to this day, Fang Zhimin Martyr Cemetery is still an important base for patriotic education. It can be seen that the hero deserves and must be immortal.

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