
Famous Quotes: Classic quotes from the Semi-autobiographical novel "Farewell to Weapons" by American writer Hemingway

author:The most beautiful poetry and painting

A farewell to arms, also known as "Spring Dreams on the Battlefield," is a semi-autobiographical novel written by the American writer Ernest Hemingway in 1929. In concise language, Hemingway criticized the absurdity, nothingness and irrationality of war, using the First World War as a backdrop.

Famous Quotes: Classic quotes from the Semi-autobiographical novel "Farewell to Weapons" by American writer Hemingway

Hemingway's "Farewell to weapons"

1, love is a game, like playing bridge. But this is not playing cards, but calling cards. Like bridge, you have to pretend that you're gambling money or for something else. No one brought up what the bet was.

2, life always makes us bruised, but later, those wounded places will become our strongest places.

3, people who love each other should not quarrel. Because they are only two people, and it is the whole world that is against them. As soon as they have a diaphragm, the world conquers it.

4) As soon as you have love, you will want to do something for the other person. You want to sacrifice yourself, you want to serve.

5. Although men and women love each other, they often want to be alone and quiet, and when they are separated, they will inevitably attract the suspicion of the other party.

Famous Quotes: Classic quotes from the Semi-autobiographical novel "Farewell to Weapons" by American writer Hemingway

6, the world kills the kindest people, the gentlest people, the bravest people, impartial, all treated.

7, drunk at night in bed, experienced that life is only drunk, wake up with a strange excitement, do not know who the poor is sleeping with. In the darkness, the world seems so unreal and so exciting that you have to pretend to be demented again and think that's all there is to it.

8. I have observed for a long time in the war, and I have not seen the so-called sacred, glorious things. The so-called sacrifice, it is like the slaughterhouse of Chicago. It's just that the slaughtered meat here is not put into canning, but buried on the spot.

9、all thinking men are atheists. All thinkers are atheists.

10, we are born with what is what is, never need to learn anything, we never absorb anything new.

Famous Quotes: Classic quotes from the Semi-autobiographical novel "Farewell to Weapons" by American writer Hemingway

11) There is a ruling class in a country that is stupid, who does not understand anything and will never understand. That's how wars are fought.

12, next to the house planted a wisteria, purple rich. The house has a fountain and a walled garden with many trees planted in the garden, which is lush and shaded.

13, that is like saying goodbye to the stone statue. After a while, I walked out, left the hospital, and braved the rain to walk back to the hotel.

14. The plain is full of festivities, and the continuous crops and numerous orchards present a harvest scene, which is very different from the bare mountains at the end of the plain. Fighting was taking place between the peaks, and even at night, the fighting was still going on, and we could clearly see the light of the artillery fire on the mountain. This scene is like lightning in the summer sky, except that the coolness of the night is not like the sweltering heat before the thunderstorm.

15 After that, I returned to the town. A friend and I sat in the brothel dedicated to entertaining officers, sipping Asti's white wine and looking out the window at the falling snowflakes, and we knew that this year's war was coming to an end.

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