
Chen Jianguo interprets the Jingfang Huanglian Soup

author:TCM big fish

Since this is the first time I have published a text here to interpret the scriptures, I will say a few more words before I start.

Today's research in Chinese medicine is often limited to what formula to treat a disease, or what kind of disease can be treated by a formula, which is probably the result of more influence from Western thinking.

However, in the Yellow Emperor's Inner Classic, it is said that "all the internal organs are coughing, not only the lungs", which means that the symptoms of a cough can be seen in almost all kinds of situations, and almost all the formulas have the opportunity to treat cough. Similarly, a good recipe has the opportunity to be applied to almost all diseases.

As long as the clinical application is appropriate, there are miracles! Moreover, we often see the sages of Chinese medicine apply these formulas to the mysterious, and even the application is incredible! The reason why they find it incredible is that their application of these formulas is often beyond the general understanding and understanding of this formula, and often beyond the description in the Zhongjing book.

Why? The reason is that although the squares are there, we don't understand them. Why haven't we understood? The reason is that our understanding of TCM classics is not enough, and we do not pay enough attention to TCM classics.

Huanglian Soup is a prescription that I commonly use in my clinical practice, and it is also a formula that I have constantly experienced and verified. Clinical application of this formula for the treatment of chronic gastritis, diarrhea, insomnia, etc., almost no hand-to-hand effect.

At the 2018 Academic Annual Meeting of the Zhongjing Theory Professional Committee of the Beijing Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine yesterday, Mr. Hu Tianbao from Qujing, Yunnan Province, also shared the extensive clinical application of this side, especially the experience and understanding of this side was also briefly elaborated, which also inspired me a lot.

Mr. Hu Tianbao's application of Huanglian soup to treat diabetes has achieved very good results, which has caused a lot of repercussions from the delegates, but from the feedback of the atmosphere on the spot, more people are still at a loss for such a wide range of applications. Then, I will come with you to interpret the huanglian soup formula, which will be of some help to everyone.

Chen Jianguo interprets the Jingfang Huanglian Soup

Before interpreting, two principles should be emphasized, the first of which is to have a basic understanding of the efficiency and reproducibility of the Economic Side. Each side of the jingfang is designed for a disease machine, for this disease machine, Zhongjing is often described by a set of symptoms, a pulse or six dialectics, of course, some are directly interpreted by the disease machine.

Therefore, behind each of the jingfang's fangs, there is a kind of disease machine, and there is a solution to this disease machine, so learning an efficient side, for us, the harvest is multifaceted. The second principle, the code for interpreting the Jingfang, is in the Zhongjing Book, in the thinking of the classics of Chinese medicine, there is no other choice, otherwise it is often easy to go farther and farther away from the original meaning of the ancients.

Let's get to the point.

Huang Liantang comes from Article 173 of the Treatise on Typhoid Fever, the original text is:

Typhoid fever, heat in the chest, evil qi in the stomach, pain in the abdomen, those who want to vomit, Huang Lian Tang Lord.

Huang Lian San two, licorice three two, hot, dried ginger three two, guizhi three two, peeled, ginseng two two, half a summer half liter, washed, jujube twelve pieces, kneaded

Right seven flavors, take a bucket of water, boil six liters, go to the bottom. Warm, three days and two nights.

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The original text is to the effect that the patient's initial illness is the sun disease typhoid fever, after mistreatment or postponement, the condition has changed, there is abdominal pain and vomiting symptoms, Zhongjing believes that the mechanism is that there is heat in the chest and evil qi in the stomach, then it should be treated with huanglian soup. Therefore, there are two sick mechanisms in The Huanglian Tang Certificate, one is that there is heat in the chest, and the other is that there is evil qi in the stomach. There is evil qi in the stomach, so there will be abdominal pain, but in general, there is evil qi in the stomach, which is mostly manifested as a downward interest, and the reason why it is manifested as a desire to vomit in the Huanglian soup certificate is because there is also a heat in the chest, and the evil is disturbed by heat and is prone to upward reversal, so it is manifested as a desire to vomit.

Purely from the original text and the above interpretation, patients who show abdominal pain and want to vomit in the clinic are relatively rare, so Huanglian soup has little use. If we further understand the original text of Zhongjing and combine it with clinical practice, we will find that there are many such patients.

First of all, we look at the symptoms of vomiting and the mechanism of fever in the chest, there is more than enough evidence in the chest, from the three focal points, this heat is on the focus, and this heat has an upward trend, such patients are mostly red or prone to redness, irritability, insomnia, tongue is red, accompanied by dry mouth, thirst, and such a patient's appetite is good, such a patient, in the clinic, it is difficult to cure simply by using the method of clearing heat, because he also has the evil qi in the stomach.

Through clinical observation and follow-up prescription drug analysis, it can be clear that the evil qi in the stomach is the evidence of the main treatment of guizhi in Huanglian soup, and this understanding is based on three observations in the clinic, the first is the feedback of a patient with stomach pain that "after drinking a mouthful of cool wind stomach pain"; the second is that patients with Huanglian tang basically have unilateral or bilateral inch pulse floating, and even manifest as overflow pulse; the third is that most patients with Huanglian tang syndrome have chronic rhinitis, chronic pharyngitis, recurrent cough and other manifestations, which are all evidenced by guizhi 3. The basis for the use of wind medicine.

These patients often present with abdominal chills, bad winds, easy to have painful diarrhea, and many are accompanied by chronic pharyngitis, rhinitis and so on. Therefore, there is evil qi in the stomach here, which can also be understood as having wind evil, cold and water drinking in the middle, and the main thing is the manifestation that it can be considered as "wind evil". And such evil qi in the stomach, it is easy to use the method of warmness alone to help the heat, and the method of dispersing evil is easy to drive the heat to spread.

Chen Jianguo interprets the Jingfang Huanglian Soup

If you look at the composition of the drug again, it is easier to understand. Based on the disease mechanism of heat in the chest and evil qi in the stomach, Huanglian Soup removed skullcap on the basis of half-summer laxative soup, because although skullcap can clear the heat with bitter cold, skullcap is lighter than Huanglian loose, and this heat is on the scorch, and the position of hot evil is closer than the heat of Xiao Chai Hu Soup, so it is removed, and the bitter cold and heavy Huanglian is increased, and the strength is more downward, intended to absorb heat and vent heat.

The understanding of Huanglian soup is very easy to ignore that the amount of ginseng in the half-summer laxative heart soup, ginger laxative heart soup, and licorice laxative heart soup are all three or two, while the ginseng in the huanglian soup is two or two, which is easy to ignore. However, combining this with the addition of guizhi on the basis of the half-summer laxative soup, the understanding of huanglian soup will be much deeper.

In the addition and subtraction of Xiao Chai Hu Tang, there is such a sentence as "If you are not thirsty, there is a slight heat outside, go to ginseng, add guizhi three or two, warm cover micro sweat healing", Huanglian tang in the half summer laxative heart soup on the basis of subtracting ginseng, adding guizhi, which is the same addition and subtraction method as Xiao Chai Hu Tang in the subtraction method of "go to ginseng, add guizhi", are the same addition and subtraction method of Zhongjing. The purpose of adding and subtracting small chai hu tang is to target "external slight heat" and "warm cover slight sweat healing", which shows that this micro heat is undoubtedly evidenced.

And the Huanglian soup cut from the half-summer laxative heart soup, reducing people to participate in guizhi, is also aimed at the table, but this table focuses on "evil qi in the stomach, abdominal pain", the evil gas in the stomach, is the evidence, modern medicine also has "gastrointestinal cold" clinical observation and summary.

In this way, we can experience the original text of Zhongjing and the Jingfang, we can realize that the core disease mechanism of Huanglian Soup is "there is heat in the upper focus" and "there is evil in the middle focus", although this "evil" is manifested as a symptom of the middle focus, it is a manifestation, combined with the clinic, we summarize it, and we have a perceptual understanding of the Huanglian soup certificate.

Patients with Huanglian Tang Certificate, due to the heat in the chest and the evil qi in the stomach, are often manifested as "hot and cold" as we usually understand, but they are not accurate enough. Because there is heat in the chest, such patients are often red or dark red, the tongue is red, many are accompanied by dry mouth, thirst, bitter mouth, appetite is still very good, the chest above love sweating, sleep is often not good, these people drink alcohol is easy to appear blushing and easy to vomit, which is due to heat.

Because there is both "evil gas in the stomach", that is, there is a manifestation of gastrointestinal performance, so such patients are afraid of both cold and heat, stomach is afraid of cold, prone to abdominal pain and diarrhea, cold is easy to appear gastrointestinal cold, many accompanied by chronic pharyngitis, chronic rhinitis, arthritis, etc.; many patients with chronic rhinitis, including good appetite and red face, there are many opportunities to use Huanglian soup; for many children, after eating too much, there is a gastrointestinal cold, and some also appear as chronic cough, usually more temper, There are also opportunities to use huanglian soup.

Let's see if there are too many such patients!

Chen Jianguo interprets the Jingfang Huanglian Soup

Intended to be more objective and accurate application of Huanglian soup, with the continuous deepening of the experience, you can grasp the pulse evidence of this side, because the pulse is very objective, the problem is that the original is not aware of the pulse. Huang Lian Tang's veins are manifested as floating veins, left, right or bilateral, and even overflow pulses, my understanding is that this is both a manifestation of heat in the chest and a manifestation of evil qi in the stomach, accompanied by the slippery or slippery and weak of the relevant veins, and most of the ulnar veins are illusory.

My clinical application of Huanglian soup to treat gastritis and various diseases with gastric pain has achieved satisfactory curative effects, a large number of cases will not be shared here, with the deepening of understanding, look forward to a wider range of reasonable and efficient clinical use in the future.

Each jingfang is a rigorous divine formula, behind each commonly used jingfang, it is a common clinical pathogen, and gradually learn a jingfang more deeply, the harvest is multi-faceted, multi-angle, the application will be more and more extensive, and the efficacy will be better and better.

The above experience, for reference only, only if we all experience the original text and clinical verification by ourselves, can we turn one by one divine effect formula into a sharp weapon for healing in our own hands and benefit the majority of patients.

Fellow TCM practitioners, we work together!

Author: Chen Jianguo

Reprinted online, thanks to the original author. [Assortment] [Teeth]