
"Honest man" Chen Jianguo: Passing on positive energy in the cultural industry

author:China Youth Network
"Honest man" Chen Jianguo: Passing on positive energy in the cultural industry

Chen Jianguo, member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and chairman of the Chinese and foreign celebrity cultural industry group. I provide the picture

Beijing, March 10 (China Youth Network) -- Chen Jianguo said that there are two things in a person's life that cannot be calculated, one is love and the other is faith. As a member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and the chairman of the Chinese and foreign celebrity cultural industry group, he has now led his team through a journey of 23 years. Over the past 20 years, in addition to successfully operating CCTV-1 "Evening News", cctv-3 "Happy Dictionary", "Extraordinary 6+1", "Avenue of Stars", "Happy China Trip", "Art Life", "CCTV-4 "Mid-Autumn Festival Gala", and CCTV-6 "China Film Report", etc., "Chinese and foreign celebrities" have also produced "Zhenguan Long Song", "For that Pure Land", "Director of the Supervision Bureau", "Loss is a Blessing", "Blood Love" and "Seven Years Not Itchy" and other film and television dramas.

Along the way, he has too many people to thank, and on the road of devoting himself to the cultural industry, he has worked hard step by step, and has also been recognized by society.

Be honest and do things seriously

Chen Jianguo said that the company culture of the Chinese and foreign celebrity cultural industry group is: honest and honest people, conscientious and serious work. This idea stems from a detour that Chen Jianguo took when he was a child. He said that no matter what kind of career he does, being able to be an honest person is the most important thing.

Born in 1955 in Yuci, Shanxi, Chen Jianguo worked in a factory in his hometown since the age of 15, and later had the opportunity to work at the Shanxi Radio and Television Station. At that time, his father was a worker, and the elders around him were also simple people, and before leaving, everyone told him to know how to observe the color in his new working environment. He smiled and said, "I was young at the time and didn't quite understand what it meant, but I knew they were saying good things." ”

After arriving at the new unit, in order to perform himself well, Chen Jianguo would always go to work half an hour in advance, wipe the floor, make hot water, and behave more diligently when there were many people. Privately, I also try to have a good relationship with everyone. But then he found out that the people around him talked about their slippery heads, and he thought it was smart. After a long time, I found that I had obviously done a lot of work and did not maliciously get along with the people around me, but I was not treated well. So he calmly reflected on himself and realized his problem. "The smarter the person, the easier it is to slip, and after two or three years, I was lucky enough to move myself back into the 'honest man' state." Be a smart and honest person. ”

When Chen Jianguo corrected his mentality, he went to beijing broadcasting institute (now communication university of China) to study. Not only the hard work during the school period, but also the honest attitude of being a person, so that the teachers of the school paid special attention to him, and after graduation, they also had the honor of staying in the school to teach. He will not shy away from this detour in how to behave in his childhood, and it is precisely because of this experience that he and the team he leads today. "In the process of doing business, we must first maintain the principle of being a man, and things that violate the principle of being a man cannot be accepted no matter how great the interests." It is precisely because of Chen Jianguo's "honest" attitude that the company has walked steadily for more than twenty years.

"Honest man" Chen Jianguo: Passing on positive energy in the cultural industry

Chen Jianguo was studying in Beijing. I provide the picture

Overcome psychological obstacles and devote yourself to the cultural industry

In 1992, Deng Xiaoping made a speech on his southern tour, vigorously promoting the policy of reform and opening up, and economic development became more and more relaxed. Since Chen Jianguo does not need to sit in classes to teach at school, he still has a lot of free time and energy. "In order to make the country's economy more prosperous, I also want to do something, I want to start from the cultural field that I am most familiar with." With an idea in mind, Chen Jianguo began to raise funds to produce the first TV documentary "China Hot Land", which was censored and broadcast by CCTV, and was done for three years, with a total of more than fifty episodes.

"There were too many difficulties in the beginning, and the biggest problem was where the money came from." "China Hot Land" introduces economic figures, 80% or 90% of them are the factory directors and managers of the enterprises at that time, and the rest are some leaders in charge of the economy. He said he distinctly remembered that the first person he visited was the father of his own student. The father, the president of a factory union, wanted to do a publicity campaign on the twentieth anniversary of the factory. With the attitude of trying it out, Chen Jianguo took over this visit and made the first film. At that time, he said, his salary was only a few dozen yuan a month, and he didn't even have enough money to rent equipment. It is because this first film left a little money that there is a guarantee that the post-production program can be filmed normally.

In addition to the problem of funds, Chen Jianguo said that another of the biggest difficulties is to overcome his psychological obstacles. "I came from a university background and was always respected by students in school. But after I came out to do business, I found that it was not too easy to pull down my face and ask for someone. "In the early days of the company, they advertised ideas for an automotive joint venture, but as a newly formed company to talk about business, even the head of the department could not meet." At that time, the company went to work at eight o'clock, and I arrived at 7:30 every day, waiting to meet with the person in charge, but I was refused. Despite this, Chen Jianguo did not give up, and after going for three consecutive days, he finally impressed the front desk staff on the fourth day and gave him a chance to meet with the person in charge. Because he was very well prepared for this advertising plan, he also successfully signed this cooperation project.

After overcoming his own psychological obstacles, Chen Jianguo led his team step by step, slowly consolidating the foundation.

"Honest man" Chen Jianguo: Passing on positive energy in the cultural industry

Chen Jianguo is working seriously. China Youth Network reporter Cao Di photographed

Once a teacher, he will be a teacher for life

The scale of cultural companies is generally not large, but Chen Jianguo Company is a large team of about 300 people, and the people working here are young people with full spirits. He said that when choosing employees, "morality" is always more important than "talent", and those who are sincere and kind, and who do things seriously and persistently, are the most favored by him. As the leader of a team, Chen Jianguo allows his employees to make mistakes, but he is definitely not allowed to make mistakes in being a person.

Looking at the young faces in his team, Chen Jianguo said that his experience as a teacher has also played a crucial role in the construction of corporate culture. "There was a boy who came here to be my driver because he failed to go to college. After learning about this, I suggested that the boy be able to study while working and take self-examinations to complete his studies. In order to motivate the boy, Chen Jianguo promised that on the day the boy got his diploma, all the expenses for the preparation stage of the examination would be paid by him. Encouraged by Chen Jianguo, the boy took advantage of the time he was waiting for him to talk about business and read in the car to study. Finally, not living up to Mr. Chen's expectations, the boy completed his studies, studied for a master's degree, and now becomes the manager of the company's legal department.

It is precisely because of the experience of being a teacher that Chen Jianguo has developed the habit of doing things today, "It is equally important to cultivate young people and the company to make profits." "It is precisely because of this that this collective can be so cohesive and upward." Like his mood as a teacher, whenever Chen Jianguo sees the progress of his employees, he will feel happier than his own progress.

Improve the cultural consumption index and be a cultural person with a conscience

"Doing things in a high profile and acting in a low profile", which made the relevant leaders pay attention to Chen Jianguo and his achievements. At the two sessions of the National People's Congress in the previous two sessions, Chen Jianguo, as a member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, put forward the concept of "cultural consumption index.". He stressed that if the masses are to have the concept of cultural consumption, they must have a cultural environment and high-quality cultural output that meets the needs of the people. Cultural consumption is an inevitable phenomenon in a country's economic development to a certain extent.

In the past year, we have regrettably seen many young artists involved in pornography and drugs, repeatedly violating the law and losing morality. In this regard, Chen Jianguo believes that whether it is an actor or a well-known person in society, these people should have a higher sense of responsibility while enjoying the applause and flowers of the society, and their moral requirements for themselves should be higher than ordinary people. Nowadays, there are problems with the values of the whole society, and relevant policies should be introduced to guide and restrict them. And those who make mistakes must also have the courage to take responsibility and accept punishment.

As a veteran of more than 20 years of cultural undertakings, Chen Jianguo has never regretted embarking on this road. Although he has encountered setbacks and although his initial growth was not so fast, he firmly believes that in today's more active environment of the cultural industry, the future development will be better. And he said that he had just chosen a path that he liked and could bring happiness. "People can't only pursue material wealth in their lives, but also spiritual satisfaction. I want to do meaningful things for social development, to be a virtuous and characterful cultural industry personnel, not only to entertain the people, but also to bring them positive energy and guide them to do good deeds. ”

Journalist's Note

When we see the well-known programs broadcast by CCTV, we rarely know that these are exclusively operated by "Chinese and foreign celebrities". When we see Chen Jianguo's brilliant achievements today, we don't know the hardships he has had along the way. No matter what industry you are engaged in, in addition to professionalism, human character is the key to success. In the big dye vat of society, he can always maintain his "honest man" attitude towards life, which makes him a leader in the cultural industry. The cultural industry is the highlight of China's future development, and we also expect that the development of this team will be faster and better, planning better programs, and transmitting more positive energy.