
Li Ji, the father of Chinese archaeology: a fascinating scholar, a vanished master, an obliterated monument

author:Cui Lili
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Li Ji, the father of Chinese archaeology: a fascinating scholar, a vanished master, an obliterated monument

Li Ji

Generally speaking of archaeology and anthropology, Li Ji is always unable to avoid It. In 1918, Tsinghua Xuetang selected Li Ji to study in the United States, and in 5 years he got 3 amazing degrees.

He first studied sociology and psychology at Clark University in Massachusetts, then changed to demography, and after receiving a master's degree in sociology two years later, he transferred to Harvard University to study anthropology, and finally after studying in the United States for 5 years, Li Ji received a bachelor's degree in psychology, a master's degree in sociology, and a doctorate in philosophy in anthropology.

Li Ji, the father of Chinese archaeology: a fascinating scholar, a vanished master, an obliterated monument

Li Ji in his youth

Li Ji was the first Chinese to study for a doctorate in anthropology and obtain a degree, and after returning to China, the scenery was infinite, and his father called himself "Bo Father" with a sense of ostentatiousness for a while, which means the father of the doctor, and others called Li Ji "dr. Li" with respect.

As a senior talent, Li Ji was naturally treated very well after returning to China, first as a professor at Nankai University for two years, and then as a special lecturer at Tsinghua University.

Although he was not able to obtain the title of professor with the four Tsinghuayuan professors Wang Guowei, Zhao Yuanren, Chen Yinke, and Liang Qichao, Tsinghua assigned Li Ji a research room and a teaching assistant, and the treatment was the same as that of the four professors.

Li Ji, the father of Chinese archaeology: a fascinating scholar, a vanished master, an obliterated monument

1925, Tsinghua Guo College, front row from left: Li Ji, Wang Guowei, Liang Qichao, Zhao Yuanren

Undoubtedly, Li Ji's highest degree is a doctorate in anthropology, but he has focused his main energy on archaeology in this life.

From anthropologist to archaeologist, Li Ji said to blame a fortuitous opportunity. Because Li Ji has a wealth of overseas field work, he was appointed as the head of the archaeological team.

In 1926, the archaeological team led by Li Ji successfully excavated the site of Xiyin Village in Xia County, Shanxi, which was the first archaeological excavation in China led by Chinese, so this major discovery was of great significance, and Li Ji was also known as the father of Chinese archaeology.

Li Ji, the father of Chinese archaeology: a fascinating scholar, a vanished master, an obliterated monument

Anyang Archaeological Team, the umbrella shooter is Li Ji

In many ways, Fu Sinian appointed Li Si in charge of the excavation of the Yin Ruins in Anyang. From 1928 onwards, the archaeological team began to take root in Anyang.

Because of his inexperience and because he was too excited, the first excavation was disorderly, and he only knew that he was going all out to dig into the ground like a wild man, and the situation was no different from that of a tomb robber.

The second time, Li Ji began to guide the excavation work hand in hand, and he became the only professional of this archaeological wild team, a soul figure.

Li Ji, the father of Chinese archaeology: a fascinating scholar, a vanished master, an obliterated monument

In 1929, the only piece of faience pottery was found at the site of the third excavation of Yin Ruins

Later, the archaeological team added a professional, he was Liang Qichao's son Liang Siyong, who was the only student who graduated from a regular archaeological school.

Together, Li Ji and Liang Siyong used Yin Ruins, a ready-made teaching base, to train the earliest batch of archaeologists in China with modern professional archaeological methods.

Many leading figures in the archaeological field, including Xia Nai, director of the Institute of Archaeology of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Gao Goxun, director of the Institute of Taiwan History and Language, Yin Da, Shi Zhangru, Yin Huanzhang, etc., are all from this Practical University of Yin Ruins, and they have all been taught by Li Ji, and Zhang Guangzhi and Xu Zhuoyun have directly passed on the mantle of Li Ji.

Li Ji, the father of Chinese archaeology: a fascinating scholar, a vanished master, an obliterated monument

In 1936, a large piece of oracle bone ash soil pillar was unearthed in Xiaotun, Anyang, and Li Ji squatted on a wooden box to guide

The excavation of the Yin Ruins led by Li Ji is of great archaeological significance, with historical evidence to prove the existence of the Shang Dynasty, so that China's credibility history has pushed forward a dynasty.

Li Ji once said that the archaeological environment in Anyang Yin Ruins is a rare superiority. Anyang was once the residence of Yuan Shikai in the trough period, and later his property was confiscated, but the houses were all good, and Li Ji and other staff worked in his home.

Around the large-scale site of Yin Ruins, the archaeological team led by Li Ji has carried out 15 excavations before and after, and its results are remarkable, and to this day, the discovery and excavation of Yin Ruins still occupies the top position in the "100 Archaeological Discoveries of the 20th Century in China".

Li Ji, the father of Chinese archaeology: a fascinating scholar, a vanished master, an obliterated monument

Group photo taken during the archaeology of Xiaotun in Anyang in 1931, from left: Dong Zuobin, Li Ji, Fu Sinian, Liang Siyong

However, shortly after the excavation of the 15th, the July 7 Incident broke out, and Li Ji and others had to lead the archaeological team to migrate, starting his turbulent life.

During the migration, because of the harsh environment and inadequate medical conditions, Li Ji's two daughters Feng Zheng and He Zheng died of illness, which made Li Si extremely distressed. In the years that followed, the swing of the coup d'état plunged Li Ji into a deep torment, so that he could not sleep all night.

Later, in order to protect the excavated cultural relics and avoid the things belonging to China from being looted again like the cultural relics of the Forbidden City, Li Ji made a decision that made him bear many years of infamy.

He thought about where the cultural relics were, where he was, and there was no party-government dispute in his heart, so at a sensitive moment, he went to Taiwan with the cultural relics.

Li Ji, the father of Chinese archaeology: a fascinating scholar, a vanished master, an obliterated monument

Bronze human face excavated from Yin Ruins

He thought that the cultural relics would be well protected in Taiwan, but he did not expect that since then he and his only son, Li Guangmotian, have been separated.

Li Guangmo did not agree to the advice of his father Li Ji to leave the mainland, he had long been involved in the student movement and was a member of the Chinese Communist Party, but his family did not know.

Li Guangmo once said: "My father didn't seem to take much care of me, usually as soon as he came home, he went to the study, sometimes with unfinished work, sometimes reading books by himself." I can't remember exactly what I've said to my father in my life, too few times. ”

Perhaps because of the indifference of the father-son relationship, or perhaps because of the different paths he took, Li Guangmo did not inherit his mantle as his father Li Ji expected.

Li Ji, the father of Chinese archaeology: a fascinating scholar, a vanished master, an obliterated monument

The car window is Li Ji's son Li Guangmo and daughter Li Hezheng

Because Li Ji fled the mainland, his former glory is no longer mentioned, and when he later describes the great significance of the excavation of Yin Ruins, there is only a faint sentence for the landmark contribution made by Li Ji, the father of Chinese archaeology, "Some excavations were also done before liberation." "A generation of archeological masters disappeared like this, like a monument completely annihilated under the ground."

Li Ao once said: "Li Ji has been a scholar since he was thirty-one years old, and he died in martial arts novels at the age of eighty-four." He monopolized academia, did not study himself or give others a chance, the 'Anyang Excavation Report' had a beginning and an end, and the 'Ancient History of China' plan was delayed. ”

Although this statement is extreme, it has also brought li ji's generation of archaeology to the eyes of the world again. As for Li Ji's monopoly of scholarship, this is a bit nonsense.

Li Ji, the father of Chinese archaeology: a fascinating scholar, a vanished master, an obliterated monument

In the 1960s, Li Ji worked in the Laboratory of Physical Anthropology at National Taiwan University

The most regrettable thing Li Ji did in his life was to bring a large number of archaeological instruments and materials to Taiwan, his original intention was to protect these materials, but he did not expect to go but left the information vacancy for future generations of researchers to study yin ruins, and also let him fall into the embarrassing situation of no field to excavate.

In fact, Li Ji is just a pure scholar, he is reluctant to move to the United States all his life, the biggest reason is also to want to watch the whole process of the excavation of Yin Ruins from a distance, after all, it is his lifelong knot.

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