
Genghis Khan and his descendants have established dozens of states, the eldest son Officiate has the largest proportion of the first line, Genghis Khan and the Great Mongolian Empire II, the first son (zhú) Chi and his descendants 1, chincha Khanate (Golden Horde)2, white horde and green horde 3, Uzbek Khanate and Kazakh Khanate 4, Crimean Khanate and Kazan Khanate 5, Siberian Khanate, Bukhara Khanate and Astrakhan Khanate 6, Nogai Khanate, Kokand Khanate and Khiva Khanate II, second son Chagatai and his descendants founded the state 1, The Chagatai Khanate 2, the Eastern and Western Chagatai Khanate and the yarkand Khanate were founded by the third and third sons of the Yarkand Khanate and their descendants The fourth and fourth sons of Torre and their descendants1, the Ilkhanate 2, the Yuan Dynasty, the Northern Yuan, the Tatars and the Vala

author:Wild history is also history

When it comes to Genghis Khan, most people must be like thunder, and the most talked about by everyone is nothing more than the great Mongolian state built by Genghis Khan and the four great khanates and the Yuan Dynasty built by his children and grandchildren.

In fact, in addition to the four khanates and the Yuan dynasty, the descendants of Genghis Khan have established dozens of countries of varying sizes. To make these countries clear, we must start with the Great Mongols and the Four Great Khanates.

Genghis Khan and his descendants have established dozens of states, the eldest son Officiate has the largest proportion of the first line, Genghis Khan and the Great Mongolian Empire II, the first son (zhú) Chi and his descendants 1, chincha Khanate (Golden Horde)2, white horde and green horde 3, Uzbek Khanate and Kazakh Khanate 4, Crimean Khanate and Kazan Khanate 5, Siberian Khanate, Bukhara Khanate and Astrakhan Khanate 6, Nogai Khanate, Kokand Khanate and Khiva Khanate II, second son Chagatai and his descendants founded the state 1, The Chagatai Khanate 2, the Eastern and Western Chagatai Khanate and the yarkand Khanate were founded by the third and third sons of the Yarkand Khanate and their descendants The fourth and fourth sons of Torre and their descendants1, the Ilkhanate 2, the Yuan Dynasty, the Northern Yuan, the Tatars and the Vala

Temujin Temujin (Genghis Khan)

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="7" > Genghis Khan and the GreatEr Mongolia</h1>

The Mongolian plateau in the twelfth century was home to numerous Mongol tribes. In general, these tribes can be divided into two categories: the "forest people" of Western Mongolia and the "steppe people" of Eastern Mongolia, and Genghis Khan belongs to the latter.

Genghis Khan was born in 1162 on the banks of the Chunan River, on the Onn river in present-day Mongolia and Russia.

From 1180 onwards, Temujin spent 26 years unifying the tribes of the Mongolian plateau and establishing the Great Mongol State, and Temujin was revered as "Genghis Khan".

After that, he began the War of Foreign Conquest. First it took 22 years to destroy the Western Xia, and then it beat the Jin Dynasty to death. On the Western Front, Genghis Khan first conquered the Western Liao, then destroyed the Hualazi Mold, and finally the first Western Expedition.

Genghis Khan and his descendants have established dozens of states, the eldest son Officiate has the largest proportion of the first line, Genghis Khan and the Great Mongolian Empire II, the first son (zhú) Chi and his descendants 1, chincha Khanate (Golden Horde)2, white horde and green horde 3, Uzbek Khanate and Kazakh Khanate 4, Crimean Khanate and Kazan Khanate 5, Siberian Khanate, Bukhara Khanate and Astrakhan Khanate 6, Nogai Khanate, Kokand Khanate and Khiva Khanate II, second son Chagatai and his descendants founded the state 1, The Chagatai Khanate 2, the Eastern and Western Chagatai Khanate and the yarkand Khanate were founded by the third and third sons of the Yarkand Khanate and their descendants The fourth and fourth sons of Torre and their descendants1, the Ilkhanate 2, the Yuan Dynasty, the Northern Yuan, the Tatars and the Vala

Genghis Khan family lineage

This western expedition, commanded by the general Subutai, first plundered Kievan Rus', then attacked the Bulgars through the Volga River, and then returned east through the Caspian Sea and the Aral Sea, reaching as far as the Crimean Peninsula.

In 1227, Genghis Khan died of illness at the age of 66. Seven years later, the Three Sons of Kuotai destroyed the Jin Dynasty.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="26" > ii, the state established by the firstborn (zhú) chi and his descendants</h1>

Shu Chi was the eldest son of Genghis Khan and one of the famous Mongol generals, whose main achievements were the conquest of Theodara, Hua lazimo, and The Jin Dynasty. After the end of the First Western Expedition, the Chincha steppe north of the present-day Aral and Caspian Seas became its fiefdoms.

Note that the Chincha steppe at this time was only a fiefdom of Shuchi, and the Chincha Khanate had not yet been formed. The year after he was divided, Shuchi died of illness, and his second son, Batu, inherited the fiefdom.

Genghis Khan and his descendants have established dozens of states, the eldest son Officiate has the largest proportion of the first line, Genghis Khan and the Great Mongolian Empire II, the first son (zhú) Chi and his descendants 1, chincha Khanate (Golden Horde)2, white horde and green horde 3, Uzbek Khanate and Kazakh Khanate 4, Crimean Khanate and Kazan Khanate 5, Siberian Khanate, Bukhara Khanate and Astrakhan Khanate 6, Nogai Khanate, Kokand Khanate and Khiva Khanate II, second son Chagatai and his descendants founded the state 1, The Chagatai Khanate 2, the Eastern and Western Chagatai Khanate and the yarkand Khanate were founded by the third and third sons of the Yarkand Khanate and their descendants The fourth and fourth sons of Torre and their descendants1, the Ilkhanate 2, the Yuan Dynasty, the Northern Yuan, the Tatars and the Vala

Bo Er only Jin Shu Chi

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="47" >1, Chincha Khanate (Golden Horde).</h1>

After Wokoutai became the second Great Khan of the Great Mongol State, he first conquered Goryeo, then destroyed the Eastern Zhen and Jin kingdoms, and then began the second western expedition. The Western Expedition was commanded by Batu, the eldest son of Shuchi, and all the conscripts were the eldest sons, so it was also called the "Firstborn Western Expedition".

In the western expedition, moscow was occupied first, then Poland was broken, and the Roman Imperial army was defeated on the way, and the peak of the army pointed directly at Vienna. Just when Europe was shocked, Wokoutai suddenly fell ill and died, and the Western Expedition was forced to end.

The year after the end of the Western Expedition, The eldest son of Shuchi, Batu, established the Khanate of Chincha. Because the great tent of Battus is the Golden Dome, the Khanate of Chincha is also called the Golden Horde. The territory stretches from the Irtysh River in the east, to the Rus' states in the west, to the Arctic in the north, to Lake Balkhash and the Caspian Sea in the south, covering an area of 6 million square kilometers.

The Khanate of Chincha lasted for 259 years, passing on 44 Great Khans.

Genghis Khan and his descendants have established dozens of states, the eldest son Officiate has the largest proportion of the first line, Genghis Khan and the Great Mongolian Empire II, the first son (zhú) Chi and his descendants 1, chincha Khanate (Golden Horde)2, white horde and green horde 3, Uzbek Khanate and Kazakh Khanate 4, Crimean Khanate and Kazan Khanate 5, Siberian Khanate, Bukhara Khanate and Astrakhan Khanate 6, Nogai Khanate, Kokand Khanate and Khiva Khanate II, second son Chagatai and his descendants founded the state 1, The Chagatai Khanate 2, the Eastern and Western Chagatai Khanate and the yarkand Khanate were founded by the third and third sons of the Yarkand Khanate and their descendants The fourth and fourth sons of Torre and their descendants1, the Ilkhanate 2, the Yuan Dynasty, the Northern Yuan, the Tatars and the Vala

Khanate of Chincha

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="49" >2, White Horde and Green Horde</h1>

In order to reward the meritorious servants of the Western Expedition, Batuan divided Kazakhstan in the western part of the Chincha Khanate to the eldest brother Hu Erda, who established the White Horde here. Similarly, The Southern Ural region in the eastern part of the Khanate was divided among his younger brothers, Siban, who established the Green Horde.

Both khanates initially obeyed the Chincha Khanate and later remained largely autonomous. The White Horde lasted for 231 years, and 14 Great Khans were passed down. The Blue Horde lasted for 140 years, and 8 Great Khans were passed down.

In the entire fiefdom of the Chincha Khanate, there were the eldest son of Shuchi, the family of Batu, the second son, the family of Theban, the family of the fifth son, and the family of Timur, the thirteenth son. At the beginning of the Ming Dynasty, Battu was replaced by the White Horde.

Genghis Khan and his descendants have established dozens of states, the eldest son Officiate has the largest proportion of the first line, Genghis Khan and the Great Mongolian Empire II, the first son (zhú) Chi and his descendants 1, chincha Khanate (Golden Horde)2, white horde and green horde 3, Uzbek Khanate and Kazakh Khanate 4, Crimean Khanate and Kazan Khanate 5, Siberian Khanate, Bukhara Khanate and Astrakhan Khanate 6, Nogai Khanate, Kokand Khanate and Khiva Khanate II, second son Chagatai and his descendants founded the state 1, The Chagatai Khanate 2, the Eastern and Western Chagatai Khanate and the yarkand Khanate were founded by the third and third sons of the Yarkand Khanate and their descendants The fourth and fourth sons of Torre and their descendants1, the Ilkhanate 2, the Yuan Dynasty, the Northern Yuan, the Tatars and the Vala

Bo Er only Jin Batu

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="54" >3, Uzbek Khanate and Kazakh Khanate</h1>

After the division of the Chincha Khanate, several small khanates were established in its territory, including the Uzbek Khanate, the Crimean Khanate, the Kazakh Khanate, the Kazan Khanate, the Siberian Khanate, and the Bukhara Khanate.

As the White Tent moved west and the Green Tent moved east, the Xiban family, the fifth son of Shuchi, took the opportunity to control the Resa River and Turge regions, and their tribe was renamed "Moon is Farewell", which is the name of the grandson of Battu's grandson Timur, that is, Uzbekistan.

In 1428, the prince of the Shabaan family, Abu Hair, was proclaimed Khan and created the Uzbek Khanate, also known as the Abu Hair Khanate. After Abu Hair's death, some of the people migrated to the Chu River valley under the leadership of Sultan Kere and Janibek.

These two were brothers, and their father was Barak Khan, the last khan of the White Horde, who also belonged to the Shuchi lineage. The later Kazakh Khanate was founded by these brothers, and in fact Kazakh was from Uzbekistan.

Genghis Khan and his descendants have established dozens of states, the eldest son Officiate has the largest proportion of the first line, Genghis Khan and the Great Mongolian Empire II, the first son (zhú) Chi and his descendants 1, chincha Khanate (Golden Horde)2, white horde and green horde 3, Uzbek Khanate and Kazakh Khanate 4, Crimean Khanate and Kazan Khanate 5, Siberian Khanate, Bukhara Khanate and Astrakhan Khanate 6, Nogai Khanate, Kokand Khanate and Khiva Khanate II, second son Chagatai and his descendants founded the state 1, The Chagatai Khanate 2, the Eastern and Western Chagatai Khanate and the yarkand Khanate were founded by the third and third sons of the Yarkand Khanate and their descendants The fourth and fourth sons of Torre and their descendants1, the Ilkhanate 2, the Yuan Dynasty, the Northern Yuan, the Tatars and the Vala

The eldest son marched west

More than thirty years after Abu Hair's death, his grandson Shaybani re-established the Uzbek Khanate as the post-Uzbek Khanate. A hundred years later, after the extinction of the Shabaan family, the Uzbek Khanate disappeared and was replaced by the Khanates of Khiva, Kokand and Bukhara.

The Uzbek Khanate enjoyed more than 140 years, the Kazakh Khanate enjoyed 391 years, a total of 18 khans, infighting and the Dzungars exhausted the energy of the Kazakh Khanate, and finally submitted to Tsarist Russia.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="71" >4, Crimean Khanate and Kazan Khanate</h1>

Crimea was originally a dependency of the Chincha Khanate, and with the support of the local Turks, Haji Gelai (the eleventh grandson of Genghis Khan), a descendant of the thirteenth son of Shuchi, Bald Timur, led his people to break away from the Chincha Khanate and establish the Crimean Khanate.

The Crimean Khanate existed for 353 years, with a total of 47 khans, the last khan was beheaded by the Turks, and the khanate was incorporated into Tsarist Russia. The Crimean Khanate besieged Moscow and captured 150,000 slaves alive and sold them to Europe and the Middle East.

At the same time, Ulugh Muhammad (the seventh grandson of Genghis Khan), a descendant of Timur the Bald, the thirteenth son of Shuchi, established the Khanate of Kazan, which lasted for 114 years. The Khanates of Kazan, Crimea, and Nogai were destroyed by Russia.

Genghis Khan and his descendants have established dozens of states, the eldest son Officiate has the largest proportion of the first line, Genghis Khan and the Great Mongolian Empire II, the first son (zhú) Chi and his descendants 1, chincha Khanate (Golden Horde)2, white horde and green horde 3, Uzbek Khanate and Kazakh Khanate 4, Crimean Khanate and Kazan Khanate 5, Siberian Khanate, Bukhara Khanate and Astrakhan Khanate 6, Nogai Khanate, Kokand Khanate and Khiva Khanate II, second son Chagatai and his descendants founded the state 1, The Chagatai Khanate 2, the Eastern and Western Chagatai Khanate and the yarkand Khanate were founded by the third and third sons of the Yarkand Khanate and their descendants The fourth and fourth sons of Torre and their descendants1, the Ilkhanate 2, the Yuan Dynasty, the Northern Yuan, the Tatars and the Vala

After the division of the Khanate of Chincha

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="80" >5, Siberian Khanate, Bukhara Khanate and Astrakhan Khanate</h1>

The Siberian Khanate, also known as the Khanate of the Lost, was founded by Ibak, a descendant of Theban, the fifth son of Shuchi, and the country served 12 great khans for 150 years. The khanate, with a population of more than 200,000, lived a Stone Age life and was eventually wiped out by Russia.

Founded by Shaybani, the grandson of Abu Hair of the Shapan family, the Khanate of Bukhara was divided into three dynasties: Shaybani, Astrakhan and Manjit. The khanate existed for 420 years, with a total of 32 khans, and was not overthrown until 1920.

The Astrakhan Khanate was founded by Qasim, the grandson of Kuchuk Mahama, a descendant of Shuchi and the 43rd Great Khan of the Chincha Khanate, and the khanate was bordered by the Crimean Khanate in the west and the Nogai Khanate in the east.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="91" >6, Nogai Khanate, Kokand Khanate and Khiva Khanate</h1>

The Nogai Khanate, also known as the Nahai Khanate, belonged to the Turkic khanate and was founded by Ye Di, a descendant of the grandson of the seventh son of Shuchi, and later split into the Great and Minor Nogai Khanates. The former was incorporated into the Kazakh Khanate and the latter into the Crimean Khanate. The khanate coexisted in 194 years, and more than 40 khans were khans in the calendar.

Genghis Khan and his descendants have established dozens of states, the eldest son Officiate has the largest proportion of the first line, Genghis Khan and the Great Mongolian Empire II, the first son (zhú) Chi and his descendants 1, chincha Khanate (Golden Horde)2, white horde and green horde 3, Uzbek Khanate and Kazakh Khanate 4, Crimean Khanate and Kazan Khanate 5, Siberian Khanate, Bukhara Khanate and Astrakhan Khanate 6, Nogai Khanate, Kokand Khanate and Khiva Khanate II, second son Chagatai and his descendants founded the state 1, The Chagatai Khanate 2, the Eastern and Western Chagatai Khanate and the yarkand Khanate were founded by the third and third sons of the Yarkand Khanate and their descendants The fourth and fourth sons of Torre and their descendants1, the Ilkhanate 2, the Yuan Dynasty, the Northern Yuan, the Tatars and the Vala

The Shabaan family

The Kokand Khanate, located in the Fergana Basin of Central Asia, was founded by Shah Ruk, a descendant of Prince Abu Hair of the Shabaan family. Agupa, who invaded southern Xinjiang in the 19th century, was a general of the khanate, and the khanate existed for 362 years, with 19 khans, and was finally destroyed by Russia.

The Khanate of Khiva, located in the Oasis of Pharazm, was founded in 1512 by Ilbas, a descendant of the Shiban family and the great-grandson of Arabsha, Khan of the Khanate of Chincha. The Khanate lasted for 408 years, with 32 khans, and was overthrown by the Russian Red Army in 1920.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="106" > the state founded by the second and second son Chagatai and his descendants</h1>

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="119" >1, Chagatai Khanate</h1>

The Chagatai Khanate was founded by Chrysatai, the second son of Genghis Khan, and its territory stretched from Turpan to the east, the Amu Darya River to the west, the Tarbahatai Mountains to the north, and the Hindu Kush Mountains in south Vietnam, covering an area of 3.5 million square kilometers at its peak.

The Chagatai Khanate lasted for 461 years and served a total of 60 Great Khans, including the Khans of the Eastern and Western Chagatai Khanates. After the 23rd Great Khan of the Chagatai Khanate, Hezan Suanduan, was killed by the Turkic nobles, the khanate split into east and west.

Genghis Khan and his descendants have established dozens of states, the eldest son Officiate has the largest proportion of the first line, Genghis Khan and the Great Mongolian Empire II, the first son (zhú) Chi and his descendants 1, chincha Khanate (Golden Horde)2, white horde and green horde 3, Uzbek Khanate and Kazakh Khanate 4, Crimean Khanate and Kazan Khanate 5, Siberian Khanate, Bukhara Khanate and Astrakhan Khanate 6, Nogai Khanate, Kokand Khanate and Khiva Khanate II, second son Chagatai and his descendants founded the state 1, The Chagatai Khanate 2, the Eastern and Western Chagatai Khanate and the yarkand Khanate were founded by the third and third sons of the Yarkand Khanate and their descendants The fourth and fourth sons of Torre and their descendants1, the Ilkhanate 2, the Yuan Dynasty, the Northern Yuan, the Tatars and the Vala

Chagatai Khanate

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="121" >2, Eastern and Western Chagatai Khanates and Yarkand Khanates</h1>

The eastern part of the Khanate was mainly the Mongol Duglat department, and they elected Timur Vulture (the seventh grandson of Genghis Khan), a descendant of Chagatai, as khan and established the Eastern Chagatai Khanate, whose territory stretched from Hami in the east, Samarkand to the west, to Wala in the north, and to Khotan in the south.

In the 16th century, the Eastern Chagatai Khanate was divided, with two sons of the Khan Aheima each leading one, and the third son, Sayid, establishing the Yarkand Khanate, which was eventually destroyed by the Wala Dzungars.

The Eastern Chagatai Khanate, also known as the Mughalstan Khanate or the Ming Dynasty as Yili Gangli, enjoyed 336 years of the Khanate and 30 Great Khans.

After The last Khan of the Chagatai Khanate, Hazan, was killed by his subordinate Hezhahan, Hezhahan found a puppet Great Khan, a descendant of Wokoutai. Two years later, the Great Khan was replaced by Bayan Kuri, the grandson of the ninth Khan of the Chagatai Khanate.

Genghis Khan and his descendants have established dozens of states, the eldest son Officiate has the largest proportion of the first line, Genghis Khan and the Great Mongolian Empire II, the first son (zhú) Chi and his descendants 1, chincha Khanate (Golden Horde)2, white horde and green horde 3, Uzbek Khanate and Kazakh Khanate 4, Crimean Khanate and Kazan Khanate 5, Siberian Khanate, Bukhara Khanate and Astrakhan Khanate 6, Nogai Khanate, Kokand Khanate and Khiva Khanate II, second son Chagatai and his descendants founded the state 1, The Chagatai Khanate 2, the Eastern and Western Chagatai Khanate and the yarkand Khanate were founded by the third and third sons of the Yarkand Khanate and their descendants The fourth and fourth sons of Torre and their descendants1, the Ilkhanate 2, the Yuan Dynasty, the Northern Yuan, the Tatars and the Vala

The road to the expansion of the GreatEr Mongolia

Later, timur, a nobleman of the Baruch clan of the Khanate, gradually rose, and the Timurid Empire he established replaced the Western Chagatai Khanate. Tamerlane was not a descendant of Genghis Khan, but merely a chagatai royal horse.

The Western Chagatai Khanate lasted for 22 years, and there were 5 great khans.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="127" > the country founded by the third and third sons and their descendants</h1>

The Wokoutai Khanate is special, and its establishment has little to do with Wokoutai and its sons. The fiefdom of Wokoutai is in the upper reaches of the Irtysh River, the fiefdom of the second son Kuoduan is in Liangzhou, and the fief of the sixth son Hedan is in Beiqiu Bali.

After Wokoutai succeeded to the Khan's throne, the eldest son Guiyu inherited his fiefdom. It can be seen from this that the fiefdoms of the Queens of the Wokoutai clan were not connected, and could not be compared with the fiefdoms of the Shuchi, Chagatai and Torre clans.

Genghis Khan and his descendants have established dozens of states, the eldest son Officiate has the largest proportion of the first line, Genghis Khan and the Great Mongolian Empire II, the first son (zhú) Chi and his descendants 1, chincha Khanate (Golden Horde)2, white horde and green horde 3, Uzbek Khanate and Kazakh Khanate 4, Crimean Khanate and Kazan Khanate 5, Siberian Khanate, Bukhara Khanate and Astrakhan Khanate 6, Nogai Khanate, Kokand Khanate and Khiva Khanate II, second son Chagatai and his descendants founded the state 1, The Chagatai Khanate 2, the Eastern and Western Chagatai Khanate and the yarkand Khanate were founded by the third and third sons of the Yarkand Khanate and their descendants The fourth and fourth sons of Torre and their descendants1, the Ilkhanate 2, the Yuan Dynasty, the Northern Yuan, the Tatars and the Vala

Bo Er only Jin Wo Kuo Tai

After the death of Wokoutai Khan and Guiyu Khan one after another, and the succession of Torre's eldest son Möngke to the Khan's throne, the Queen of Wokoutai lost his dependence. The change of lordship of the Great Mongol Khan made the Wokoutai clan and the Torre clan begin to turn against each other.

Haidu, the fifth son of Wokoutai, was also granted a fief, east of present-day Tardi Kurgan in Kazakhstan. Just as Haidu was granted a fief, the Wokoutai Khanate was also proclaimed.

After Möngke's death, Torre's fourth son Kublai Khan and his seventh son Ali Buge competed for the Khan's throne, and Haidu explicitly supported Ali Buge. After Kublai Khan ascended the throne, Haidu and other wokoutai clan kings fought with Kublai Khan for more than thirty years.

Compared with the other three khanates, the Wokoutai Khanate was not developed on the fiefdom of Wokoutai, but was established by the grandson of Wokoutai, Haidu, by force, and its territory was larger than that of the kings of the Wokoutai system.

Genghis Khan and his descendants have established dozens of states, the eldest son Officiate has the largest proportion of the first line, Genghis Khan and the Great Mongolian Empire II, the first son (zhú) Chi and his descendants 1, chincha Khanate (Golden Horde)2, white horde and green horde 3, Uzbek Khanate and Kazakh Khanate 4, Crimean Khanate and Kazan Khanate 5, Siberian Khanate, Bukhara Khanate and Astrakhan Khanate 6, Nogai Khanate, Kokand Khanate and Khiva Khanate II, second son Chagatai and his descendants founded the state 1, The Chagatai Khanate 2, the Eastern and Western Chagatai Khanate and the yarkand Khanate were founded by the third and third sons of the Yarkand Khanate and their descendants The fourth and fourth sons of Torre and their descendants1, the Ilkhanate 2, the Yuan Dynasty, the Northern Yuan, the Tatars and the Vala

Bo'er only Jin Guiyu

In addition, the Wokoutai Khanate was also the shortest-lived of the four great khanates, with only 58 years of existence and two great khans. After Haidu's death, the khanate's strength plummeted, and its territory was eventually divided between the Chagatai Khanate and the Yuan Dynasty.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="142" > the state founded by the fourth and fourth sons, Torre, and their descendants</h1>

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="158" >1, Ilkhanate</h1>

As soon as Torre's eldest son, Möngke, ascended the throne, he asked his sixth brother Hulagu to command the army for the Third Western Expedition. Hulagu swept through Baghdad with the power of destruction, destroyed the black-clad eaters, descended on Kievan Rus' and began to rule the Rus' states for 400 years.

At the time of Hulagu's conquest, he suddenly heard the news of the death of his eldest brother Möngke Khan and retreated to Persia. With regard to the competition between the fourth brother Kublai Khan and the seventh brother Ali Bu brother for the Khan's position, Hulagu's attitude was to explicitly support Kublai Khan and decided not to return to the east.

After Kublai Khan ascended the throne, he immediately assigned the Persian land west of the Amu Darya River and east of Egypt to Hulagu rule, and the Ilkhanate was formally established, with a territory stretching from the Amu Darya River in the east, Asia Minor in the west, the Persian Gulf in the south, and the Caucasus Mountains in the north.

Genghis Khan and his descendants have established dozens of states, the eldest son Officiate has the largest proportion of the first line, Genghis Khan and the Great Mongolian Empire II, the first son (zhú) Chi and his descendants 1, chincha Khanate (Golden Horde)2, white horde and green horde 3, Uzbek Khanate and Kazakh Khanate 4, Crimean Khanate and Kazan Khanate 5, Siberian Khanate, Bukhara Khanate and Astrakhan Khanate 6, Nogai Khanate, Kokand Khanate and Khiva Khanate II, second son Chagatai and his descendants founded the state 1, The Chagatai Khanate 2, the Eastern and Western Chagatai Khanate and the yarkand Khanate were founded by the third and third sons of the Yarkand Khanate and their descendants The fourth and fourth sons of Torre and their descendants1, the Ilkhanate 2, the Yuan Dynasty, the Northern Yuan, the Tatars and the Vala

BoErjin Hulagu and Tuguskon

The Ilkhanate has been a state for 99 years, with 15 great khans. After the death of the Ninth Great Khan, the Khanate was divided into the Kartid Dynasty, the Muzhafar Dynasty, the Zaraier Dynasty, the Chu State Dynasty, the Salbadar Dynasty, and the Chuban Dynasty.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="161" >2, Yuan Dynasty, Northern Yuan, Tatar, and Vala</h1>

After the death of Möngke Khan, Kublai Khan became the nominal fifth Great Khan of the Great Mongol State. After Kublai Khan established the Yuan Dynasty, the Great Mongol State had effectively split into the Yuan Dynasty and the Four Great Khanates.

Kublai Khan set the name of the country as "Dayuan" and abandoned the Chinese name of "Great Mongolia", but the corresponding Mongolian name was still in use until the last Khan of the Khanate, Lin Dan Khan, was defeated by Emperor Taiji.

The Yuan Dynasty enjoyed 98 years of the country, and there were 11 emperors in the past.

Genghis Khan and his descendants have established dozens of states, the eldest son Officiate has the largest proportion of the first line, Genghis Khan and the Great Mongolian Empire II, the first son (zhú) Chi and his descendants 1, chincha Khanate (Golden Horde)2, white horde and green horde 3, Uzbek Khanate and Kazakh Khanate 4, Crimean Khanate and Kazan Khanate 5, Siberian Khanate, Bukhara Khanate and Astrakhan Khanate 6, Nogai Khanate, Kokand Khanate and Khiva Khanate II, second son Chagatai and his descendants founded the state 1, The Chagatai Khanate 2, the Eastern and Western Chagatai Khanate and the yarkand Khanate were founded by the third and third sons of the Yarkand Khanate and their descendants The fourth and fourth sons of Torre and their descendants1, the Ilkhanate 2, the Yuan Dynasty, the Northern Yuan, the Tatars and the Vala

Bo Erjin Kublai Khan

After Zhu Yuanzhang established the Ming Dynasty, the last emperor of the Yuan Dynasty, the Yuan Shun Emperor, retired to Mobei, known in history as the "Northern Yuan", which was actually a continuation of the Great Yuan regime.

The Northern Yuan lasted for 34 years, and there were 7 Great Khans. In 1402, Ghost Lichi killed Khun Timur Khan to establish himself, abolished the name of the Great Yuan Kingdom, and restored it to Mongolia, and the Ming History referred to the Eastern Mongolian tribes after Ghost Lichi as "Tatars".

The Heshuo, Dzungar, Durbert and Turbat tribes of Western Mongolia were known as "Wala", which was also known as "Weilat" during the Qing Dynasty. Since then, the Wallachians and tatars have been vying for dominion of the Mongol plateau.

Oni Lichi is a descendant of Wokoutai and is not a member of the Golden Family in the narrow sense. After the death of Oni Lichi, Ben yaburi, the grandson of Emperor Yuan Zhaozong's ai-Ryūdara, was proclaimed the 22nd Great Khan of the Mongol Empire.

Genghis Khan and his descendants have established dozens of states, the eldest son Officiate has the largest proportion of the first line, Genghis Khan and the Great Mongolian Empire II, the first son (zhú) Chi and his descendants 1, chincha Khanate (Golden Horde)2, white horde and green horde 3, Uzbek Khanate and Kazakh Khanate 4, Crimean Khanate and Kazan Khanate 5, Siberian Khanate, Bukhara Khanate and Astrakhan Khanate 6, Nogai Khanate, Kokand Khanate and Khiva Khanate II, second son Chagatai and his descendants founded the state 1, The Chagatai Khanate 2, the Eastern and Western Chagatai Khanate and the yarkand Khanate were founded by the third and third sons of the Yarkand Khanate and their descendants The fourth and fourth sons of Torre and their descendants1, the Ilkhanate 2, the Yuan Dynasty, the Northern Yuan, the Tatars and the Vala

The Yuan Dynasty and the Four Great Khanates

Under the blows of the Ming army, Benjamini was killed by the Wara chief Mahamu. Mahmu then proclaimed Taripa, a descendant of Ali Buko, as Great Khan, while the Tatars supported Ali Bugo's descendant Atai as Great Khan.

In this way, the Wallachians and tatars fell to each other, and the Great Khan who stood up were basically puppets.

It was only after Batumunk of Tatars succeeded to the Khan's throne that Eastern and Western Mongolia achieved a brief unification, and he was the only surviving male of Kublai Khan's lineage, the grandson of Timur the Tianyuan Emperor, and his great-grandfather.

This is the 32nd Great Khan of the Mongol Empire, Dayan Khan, who then passed through five Great Khans to Lin Dan Khan, under the continuous blows of Hou Jin, Lin Dan Khan finally fell ill and died in Qinghai, and his son surrendered to Jin, and the Mongol Empire was declared destroyed.

Among the four parts of the Western Mongolian Wallachians, Heshuot, Turkut, and Erut all submitted to the Qing, and only the Gardan of the Dzungars was an enemy of the Qing, and it was not until 1757 that Qianlong completely destroyed the Dzungar Khanate.

Genghis Khan and his descendants have established dozens of states, the eldest son Officiate has the largest proportion of the first line, Genghis Khan and the Great Mongolian Empire II, the first son (zhú) Chi and his descendants 1, chincha Khanate (Golden Horde)2, white horde and green horde 3, Uzbek Khanate and Kazakh Khanate 4, Crimean Khanate and Kazan Khanate 5, Siberian Khanate, Bukhara Khanate and Astrakhan Khanate 6, Nogai Khanate, Kokand Khanate and Khiva Khanate II, second son Chagatai and his descendants founded the state 1, The Chagatai Khanate 2, the Eastern and Western Chagatai Khanate and the yarkand Khanate were founded by the third and third sons of the Yarkand Khanate and their descendants The fourth and fourth sons of Torre and their descendants1, the Ilkhanate 2, the Yuan Dynasty, the Northern Yuan, the Tatars and the Vala

Baltijin Batu Mengke (Dayan Khan)

The above are the main khanates established by Genghis Khan and his descendants, and there are some small khanates that are not counted, with a total of about twenty or so, mainly by the descendants of the first four sons, of which the eldest son Shuchi yimai accounts for the majority, especially the fifth son Xiban family and the thirteenth son bald Timur family.

Of the remaining four sons, only the sixth son, Liekuo, had a fief, but he died of an arrow wound at the age of 28, and the other three sons died early, that is, there was no so-called descendant to build a country.

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