
Beijing Lehe Road - not free, rather than die! (About Rock and Love)

author:Abandoned grassroots
Beijing Lehe Road - not free, rather than die! (About Rock and Love)

Because I have listened to some music about rock and roll in the 1980s and 1990s, I have always heard that people around me miss the "golden age" of rock and roll. So when I just saw the introduction of the movie "Beijing Le and Road" and glanced at it, I found that the main actors were Geng Le, Shu Qi and Wu Yanzu, and I couldn't wait to see it.

The plot of the film is not very new, mainly telling the helplessness and bitterness of a group of young people who truly love rock and roll in Pursuit of their dreams in Beijing, and they all have their own stories before coming to Beijing.

Beijing Lehe Road - not free, rather than die! (About Rock and Love)

Lu Ping: My father was a train driver, and he always hoped that he could inherit his career, but how could he be willing to make senseless runs back and forth in the same section of the road, so when he took his father's train to Beijing, a person jumped off the train to pursue his musical dreams, and the only thing that accompanied him was a dog named Li Kui. Because he thinks that people will go away because of hunger and poverty, only dogs will be loyal to their owners wholeheartedly, and will not abandon them because of their masters' downfall.

Michael: The son of a Hong Kong builder, born in Hong Kong, raised in the United States, and can't speak Chinese or English well. He is a semi-red and black singer-songwriter whose songs have never been on the music charts, but he made headlines because he was ridiculed in the billiard room once and beat people to the top. His father asked him to go to the mainland to take shelter, learn Mandarin, pull relations, and consider his future. But tired of this world, he does not know how to use Mandarin to pull relationships, let alone think about problems in Mandarin, and what he knows best is to use Mandarin without saying a word.

Yang Ying: Born in the countryside after the end of the Cultural Revolution, abandoned by his parents since childhood (perhaps died in that turbulent decade), when the millennium passed quietly and endlessly, he realized how lonely he was alone in the dark night sky, and after crying for a night (maybe she realized that God does not believe in tears), he resolutely went to the outside world. Her dream is to be able to dance a dance in front of Tiananmen Square one day and sing a song by the way. She firmly believes in the belief that there are thousands of ways to commit suicide, one of which is to marry a rock singer, and to ensure that you die a painful, painful and fast death.

The film begins with a shoot on the streets of Beijing, showing the daily life of Beijing in the new era, using a mixture of music and rock as a background, giving people a festive and thriving atmosphere, and such a vivid picture is destined to contrast strongly with the encounters of Beijing youth who have musical dreams such as Lu Ping behind. Sure enough, the footage shifts to Lupin and their band performing desperately in a bar, only to be deliberately turned down by the sound engineer and mocking them for thinking they were big names. Angry Lu Pingdang smashed the microphone, and after a scuffle, they happily ran to the food stall to pick up strings.

Migao, who just walked depressed on the festival street, saw this group of young people who had no heart and no lungs but only knew happiness, felt unprecedented kindness, he seemed to have found a new home, he did not hesitate to join them, so they were like-minded, they went on the road with their dreams, no one was willing to provide them with a stage, they built their own venues to create a stage; without an audience, they would tear their throats in the heavy rain and canvass for votes. I thought they could change their situation with their own efforts. But in the context of Chinese rock and roll is poor or despised, they can still only shoot a shot to change places in a cave way, while guarding against the sudden attack of the police, while guarding against the riots caused by the dissatisfaction of the originally small audience.

Even though it was hard to meet with the record company to get a chance to sign, the record company dismissed Lupin's music as garbage. In the end, Lu Ping, who never catered to anyone and was maverick, could only fall into the abyss of despair, singing "I think of the depths of the light, is there a wind there..." He could only compromise with reality, and he stood in the wind of the train platform with a choked cry: Dad! Rest assured, I've signed up. It's just so that the family doesn't have to worry about a white lie about themselves. When the world can't accommodate a fiery soul full of dreams and uncompromising, the only way to maintain its dignity is to leave this world. So Lupin rode a motorcycle on the highway toward the bright place, and after crashing into a large truck, he still did not die, he took out a tape and said to the panicked truck driver: The next song is the most exciting, you listen. In the beautiful song of "Bodhi has no tree, spiegel is not a stage, there is nothing originally, where to stir up dust...", he fell down peacefully, closed his eyes, and the lonely and angry man asked about fate in the music of his departure.

This is a tragic story about rock and roll and love, and hidden in the prosperous scene of Beijing entering a new era is the bitter life of countless music-loving dreamers living in basements and walking in caves. There are many primitive pleasures and many persistent passions: Lupin, Michael and Yang Ying, their band still chases the music dream with laughter despite the wind and food; Yang Ying and Lupin's two are destined to be broken jars but doomed to be together inseparable love; Michael and Yang Ying secretly feel the beauty of holding hands with each other and strolling along the wild trail...

Beijing Lehe Road - not free, rather than die! (About Rock and Love)

Of course, there are also many helpless struggles: on the stage, he shouts sincerely and desperately but encounters the cold water poured by the audience and the sneers of others, Michael and Yang Ying reveal their true feelings to each other but can only bury this deep affection in their hearts, Andre Lupin passionately brings his music to the record company but is despised... To get rid of all pain, to give up all wishes, the final outcome will be death.

That era was a golden age that countless people missed, but reality was like an insurmountable chaser in front of countless dreamers, when being called "artists" has been seen as a kind of irony, when the excellent noh band is defined as only rebelling in front of the audience, but internally obedient. When countless music lovers can only live like duckweed fighting guerrilla warfare. In addition to their proud souls who never give in and never give up their dignity, what else can they expect the world to give them? Yang Ying was detained by the police for the audience's flirtation during a performance, during which she sang with tears and desolation: boiled beans burning beans / Beans crying in the kettle / Ben is the same root / Xiang FryIng He is too anxious, this sad song has been echoing in her mind, perhaps she has been asking: Will the world be good?

Alas, God thought the world was perfect, but in the end it wasn't a mess.

Good night!

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