
Why is mangosteen so expensive, and what are its miraculous effects? The dietitian tells you the big truth

author:Explosive Nutrition Peng Xinrui

Many people like to eat mangosteen, not only attracted by the appearance of mangosteen, but also the inside of mangosteen, mainly white, like garlic cloves, eating sweet and sour, and even promote appetite. But why is it so delicious mangosteen, the price is so expensive? What are its miraculous effects?

Why is mangosteen so expensive, and what are its miraculous effects? The dietitian tells you the big truth

Mangosteen, whose scientific name is Mangji persimmon, is a very typical tropical fruit, and its growth environment is between 25 degrees Celsius and 35 degrees Celsius, and the humidity can reach 80 degrees Celsius, if not within this range, mangosteen is difficult to grow luxuriantly.

It is precisely because of this feature that compared with other fruits, mangosteen is more difficult to grow in temperate zones and other regions, coupled with the need for transportation and other conditions, mangosteen, durian and other tropical fruits, may be more expensive than temperate fruits.

Why is mangosteen so expensive, and what are its miraculous effects? The dietitian tells you the big truth

So what are the miraculous effects of mangosteen?

In fact, it is not magical to talk about the efficacy of mangosteen. Although it is a tropical fruit, there is also the title of "after the fruit", but its nutritional value and nutritional composition is not prominent, each 100 grams of mangosteen contains 81.2g of water, 72kcal, 0.4g of insoluble dietary fiber, 1.2mg of vitamin C, 11mg of calcium, 48mg of potassium and other nutrients.

With laxative, dry, cool and antipyretic benefits, for people with constipation, you can eat mangosteen in moderation, in addition to having a wealth of insoluble dietary fiber and a large amount of water, which is beneficial to alleviating constipation.

Why is mangosteen so expensive, and what are its miraculous effects? The dietitian tells you the big truth

In addition, mangosteen is also rich in lipids, which are beneficial for maintaining cardiovascular health. But a problem that everyone needs to pay attention to is that the calories of mangosteen are not low, and the calories per 100 grams of mangosteen can be comparable to the refined white rice noodles we often eat.

In addition, the sugar content of mangosteen is not low, and it is not suitable for people who lose weight, obese people, and diabetics to eat a lot. Even if you want to eat it, eat 1 to 2 mangosteens a day. Therefore, the nutritional effect of mangosteen is not magical, if you love to eat mangosteen, if the economic conditions permit, you can eat it in moderation.

Why is mangosteen so expensive, and what are its miraculous effects? The dietitian tells you the big truth

But there is no need to think that mangosteen has high nutritional value because it is expensive, and eating other fruits can also replace it.

Finally, I would like to remind everyone that when buying mangosteen, because mangosteen is a tropical fruit, it is not suitable for storage in the refrigerator, and it is less in terms of storage time. In this case, you need to choose mangosteen well and avoid buying mangosteen that is not fresh.

Why is mangosteen so expensive, and what are its miraculous effects? The dietitian tells you the big truth

When you buy, gently press the mangosteen shell, if the shell of the mangosteen is already very hard, and the color of the mangosteen shell is still very dull, indicating that such mangosteen is not very fresh. On the contrary, the mangosteen with bright colors and soft shell of mangosteen indicates that it is fresh mangosteen and can be stored for a period of time when it is bought at home.

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