
Anhui: Mashi Village, Yaohe Township, started an industrial article

author:Dynamics of rural revitalization in China

In the early summer of May, in Mashi Village, Yaohe Township, 55 kilometers away from the county seat of Yuexi, a verdant scene. Zinong Liao Daolei was rolling up his pants and barefoot, wading back and forth in the Zibai field to remove the weedy seedlings. "Last year, my family's income was more than 60,000 yuan, and this year I expanded the scale, and I expect to earn 80,000 to 100,000 yuan." Liao Daolei, 60, said happily while wiping away the beads of sweat from his face.

Mashi Village is located in the southwest of Yaohe Township, with an average altitude of 650 meters. According to the local natural conditions, the township party committee and government have determined that zibai is the leading industry and promote "one village and one product". Chen Zongyi is one of the leaders and demonstrators of pollution-free white planting and pest control technologies, and cultivates a group of white plantation leaders and demonstration households.

In 2013, Chen Zongyi established the Yuexi County Zhimin Zibai Professional Cooperative, providing technology, information and services such as zibai planting, acquisition and sales. The cooperative has 156 registered members and earned 8.4 million yuan in 2018. More than 260 farmers in Mashi Village and neighboring villages were driven to plant more than 2,000 mu of zibai, and the per capita income increased by 20,000 yuan. "The zibai we produce is mainly sold to cities in Jiangsu and Zhejiang and Hefei and other provinces. From July to September every year, the Zibai in the Plains of Jiangsu, Zhejiang, and Anhui just landed on the market, and this time difference allowed The Zibai in Mashi Village to sell at a very good price, and farmers engaged in the production of Zibai. Chen Zongyi said.

In recent years, the "two committees" of Mashi Village have taken advantage of their superior resources and focused on promoting the development of characteristic industries. Using the poverty alleviation industry development fund of 200,000 yuan to build a new mulberry fungus base, the first year of the development of 50,000 sticks of mulberry fungus, is expected to reach 80,000 yuan by the end of the year, greatly increasing the village collective economy and farmers' income. More than 1,800 mu of land was transferred to farmers, and the cultivation of mountain ferns was developed, which led to the increase of income of 214 farmers in the village. "We have formed a stable poverty alleviation model of 'households have their own industries, and people have a way to get rich', so that the people can get tangible benefits." We will moderately expand the scale of production, improve product quality, do a good job in brand articles, realize the transformation from small fields to large markets, from small production to large industries, and lead more people to get rich and well-off. Zhang Guanghua, first secretary of Mashi Village and head of the poverty alleviation task force, said.

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