
World of Tanks: How about the Hessian Tiger King, which costs 187 yuan? An article tells you

author:Anabel, Cardo

This article was first published on the WeChat public account "Tank Zero Distance", and the article is reprinted with permission "Tank Space Station"

UP is a personal columnist and an unofficial who updates articles in Toutiao

World of Tanks: How about the Hessian Tiger King, which costs 187 yuan? An article tells you

"King Tiger" Hessian Peak Pack

Hello fellow commanders, I'm Anabel and Cardo. Previously, I showed you the news that the famous military anime work "Girl and Chariot" will have a second linkage event with wot, and I have already talked to you about the BT-42 in it, and today I will take a look at this Hessian Peak Tiger King at level 7.

Chatting about "Tiger King Hesse"

Daimyo Ding Ding

World of Tanks: How about the Hessian Tiger King, which costs 187 yuan? An article tells you

Delicate big baby

Due to some of the trends on the Chinese Internet in the early years, I believe that many players who entered the pit WOT at that time were "deceived" by the tiger style, the famous name of the tiger king and the tall and handsome appearance. As a result, after everyone started playing the German tank in the game, they shouted that they were fooled:

  • What's up,我怎么被KV给秒了?
  • What's up,这KV-1S怎么一炮能打390?我一炮才220伤害啊
  • What's up,我怎么裤裆叒着火了
  • What's up,我弹药架怎么又黄了
  • "Do you want to block the Tiger King Tank", What's up, how can one person wear me, how can anyone stop the Tiger King, you Tiger King has a problem...

In the real world, the Tiger King, aside from reliability issues of one kind or another, in terms of performance alone, it is indeed a very powerful defensive weapon. It's just that the game has to pay attention to gameplay, so under the banner of "balance", the Tiger King is forced to fight against those more powerful opponents in the future at close range, so there are all kinds of "shameful" legends.

World of Tanks: How about the Hessian Tiger King, which costs 187 yuan? An article tells you

The Tiger King of Hessian Peak in the canonical set

The description of the vehicle written by the WG tank group is as follows:

  • - "The King Tiger was one of the most powerful tanks of late wartime, also known as the Bengal Tiger or Tiger II. This tank is one of the proud tanks of the Hessian Peak Women's School Lane team, and its powerful gun and solid armor are very suitable for the Hessian team's expertise in the West Stream, which is a precise attack and impermeable defense. In the Battle Lane High School National Tournament, "King Tiger (commanded by Erika Itsumi) was an indispensable force for the Hessian team, but he lost in the final stage of the 63rd tournament against the Oarai Girls' Gakuen team. ”

The tactics and even weapon configuration of Hesse Peak School Park are all based on the German heavy armored battalion, but the performance of the Tiger King in the film... It's also more average.

Small talk time

World of Tanks: How about the Hessian Tiger King, which costs 187 yuan? An article tells you

Its main gun and ammunition configuration

In the game, the Hessian Tiger King's firepower attribute is on the low side. Compared with most of the heavy tanks of the same level, and even other Tiger King C, VK4503 and Tiger King H, Tiger Type, the firepower of the Tiger King of Hesse Peak is not as good as them. The performance of its 88 gun is relatively poor, the single shot of the 240 is a little weak, and the most important thing is that the rate of fire is also the slowest - 9.2 seconds to load one round, and the base DPM is less than 1600. This made the Tiger King of Hessian Peak fall into embarrassment: you can't fight for a single shot, and you can't fight for DPM. When encountering a high single shot enemy, it suffers, and when encountering an enemy with a high rate of fire, it still suffers, and the player must fight very steadily.

World of Tanks: How about the Hessian Tiger King, which costs 187 yuan? An article tells you

That's what the gun control is

In terms of artillery control, the Tiger King of Hessian Peak also has no advantage. The 8-degree depression angle plus the mid-mounted turret is also familiar to us. There is another point that is very noteworthy, that is, it is better not to open it to play gold coin bullets, it is really a huge loss: the APCR worn by 237 costs 4400 silver coins a shot, and the AP worn by 203 only costs 252 silver coins a shot, and it is really a loss for this gold coin bullet. If you drive the Tiger King of Hessian Peak, you must be careful and careful, and do not fight with the enemy. If you encounter the Tiger King of Hesse, as long as it is lonely, and your HP is not low, then go up directly to ride your face and fight DPM, and there is a high probability that you will win.

World of Tanks: How about the Hessian Tiger King, which costs 187 yuan? An article tells you

It's still useful to swing the angle

In terms of survivability, the armor of the Tiger King of Hessian is just like that. It's a bit useful for the swing angle of the same level car, but if people can fight, the front of the turret and the hatch can't bear it, and its own volume is also large, so it's not easy to hide, and the blood volume of 1300 is also very expensive. This car is not suitable for shooting at enemy jam points, and it is a loss in all respects. The maneuver is even more ordinary, after all, it is a 70-ton German heavy tank, and it is a bit difficult to move around. It's okay to have a 380-meter field of view, but there's nothing else to do it.

World of Tanks: How about the Hessian Tiger King, which costs 187 yuan? An article tells you

How can I say that... I'm speechless

Personally, I think that from a performance point of view, the Hessian Tiger King is really too poor, and its combat performance is also at the level of the middle and lower reaches in the level 7 heavy tank. Not to mention the problem of dividing the 7-level car, especially the 7-level heavy tank, which causes it to be eaten alive once it sees the 8-level car. From the perspective of linkage, it is also unattractive that Erica is the only one who has a voice. In fact, if you give the Tiger King of Hesse a normal point of combat power, or give it a special +0 room, or the whole set of cars has a voice, the attraction of this gift package will be greatly increased, but none of these are available.

World of Tanks: How about the Hessian Tiger King, which costs 187 yuan? An article tells you

As for these 4 packs...

As for this linkage package, the performance of the 3 linkage tanks has also been analyzed with you before, and they are indeed not good in terms of combat effectiveness alone. The crew, decals and so on are complete, or it depends on your cooking ability, this is not worth it or not. I still say the same thing, according to your own needs and strength, don't deliberately pursue. I'm Anabel and Cardo, always looking out for the vital interests of our players. If you like my car reviews, please also share the publicity so that more commanders can go home.

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