
Ma Shibo, Chucun Town: The branch is busy with filial piety to help

author:Qilu one point

Qilu Evening News Qilu One Point reporter Chen Naizhang correspondent Gao Ning

In order to give full play to the core leading role of grass-roots party building and build a grass-roots party building pattern of party building, two-way promotion and common improvement, on June 9, the party branch of Mashibo Village and the party branch of the Chucun Branch of Weihai Rural Commercial Bank signed a party building and co-construction agreement to achieve joint construction of organizations, joint management and education of party members, joint help and sharing of resources, and win-win development.

Ma Shibo, Chucun Town: The branch is busy with filial piety to help
Ma Shibo, Chucun Town: The branch is busy with filial piety to help

In recent years, Chucun Town has mobilized various villages to form a shouwang mutual aid volunteer service team, focusing on creating a filial piety brand of "virtue filial piety and Meichu Village". On the "Filial Piety Day" on the 9th of every month, various filial piety theme activities are widely carried out to guide villagers to be proud of filial piety and create a civilized rural style. Today is the January "Filial Piety Day", for which the Chucun Branch of Weihai Rural Commercial Bank donated rice, noodles, oil, eggs and other foods to help carry out volunteer activities.

Ma Shibo, Chucun Town: The branch is busy with filial piety to help

"I'll get up at 5 o'clock this morning and make noodles, and it will be just right." Early in the morning, Du Jiqiao, a member of the Mashibo Village Watch mutual aid volunteer service team, hurried to the happiness canteen with the noodles sent, "The employees of the Rural Commercial Bank and several other volunteers are chopping vegetables and mixing the stuffing, and we will be here to wrap buns for the old people." At 9:00 a.m., volunteers gathered in the Happiness Canteen to knead dough, roll out the skin, and wrap buns, and they were busy in an orderly manner according to the division of labor. After a while, more than 80 large buns were neatly arranged on the grates.

It is reported that since its establishment, the Mashibo Village Watch mutual aid volunteer service team has carried out a variety of volunteer activities with rich content and diverse forms for poor households, widows and elderly and other vulnerable groups, such as cleaning for poor households, widows and the elderly, and cooking at home. In the early stage, Chucun Town cooperated with loving enterprises to build a health care home in Mashibo Village, which has a happy canteen, and today the happiness canteen is officially opened, and from the 9th of every month, volunteers will cook for poor households and widows and the elderly in the happiness canteen.

Ma Shibo, Chucun Town: The branch is busy with filial piety to help

"The buns are already good, and the lonely, widowed, poor and elderly people over the age of 70 have come to eat in the happy canteen of the nursing home." Near noon, the hot bun came out of the pot, and Yu Xiujuan, chairman of the village women's federation, called the old people to come to the canteen to eat through the loudspeaker. Volunteers also prepared tableware in advance, arranged for the elderly to take their seats, and distributed buns to the elderly one by one. A home-cooked meal makes everyone happy to get together, chat, laugh, and not be busy for a while.

Ma Shibo, Chucun Town: The branch is busy with filial piety to help

Help doesn't stop there. In the early stage, the Chucun Branch of Weihai Rural Commercial Bank also helped the establishment of the Mashibo Village Towel Credit Supermarket and the Volunteer Supermarket, opened a special area in the supermarket, provided towels, umbrellas, tea sets and other exchange items free of charge, and provided "welfare" for the "letter users" in the village, and the letter users on the list could apply for interest-free and discounted loans. In addition, the Chucun Branch of Weihai Rural Commercial Bank also regularly goes to the village to carry out a series of activities such as anti-fraud publicity.

"We mobilize internal forces to help each other, everyone huddles together for warmth, and no one is left behind." Zhang Guoshi, the first secretary of Ma Shibo Village, said. The volunteers of Ma shi po village have volunteered again and again, while promoting the culture of filial piety, condensing their hearts and souls to help rural revitalization.

Ma Shibo, Chucun Town: The branch is busy with filial piety to help

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