
Anyone can make an old Beijing snack - sugar fire

Anyone who has been to Beijing knows. The sugar fire looks ugly, but it tastes really good!

Anyone can make an old Beijing snack - sugar fire

1. The yeast is dissolved in 20g of warm water (counting the total water volume);

Anyone can make an old Beijing snack - sugar fire

2, add flour, mix with water and oil (peanut oil is the most fragrant, other odorless vegetable oil can also be), mix well with chopsticks, the degree of dryness and wetness is shown in the following figure;

Anyone can make an old Beijing snack - sugar fire

3, and into a slightly softer dough, after reconciliation, cover with a damp cloth or plastic wrap, wake up for 15 minutes;

Anyone can make an old Beijing snack - sugar fire

4, wake up time to prepare the filling: flour baked, brown sugar, sesame sauce added to the cooked flour, with cooking oil to make a slightly thinner trap;

Anyone can make an old Beijing snack - sugar fire

5. Brush a layer of oil on the cutting board, and the dough will be rolled into long strips for subsequent rolling;

Anyone can make an old Beijing snack - sugar fire

6: Roll out the dough into thin slices, spread the filling evenly on the dough sheets, and roll them into rolls;

Anyone can make an old Beijing snack - sugar fire

7. Twist long strips like twisting, twist out uniform marbles, and cut into 12 equal parts;

Anyone can make an old Beijing snack - sugar fire

8. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees; receive each equal portion of the sliced noodles to the bottom of the cake and make the cake blanks one by one;

Anyone can make an old Beijing snack - sugar fire

9: Spray a layer of water and bake in the oven for 25 minutes. (Depending on the oven, the time can also be baked in a pan or pan).

Anyone can make an old Beijing snack - sugar fire

10, just out of the oven is the best to eat, the outside crispy soft, the sauce is fragrant; after cooling, sealed and preserved, it becomes the taste of Daoxiang Village, soft and soft, sweet and sweet drops.

Anyone can make an old Beijing snack - sugar fire

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