
1977 high exam paper exposure, essay topics such as primary school students' diaries, netizens lamented that the wrong era 44 years ago the high exam paper exposure, netizens bluntly said that this question I can go to Tsinghua college entrance examination is approaching, candidates before the exam to do what preparation? Unexpected situations and solutions that may occur on the day of the college entrance examination

author:Mo Beixue sister talked about education
With the gradual improvement of China's education level, the difficulty of teaching is also gradually increasing, and the once "rare" college students now seem to be everywhere.

Contemporary college students are always lamenting, why is it so difficult to find a job now? In addition to social reasons, there are too many college students today, it is very difficult for the former family to train a college student, people first solve the problem of food and clothing, followed by learning, and now, college students have been very common.

1977 high exam paper exposure, essay topics such as primary school students' diaries, netizens lamented that the wrong era 44 years ago the high exam paper exposure, netizens bluntly said that this question I can go to Tsinghua college entrance examination is approaching, candidates before the exam to do what preparation? Unexpected situations and solutions that may occur on the day of the college entrance examination

1977 is a special year, this year China restored the college entrance examination system, millions of young people participated in this fate-changing exam, the final number of admissions is less than 300,000 people, since then, Chinese students have begun to pick up books, join the ranks of the university, and now, the 2021 college entrance examination is coming, spanning 44 years of high school exam paper looks like? Let's take a look.

1977 high exam paper exposure, essay topics such as primary school students' diaries, netizens lamented that the wrong era 44 years ago the high exam paper exposure, netizens bluntly said that this question I can go to Tsinghua college entrance examination is approaching, candidates before the exam to do what preparation? Unexpected situations and solutions that may occur on the day of the college entrance examination

This is a college entrance examination language test paper from Shandong Province, from the yellowed paper we can feel the gap in time, different from our current language paper, the composition of the language test paper in 1977 is very simple, the only constant is the composition link, it seems that 44 years ago students also had to worry about writing essays, but the topic of the essay is very simple - the most memorable day.

Some people on the Internet complained that the composition topic of 44 years ago was the same as the diary of primary school students? However, the times were different, for the students at that time, that exam was the first college entrance examination after 10 years, not only for students, but also for most people is an unforgettable day.

1977 high exam paper exposure, essay topics such as primary school students' diaries, netizens lamented that the wrong era 44 years ago the high exam paper exposure, netizens bluntly said that this question I can go to Tsinghua college entrance examination is approaching, candidates before the exam to do what preparation? Unexpected situations and solutions that may occur on the day of the college entrance examination

Mathematics this subject is believed to be the most headache for many people, multiple choice questions can also rely on Meng, turn over the back to the big problem, the scum can only helplessly write down a "solution" word, the rest depends on the fate.

However, the 77 years of mathematics test paper but let many people ridicule their own birth is not timely, this mathematical test paper from Shanghai, a total of ten questions, the last two questions or additional questions, not counted in the total score, from the test paper we can see, the first two questions, one simplification, one calculation, it can be seen that the difficulty of the math test at that time was not large, so that some netizens shouted: I can also go to Tsinghua.

1977 high exam paper exposure, essay topics such as primary school students' diaries, netizens lamented that the wrong era 44 years ago the high exam paper exposure, netizens bluntly said that this question I can go to Tsinghua college entrance examination is approaching, candidates before the exam to do what preparation? Unexpected situations and solutions that may occur on the day of the college entrance examination

After reading the topic 44 years ago, is it suddenly bursting with self-confidence, regretting that you did not catch up with the good time? But in fact, in different national conditions and social environments, the education level of students is incomparable.

Students who were able to pass the college entrance examination and go to college can also become the existence of academic bullies today, and now that they are not in the hard times, students should cherish such a learning environment and work hard.

1977 high exam paper exposure, essay topics such as primary school students' diaries, netizens lamented that the wrong era 44 years ago the high exam paper exposure, netizens bluntly said that this question I can go to Tsinghua college entrance examination is approaching, candidates before the exam to do what preparation? Unexpected situations and solutions that may occur on the day of the college entrance examination

Preparation for revision the week before the exam. Every day in the morning after half an hour, the effect of memory is generally good, candidates can grasp the memorization of the knowledge points that need to be memorized by rote in this period of time, and the same half an hour before going to bed is also a better memory time period for people, making good use of two time points, and the review effect can be doubled with half the effort.

1977 high exam paper exposure, essay topics such as primary school students' diaries, netizens lamented that the wrong era 44 years ago the high exam paper exposure, netizens bluntly said that this question I can go to Tsinghua college entrance examination is approaching, candidates before the exam to do what preparation? Unexpected situations and solutions that may occur on the day of the college entrance examination

Regular work and rest before the exam. High school candidates study pressure, study until the middle of the night is a common thing, but in the week before the exam to maintain sufficient sleep time, adjust the regular schedule, in order to ensure sufficient mental and physical strength, accustomed to learning and memorizing during the day, after all, the college entrance examination can be carried out during the day.

1977 high exam paper exposure, essay topics such as primary school students' diaries, netizens lamented that the wrong era 44 years ago the high exam paper exposure, netizens bluntly said that this question I can go to Tsinghua college entrance examination is approaching, candidates before the exam to do what preparation? Unexpected situations and solutions that may occur on the day of the college entrance examination

Make technical preparation 1-2 days before the test. If you do not know the location of the examination room, you can go to the inspection in advance, including considering what kind of transportation to use on the day, estimating the time, and making a good amount in advance, so as not to encounter emergencies on the way to the examination, resulting in late arrival, if it is far from home, you must also consider whether there is a place to eat and rest around, and pay attention to dietary hygiene.

1977 high exam paper exposure, essay topics such as primary school students' diaries, netizens lamented that the wrong era 44 years ago the high exam paper exposure, netizens bluntly said that this question I can go to Tsinghua college entrance examination is approaching, candidates before the exam to do what preparation? Unexpected situations and solutions that may occur on the day of the college entrance examination

What should I do if I forget to bring my admission ticket

Although parents and teachers have repeatedly emphasized before each test, there are still cases where candidates forget to bring or lose the admission ticket, find that the admission ticket is lost xi'an do not panic, immediately explain the situation with the teacher in the examination room, after passing the ID card verification, you can enter the test to take the test, and then send it to the test center for verification within the specified time, if the ID card is lost, explain the situation to the leading teacher, there will be a special person responsible for the arrangement.

1977 high exam paper exposure, essay topics such as primary school students' diaries, netizens lamented that the wrong era 44 years ago the high exam paper exposure, netizens bluntly said that this question I can go to Tsinghua college entrance examination is approaching, candidates before the exam to do what preparation? Unexpected situations and solutions that may occur on the day of the college entrance examination

What should I do if I want to go to the toilet during the exam

Although the toilet is not recommended during the examination process, after all, it will affect the speed of answering questions, but people have three urgencies, you can immediately contact the invigilator teacher, accompanied by the invigilator staff to go to the toilet, the whole process does not leave your side of the kind.

What should I do if I forget to write my name after the exam?

As soon as the exam is over, all students are not allowed to touch the test paper and answer cards, or even scratch paper, if this situation is found, immediately raise their hands to report to the invigilator, write their names after getting consent, and do not use the pen without authorization, otherwise it will be judged to be cheating.

1977 high exam paper exposure, essay topics such as primary school students' diaries, netizens lamented that the wrong era 44 years ago the high exam paper exposure, netizens bluntly said that this question I can go to Tsinghua college entrance examination is approaching, candidates before the exam to do what preparation? Unexpected situations and solutions that may occur on the day of the college entrance examination


China's education is developing rapidly, the resources of contemporary students have made great progress compared with the past, contemporary students should cherish today's learning environment, study hard, and be a pillar of talent that does not live up to themselves and their families, as well as the motherland.

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