
"Wild game" virus carriers, in addition to bats, what other wild meat can not be eaten

author:Kotani Rice Grains

<h3 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > no! want! again! eat! wild! taste! finish! </h3>

This time the "new coronavirus" has pushed bats to the cusp of the storm, is it really people who eat "bats" to be infected with "deadly viruses"? The real answer Xiaobian does not dare to assert here, but "bat" is one of the most virus-carrying in nature, whether it is the SARS virus that swept the country or the current new coronavirus are derived from "wild meat"

There are other animals in nature that carry "deadly viruses" Here are a few common "wild meats" to warn everyone.

"Wild game" virus carriers, in addition to bats, what other wild meat can not be eaten

Image source Baidu

"Wild game" virus carriers, in addition to bats, what other wild meat can not be eaten

Number one: Bats

The natural hosts of SARS, MERS (Middle East Respiratory Distress Syndrome), Ebola virus, rabies virus, Marburg virus, Hendra virus, Nipah virus, and the new coronavirus of Wuhan pneumonia are bats. When they are echo-located by their own radar or when excreting feces, they will be transmitted by means of civets, camels, fruits and other media. Once infected, it can be fatally spread on a large scale. There are more than 140 kinds of viruses on bats, and more than 60 of them can be transmitted to people, so some people call bats "mobile virus reservoirs".

"Wild game" virus carriers, in addition to bats, what other wild meat can not be eaten

Second place: civets

The flower-faced beaver ( scientific name : Paguma larvata ) is a carnivorous genus of the family Civetidae. There is a chance of infection with plague due to predation on rodents, and the serum of the flower-faced beaver has been positive for plague F1 antibodies in Yunnan, China. On November 1, 2013, Science and Technology Daily reported that the research team of Shi Zhengli of the Wuhan Institute of Virology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences isolated a SARS-like coronavirus (SARS-like CoV) that is highly homologous to the SARS virus, further confirming that the Chinese chrysanthemum bat is the source of the SARS virus.

It is easy to become an intermediate host for the transmission of various viruses such as SARS virus, carrying a variety of in vivo parasites, including trichinella, Fox trematodes, etc., which can damage the lungs and central nervous system and carry rabies virus.

"Wild game" virus carriers, in addition to bats, what other wild meat can not be eaten

Third place: Hedgehog

Carrying a large number of in vivo parasites, including "schizocephalic larvae, blastocystis, ticks (carrying a variety of tick species in vitro can spread relapsing fever, Q fever and hemorrhagic fever) can seriously damage the eyes, subcutaneous tissue, brain, intestines and other body organs.

"Wild game" virus carriers, in addition to bats, what other wild meat can not be eaten

Fourth place: Hare

Carrying a large number of internal parasites, including "Toxoplasma gondii, protozoa encephalitis, liver capillariae, liver flake flukes, Schistosomiasis Japan, cysticercosis, continuous polycephalic larvae, ticks (carrying a variety of tick species in vitro can transmit relapsing fever, Q fever and hemorrhagic fever) can damage solid organs such as the intestine and liver

"Wild game" virus carriers, in addition to bats, what other wild meat can not be eaten

Fifth place: Pangolins

Pangolin mammals, pangolin scales are the raw material for making traditional medicinal herbs, and meat is often a delicacy at banquets.

"Wild game" virus carriers, in addition to bats, what other wild meat can not be eaten

Sixth place: Raccoon

Raccoons are the natural host of the rabies virus, carrying many internal parasites, including "roundworms, hookworms, raccoon shellworms, etc., which can cause serious damage to organs such as the stomach and intestines."

"Wild game" virus carriers, in addition to bats, what other wild meat can not be eaten

Seventh place: Wild boar

Wild boar meat must be many people have eaten the same as Xiaobian, that meat is delicious is not comparable to domestic pigs, although wild boar meat is delicious or not recommended for everyone to eat.

Carrying a large number of in vivo parasites, including "roundworms, nematodes, human trichinella, fine-necked cysticercoccys, ticks (carrying a variety of tick species outside the body can spread relapsing fever, Q fever and hemorrhagic fever) and other organs can damage the gastrointestinal brain and other organs.

"Wild game" virus carriers, in addition to bats, what other wild meat can not be eaten

Eighth place: Wild marmot

The body contains the culprit of the "plague bacillus" plague, carrying many internal parasites, including "worms, microfilariae, toxoplasmosis, echinococcus" and other organs that can damage the intestine, liver and brain.

"Wild game" virus carriers, in addition to bats, what other wild meat can not be eaten

Ninth place: Wild tortoises

Maybe some people will wonder, turtle stew soup is not a big supplement? Drinking for so many years have not heard that can not drink ah, in fact, here do not make a mistake, most of the stew soup in our home is artificially raised, there is a kind of called "turtle" if you ask what is the difference between the two, I can not say, because wild turtles grow in the wild for a long time in the shell will parasitize and reproduce a variety of parasites and viruses, of which there is a virus called "Salmon virus" for pregnant women and infants the greatest harm, we should be careful, do not buy wild game to eat.

"Wild game" virus carriers, in addition to bats, what other wild meat can not be eaten

Tenth place: Wild snake

Snake meat must have been eaten by many people, every year all over the country because of eating snakes by parasite infection reports, snakes carry a variety of internal parasites, including "tongue worm, Mann's taeniasis, cryptosporidium, jaw mouth nematode, Guangzhou tube roundworm, thread foraminifera, ticks (in vitro carry a variety of tick species can spread return fever, Q fever and hemorrhagic fever), split head larvae (serious damage to the eyes, subcutaneous tissue, brain, internal organs and other organs), tapeworm (leading to intestinal infections, larvae can invade the eyes, brain, liver and other organs) and so on" And are all zoonotic parasites, infection can lead to peritonitis, sepsis, pericarditis, iritis, etc., can damage multiple organs, endangering life.

"Wild game" virus carriers, in addition to bats, what other wild meat can not be eaten

Most wild animals contain all kinds of viruses and carry all kinds of parasites, so for the health of yourself and your family, please stay away from wild game and refuse wild game!

"Wild game" virus carriers, in addition to bats, what other wild meat can not be eaten
"Wild game" virus carriers, in addition to bats, what other wild meat can not be eaten

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