
Eat a unique crystal cake with both visual and tasteful minerals!

author:Jingchu Jingmen

Wonder if this can be a cure to overcome dense fears? The current wedding cake seems to look too ordinary, you have to get some themes, after all, it is the most important moment of your life~ It is the best to impress people. A foreign cake chef, Rachael teufel, created a smooth marble-like appearance of the "Crystal Cave Cake" worth about $2,000 for the customer, with a prominent amethyst cave, setting off a wave of crystal cave cake in the dessert world!

Eat a unique crystal cake with both visual and tasteful minerals!
Eat a unique crystal cake with both visual and tasteful minerals!

The crystal cake made by Rachael teufel at the beginning is like an amethyst cave into the cake, surrounded by luxurious gold leaf, using sugar and rock sugar to make crystals, creating a realistic crystal cave feeling.

Eat a unique crystal cake with both visual and tasteful minerals!

Say goodbye to the traditional frosting and cream, "Crystal Mine Cake" replaces the traditional cake and becomes the new darling of the wedding cake!

Eat a unique crystal cake with both visual and tasteful minerals!
Eat a unique crystal cake with both visual and tasteful minerals!
Eat a unique crystal cake with both visual and tasteful minerals!
Eat a unique crystal cake with both visual and tasteful minerals!
Eat a unique crystal cake with both visual and tasteful minerals!
Eat a unique crystal cake with both visual and tasteful minerals!
Eat a unique crystal cake with both visual and tasteful minerals!
Eat a unique crystal cake with both visual and tasteful minerals!

These cakes remind me of going to a relative's house to play when I was a child, and when I saw the crystal mine cave, I thought they were very rich, but in fact the crystal cave seemed to have a fake??

Eat a unique crystal cake with both visual and tasteful minerals!
Eat a unique crystal cake with both visual and tasteful minerals!
Eat a unique crystal cake with both visual and tasteful minerals!
Eat a unique crystal cake with both visual and tasteful minerals!
Eat a unique crystal cake with both visual and tasteful minerals!

▼ This one is so realistic

Eat a unique crystal cake with both visual and tasteful minerals!

Although the crystal cave is beautiful, but there is a little dense phobia, the contrast between this smooth surface and the complex structure of the tissue is still easy to get goosebumps

Eat a unique crystal cake with both visual and tasteful minerals!
Eat a unique crystal cake with both visual and tasteful minerals!
Eat a unique crystal cake with both visual and tasteful minerals!
Eat a unique crystal cake with both visual and tasteful minerals!

Don't know what theme to do with a custom wedding cake? The mysterious crystal cave cake may also be a good choice~

Eat a unique crystal cake with both visual and tasteful minerals!
Eat a unique crystal cake with both visual and tasteful minerals!

Does eating it in the stomach give you the energy of crystals? (Heat only)

(Editor: Xiao Zi)

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