
The final fate of the seven sons of Quanzhen in Jin Yong's novel Some people died early and some people founded a famous sect

author:Basil little scholar

There are many characters in Jin Yong's book that are grouped together, such as the Five Heavenly Evils of the East, West, poison, and Southern Emperor, and The Divine Powers, such as the Seven Sons of Quanzhen and the Seven Heroes of Wudang. Among them, the Quanzhen Seven Sons are loved by many fans because of their performance in the book, but the author does not explain in detail about the ending of the Quanzhen Seven Sons. In fact, some of them died early in the book, and some of them later created a sect that became a famous sect and became a generation of masters.

The final fate of the seven sons of Quanzhen in Jin Yong's novel Some people died early and some people founded a famous sect

The Seven Sons of Quanzhen

Ma Yu is the master brother of the seventh son of Quanzhen, who is generous and easy-going, in order to remedy the opportunity of his brother Qiu to involve Guo Yang and the two families, and personally went to the desert and spent two years teaching Guo Jing Quanzhen Internal Gong Mind Method and Light Gong, which can be described as Guo Jing's true enlightenment teacher, and also a role that fans of the book love very much.

The final fate of the seven sons of Quanzhen in Jin Yong's novel Some people died early and some people founded a famous sect

Ma Yu


He does not appear much in the book, but it is enough to see that this man is extremely generous and benevolent. When Hua Zheng was captured by Mei Chaofeng, he was the first to promise to help Guo Jing save people, and then to save Guo Jing, he spoke out and explained the Quanzhen Heart Method for Mei Chaofeng.

However, Ma Yu was too honest, and during the Battle of the Imperial Palace, the appearance of him and Qiu Chuji originally gave Guo Jing and Yang Tiexin the advantage. However, for Peng Lianhu's forward gesture of goodwill, he actually believed it to be true. When he exerted force on the opponent's hand, he also thought that the other party was testing him, and as a result, he was stabbed by a poison dart and his combat strength was greatly damaged.

Martial arts level

Ma Yu was strong in martial arts and had a pure and deep internal strength, and when he first appeared, he easily flew up a cliff tens of meters high to help Guo Jing save two small eagles, which can be described as immortal. The fight with the Seven Monsters of Jiangnan is still slightly inferior to the opportunity of the hill.

In the book "Shooting Eagles", Zhou Botong once said that Ma Yu's martial arts were slightly lower than those of Qiu Chuji and Wang Chuyi. In the book "Divine Eagle", he and Qiu Chuji's martial arts ranked above Wang Chuyi.

Ma Yu's internal strength should be the most refined among the Seven Sons of Quanzhen, but his skills should be slightly inferior to qiu's chances.

Character endings

In "The Legend of the Eagle Shooter", he took over the teaching of Quan Zhen, and in the book "The Hero of the Eagle", Ma Yu died of illness.

In actual history, Ma Yu was the second head of quanzhen and founded the quanzhen yuxian sect.

Nagatoko: Tan Duanduan

Tan Chuduan does not appear much in the book, mainly when the Seven Sons of Quanzhen besieged Huang Yaoshi with the "Tiangang Beidou Array". However, he was then attacked and killed by the Western poison Ouyang Feng, and Tan Chuduan was also one of the seven sons of Quanzhen who died earlier.

In actual history, Tan Chuduan was the third head of quanzhen and founded the quanzhen nan wu sect.

Liu Chuxuan is a being who has a less sense of existence than Tan Chuduan, and although he fights against the "Tiangang Beidou Array" with the brothers of the masters several times in the book, he does not focus on and describes it.

In actual history, Liu Chuxuan was the fourth head of the Quanzhen Sect and founded the Quanzhen Suishan Sect.

Qiu Chuji is the one who has the most ink on Jin Yong's grandfather, and the book "The Legend of the Archery Hero" is because of him, because of the assassination of the traitorous minister and the Two Families of Guo Yang, which caused the Niujia Village Massacre. Later, due to a misunderstanding of the seven monsters of Jiangnan and others, Duan Tiande fled from the eyes due to exhaustion. It can be seen that Qiu Zhiji is a person who is jealous and hateful, but also impatient.

The final fate of the seven sons of Quanzhen in Jin Yong's novel Some people died early and some people founded a famous sect

Hill machine

It is precisely because of the urgency of sex and the recklessness of behavior, so although Qiu Chuji is not a positive character, he is disliked by many fans. Watching him find Yang Kang and take him as an apprentice, he first wanted to kill Bao Xiwei, who was the princess of the Jin Dynasty, and then let her go because she still missed her husband; found that Yang Kang's character was bad, but did not guide him, but prepared to inform the truth of his identity after the Battle of Jiaxing Lou, and let him take his mother and father into hiding. This is entirely self-reliant, acting entirely according to one's own will, without the slightest consideration of the cause and the thoughts of others.

What is even more difficult to accept is that in the handling of Yang Tiexin's last words, he imposed guo jing to marry Mu Nianci, completely disregarding the wishes of the two parties. When he learned that Guo Jing already had a marriage contract, he opened his mouth to covet wealth and nobility, what if Guo Jing's marriage contract was not Hua Zheng, but an ordinary woman? What are you going to say?


In the book, there are three disciples in Qiu Zhiji, the eldest disciple Yin Zhiping, who has good character! First of all, he bullied Guo Jing in the desert, and when he returned to the division, he must have been ridiculed so much that Ma Yu could not see that he could not go to the desert in person. Later, everyone understood... However, Yin Zhiping still adhered to his principles in the face of Dayi, and he still passed the pass.

In fact, Yin Zhiping was not so unbearable, he was still a moral person of the Quanzhen Sect, and he was the fifth Quanzhen Sect.

The other two apprentices, one was Yang Kang, who did not talk much about people, and martial arts were also second-rate characters in the jianghu, which was higher than Mu Nianci's level. The other Zhen Zhibing, is the later scapegoat, and I don't talk much about it, and I will refer to Yin Zhiping for experience.

In the book "Biography of the Archery Hero", Zhou Botong once said: "Among my seven masters and nephews, Qiu Chuji kung fu is the highest, but my master brother dislikes him the most, saying that he is slow to study martial arts and waste Taoist kung fu." It is quite incompatible to say that those who study martial arts should make great progress and practice hard, while those who learn the Tao should be indifferent and spontaneous. Ma Yu won the Fa system of my brother, but his martial arts were inferior to Qiu Chuji and Wang Chuyi. ”

It can be seen that Qiu Chuji had the highest martial arts skills among the second-generation disciples in the Quanzhen Sect, but because his temperament was not liked by Wang Chongyang, he did not take over as the second-generation teacher.

In the book, Qiu Chuji made several shots, first with one enemy and seven battles to draw the seven monsters of Jiangnan, and then to fight Ouyang Ke and other masters in the royal palace. It can be seen that Qiu Chuji's martial arts skills are the highest in the second generation of the whole book, second only to the five absolutes, Qiu Qianling and other limited people.

At the beginning of "Divine Eagle Hero", after Ma Yu's death, Qiu Chuji took over the position of head of the teaching. At Guo Xiang's 16th birthday hero conference, when YelüQi appeared as a descendant of Zhou Botong, he was already the largest person in the Quanzhen Sect. Xiao Bian thought that the second generation of Quanzhen disciples had either died at this time, or they had gone out to create the Mountain Gate on their own.

In actual history, Qiu Chuji was the fifth head of the Quanzhen Sect and founded the Quanzhen Suishan Sect.

Wang Chu is called "Iron Foot Immortal", and his martial arts are also extremely high, and he once stood on his own feet with a move of "Wind Swing Lotus Leaf" to stand alone in the deep valley of Ten Thousand Zhang, and subdued the crowd.

The final fate of the seven sons of Quanzhen in Jin Yong's novel Some people died early and some people founded a famous sect

King One

In the book "Shooting Eagle", he first helped Guo Jing break the siege and drank Yang Kang. Later, in order to protect Guo Jing, he retreated from the palace and was poisoned and injured. For Yang Kang's performance of bullying others, he is also a common enemy, and he has not been shielded because he is a doorman, which shows that he is also a loyal and chivalrous person.

The king can move with the wind independently of the cliffs, and the light work is self-reliant. With a light probe, you can drop nearly a foot deep mark on the ground, frightening the masters of the palace, and it can be seen that his martial arts are already first-class in the jianghu. In the Battle of the Royal Palace, Ouyang Ke, who had the highest martial arts skills, showed that his martial arts were also among the top five disciples of the second generation.

The martial arts in the book "Shooting Eagle" should be higher than that of Ma Yu; in the book "Divine Eagle", it is already the third in Quanzhen.

Wang Chuyi taught Zhao Zhijing, a disciple, and it was really unfortunate for the family, and the level of receiving disciples was not as good as that of Qiu Zhiji.

Three generations of disciples, Lu Qingdu is like his teacher, and his character is not bad.

Wang Chuyi's ending is not introduced in Mr. Jin Yong's book, and he should have gone out to establish his own mountain gate later.

In actual history, Wang Chuyi founded the Quanzhen Suishan Sect.

Hao Datong appeared more in the book "Divine Eagle", and after accidentally killing his grandmother-in-law, he was broken by Xiaolongnü with his sword.

The final fate of the seven sons of Quanzhen in Jin Yong's novel Some people died early and some people founded a famous sect

Hao Chase

Hao Datong was defeated several times in the book because of a light enemy, and after being defeated by Xiaolongnü, he wanted to seek death, indicating that he was strong and proud.

In the book, it is said: "Guo Jing, Huang Rong and the distinguished guests discussed in a low voice, and felt that the other party's proposal was difficult to refuse. The people attending today's meeting, in addition to Huang Rong's inability to fight, were the strongest in martial arts by Guo Jing, Hao Datong, and Zhu Ziliu, the four disciples of Master Yilan. ”

It shows that Hao Datong's martial arts are considered to be first-class masters in the jianghu, and they also belong to the forefront among the seven sons of Quanzhen, which should be after Wang Chuyi.

However, Hao Datong's two shots in the book, one lost to the fledgling little dragon girl because of a light enemy, and the second time because of a light enemy, he lost to Huo Du. Although both times were failures, the other side's shots were also strange, which showed that although Hao Datong had deep internal skills and strong sword skills, he had too little actual combat experience, so that he lost consecutively.

Mr. Jin Yong's book does not mention the ending of Hao Datong, but the person who opened the Huashan Sect in the later documents should be Hao Datong, and Zhang Sanfeng later met the Quanzhenmen on Mount Hua to preach the Scriptures. Therefore, although Hao Datong is not brilliant, the rear doorman is still relatively long-faced.

In actual history, Hao Datong founded the Quanzhen Huashan School.

Sun Buji was Ma Yu's hair-tied wife before his ordination, and the last of the "Seven Sons of Quanzhen".

The final fate of the seven sons of Quanzhen in Jin Yong's novel Some people died early and some people founded a famous sect

Sun Buji

Sun Buji does not appear much in the book, because of the reason why Qin Nanqin was deleted, so the character description is even less, only to show that she is old-fashioned and mean, not close to human feelings.

The old version of the book once said: "At this time, the second daughter of Qin Mu has been dead for twenty years, sun Bu'er has saved countless people in his life, and he did not take this matter to heart earlier, so he knew that the teenager in front of him had a major connection with this incident at that time?" Yang Guo himself naturally wouldn't know, otherwise how could he dare to be slightly rude to Sun Bu'er? It can be seen that Sun Buji is also a chivalrous person.

Sun Bu'er's martial arts were supposed to be the weakest of the seven sons of Quanzhen, who had been kidnapped by Yang Guo.

Although the disciple Cheng Yaojia was born rich, he was able to make friends without asking about his origins. And set up a plan to deal with the adulterous thief Ouyang Ke, who can also be regarded as a decent person. First he fell in love with Guo Jing, and then under the mediation of Huang Yaoshi, he became close to Lu Guanying.

There is no explanation in the book.

In actual history, Sun Buji died before Ma Yu and founded the Quanzhen Qingjing Sect.

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