
Brine a bubble of white worms densely packed! Do you eat bayberry or not? The doctor did an experiment

author:Bright Net

It is the season when bayberry comes to market

Sweet and sour fruits hang from the branches

The juice soaked the air

Pluck one and bring it to your mouth.


Bayberry has bugs, and the brine is full of bugs!

How dare you eat it directly? Eat it and get sick!

Brine a bubble of white worms densely packed! Do you eat bayberry or not? The doctor did an experiment

To eat or not to eat?

Hangzhou Xiacheng District Center for Disease Control and Prevention

A studious and gluttonous doctor decided to do his own experiment,

See if there are any insects in the bayberry.

Soak it in white wine,

Take a closer look at this time,

There are really little white bugs crawling out.

Brine a bubble of white worms densely packed! Do you eat bayberry or not? The doctor did an experiment

Put in the freezer layer of the refrigerator and as a result...

Brine a bubble of white worms densely packed! Do you eat bayberry or not? The doctor did an experiment

What are the little white worms on bayberry?

The white object hidden inside the bayberry is the larvae of fruit flies. Bayberry is so delicious, in addition to foodies favored, fruit flies also like it.

Generally during the breeding season, fruit flies are attracted by the sweet smell of bayberry, so they lay eggs on the surface of bayberry, and these eggs hatch and become small white insects soaked in salt water.

Fruit flies are also flies, but they are not the same as flies.

Fruit flies were clean

Fruit flies are very clean insects that feed mainly on rotting fruits or plants, and a small number of them feed on fungi, sap or pollen. Fruit flies and their larvae are clean, non-toxic, do not carry pathogenic bacteria, and do not parasitize the human body.

Fruit flies have high nutritional value

Fruit flies enter the stomach, cannot survive stomach acid, and will eventually be digested as protein and food.

Therefore, bayberry is one of the few natural "meat and vegetarian collocation" fruits in the world, and eating it can not only supplement a variety of vitamins and minerals, but also supplement rich protein and improve human immunity.

Arbutus with insects is fresher

Fruit flies are selective about fruits of different ripeness and tend to choose more ripe fruits.

When fruits of various ripeness levels are clustered together, ripe purple-red fruits become the best choice for fruit flies, and fruit fly reproduction increases with maturity.

Brine a bubble of white worms densely packed! Do you eat bayberry or not? The doctor did an experiment
Brine a bubble of white worms densely packed! Do you eat bayberry or not? The doctor did an experiment

How to remove bugs from bayberry

After listening to the introduction, most foodie netizens said: I want to soak the bugs out and eat them cold! Buy bayberry is to eat insects, spend the same money to make up for two!

Some netizens also said: Since knowing that bayberry has insects, I have not eaten a single one!

Friends, don't waste food because of insects!

If you want to remove the bugs is also very simple, generally soak the bayberry in salt water for 5 to 10 minutes, you can see the white bugs come out, and then wash it with water a few times to eat.

Saline soaking can not only remove the fruit fly larvae in the bayberry, but also help the bayberry "bathe" and wash away the bacteria on the bayberry.

How to pick fresh bayberry

Bayberry is a fresh seasonal fruit, and the method of selection is very important. You can pick out good quality fruits by looking, touching, tasting, smelling, etc.

Take a look

Look at the color first, then look at the pulp.

Try not to pick cyan, bluish-red immature bayberry;

Fresh bayberry has obvious flesh protrusions on the surface, and if it goes down, it is generally not fresh.

Two touches

Bay bayberry with moderate softness and hardness is the best choice.

The flesh of bayberry is too crisp and soft, that is too ripe, it is best not to buy.

If the meat is too hard, it is not yet fully ripe, and it is sour and tastes bad.

Three tastes

Fresh bayberry juice, fresh and sweet, after eating there is no residue in the mouth.

The poor quality bayberry is drier, the entrance juice is less, and there is still residue after eating.

Four sniffs

Fresh bayberry smells a clear scent.

Long-term storage or improper storage may have a faint smell of wine, which indicates that the bayberry has been fermented and has passed the optimal consumption period.

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