
Angora cat Maine cat Manx cat Scots folded ear cat English short Sphinx hairless Rex curly hair

author:Dr. Ding Pet Lecture Hall
Angora cat Maine cat Manx cat Scots folded ear cat English short Sphinx hairless Rex curly hair


In the last issue, 7 kinds of foreign famous cats were introduced: the golden ballet short-haired cat, the rabbit-tailed Japanese short-tailed cat, the American short-haired cat with a variety of patterns, the introverted and quiet Russian blue cat, the naughty and clever Havana brown cat, the elegant and slender Balinese long-haired cat, and the Persian-shaped Burmese Boman cat. What continues today are the Angora, Maine, Manx, Scottish Flat-Eared, English Shorthair, Sphinx and Rex.

Angora cat

Angora cat Maine cat Manx cat Scots folded ear cat English short Sphinx hairless Rex curly hair

It is the ancestor of the Persian cat and is one of the oldest breeds. Introduced to Europe in the 16th century, mainly distributed in England and France, it was the most popular long-haired cat breed at that time. By the middle of the 19th century, its status gradually declined due to the appearance of the Persian cat. At present, the Angora cat is mainly distributed in Turkey, but whether in its hometown or elsewhere, the number has been very small and threatened to become extinct, so the Turkish government has formulated a breeding plan in Ankara Park and wants to revive this breed and restore its original status.

The angora cat is slender, slightly longer than the Persian cat, strong body, elegant posture, larger back fluctuations, high and thin limbs, tapered long tail can be bent to the shoulders, the tail pinnate hair is very plump, its head is medium in size, the head is long and pointed, and extends to the lower jaw in a tapered shape, the middle face is shaped, the ear tip, the ear root is wide, the eyes are almond eyes, the eyes of white cats are different colors, and the blue-eyed cats are mostly deaf.

Angora cat Maine cat Manx cat Scots folded ear cat English short Sphinx hairless Rex curly hair

The coat of the angora cat is filamentous, soft and delicate, the soft hair of the neck, abdomen and tail is rich, the summer hair removal is very significant, after hair removal, like a short-haired cat, after winter, the coat is rapidly thickened, the cat has no inner villi, so it is easy to comb. Angolan cat coat color tends to be diversified, there are red, white, black, blue, tortoiseshell color, etc., but it is generally considered that white is an authentic Angolan purebred cat.

Angora cats are quite agile, well-behaved, quiet and enthusiastic by nature, strong independence, and do not like to be caught. The angora cat is different in that it likes to swim in the bath or creek, which is very cute. The cat has strong reproductive ability, with an average of 4 litters per litter, the kittens develop quickly, and the time to open their eyes after birth is also earlier, and the kittens like to frolic and play.

It is not until the age of 2 that it is possible to grow coats with the characteristics of an angora cat. In recent years, Turkey's Ankara Park has been working hard to preserve this traditional longhair cat, keeping its pedigree pure for breeding.

Maine cats

Angora cat Maine cat Manx cat Scots folded ear cat English short Sphinx hairless Rex curly hair

The Maine cat is named after its origins near Maine on the east coast of the United States. It is generally believed that the Maine cat is a hybrid of a shorthair and an angora cat native to the United States. A century ago, the Maine cat was popular at the cat show, but the introduction of the Persian cat gradually fell out of favor on the North American continent.

Maine cats are large and dashing, the heaviest up to 18kg, the average male cat up to 8kg, and the female cat is slightly lighter, up to 5kg. The head is broad and thick, large and round, the neck is medium-long, and the ears are large and straight. The eyes are large and ovoid, the eye distance is wide, and the eye color varies according to the coat color, with light yellow, golden yellow and green, and only the eyes of the white Maine cat are blue. The tail hair is long and flowing, and the tail length is equal to the length of the back. The limbs are strong and powerful, and the soles of the feet are large and round, with tufts of hair. The silhouette of the maine cat's entire body is close to rectangular.

Angora cat Maine cat Manx cat Scots folded ear cat English short Sphinx hairless Rex curly hair

Maine cats have shorter inburn and begin to thicken the coats on the shoulder blades. The posterior body and tail of the shoulder blade are covered with long and dense hairs, which are directly draped to the lower half of the body, and the hair type is thick and smooth, with different lengths. The soft fur is short and filamentous, but not as graceful and luxurious as the Persian cat. Coats are varied in monochromatic, mixed and spotted colours.

Maine cats are physically strong, resistant, especially hardy, and generally less susceptible to disease. The Maine cat is strong, brave, clever, warm and cute, honest and loving, and many people use it as a watchdog cat.

Affectionate, easy to get along with, friendly to all members of the family. His "crush" is even more devoted to getting along. Maine cats can produce 2 to 3 kittens per litter, and newborn kittens are not large, and the size and coat color vary greatly. Maine cats develop slowly, not until they are about 4 years old.

Manx cat

Angora cat Maine cat Manx cat Scots folded ear cat English short Sphinx hairless Rex curly hair

The Manx cat is a short-haired breed of cat. The shape is special, there is no tail, so it is also called a tailless cat, which originated in the Isle of Man (or Mann) in the United Kingdom, and has a history of about 100 years. It is said that in 1588, a warship of the Spanish Armada brought several tailless cats on the deck to kill rats, but the warship was unfortunately killed when it was close to the Irish coast of the Isle of Man, and the cats on board were isolated on the isle of Man, and after decades of self-breeding, the tailless Manx cat with relatively stable genetic performance was formed. However, this cat is likely to be a descendant of the indigenous cats of the island.

There are many legends about the tailless cat, one is that the cat escaped the cosmic flood, and when humans climbed on Noah's Ark, the entrance suddenly closed and squeezed out its tail; the other said that Irish warriors often cut off the tail of the cat living on Man Island to decorate the helmet, and over time formed a tailless cat. Regardless of the legends, from the modern scientific point of view, taillessness should be caused by genetic mutations.

The Manx cat and welsh cat (long-haired cat breed) are the only tailless cats in the domestic cat breed, which is also a unique trait of the cat, but objectively it also affects the overall coordination and beauty of the cat, and also weakens its balance ability.

Angora cat Maine cat Manx cat Scots folded ear cat English short Sphinx hairless Rex curly hair

The cat is short, muscular, with rounded hips, shoulder-to-shoulder height, small forelimbs, well-developed hind limbs, and walks like a kangaroo (a special jumping style). It has a square and broad head, well-developed cheeks, a short and stout neck, a tapered ear width, and thin ear ends. The eyes are large and round, the expression is full, and the eyes are diverse in color, which matches the color of the coat in harmony.

The Manx cat has a tight coat, with a short, dense bottom coat and a long rough outer coat forming a "double coat", and in summer, the bottom coat falls off and looks more polished. There are many coat colors, common ones are monochromatic, bi-colored, tortoiseshell color and spotted color.

The Manx cat is clever, particularly responsive, good at climbing trees, easy to train, and is a well-known rat catcher. Gentle temperament and willing to get along well with the whole family. The cat is easy to raise, general food is enough, the body is strong, the resistance is strong, it is a famous longevity cat, and it does not seem to grow old. However, the breeding ability of The Manx cat is low, a litter only produces 2 to 3 baby cats, and the survival rate is low, so in order to promote the healthy breeding of this breed, it is necessary to properly introduce the blood of short-tailed or tailed cats.

Scottish cat with a flat ear

Angora cat Maine cat Manx cat Scots folded ear cat English short Sphinx hairless Rex curly hair

The most notable feature of the Scottish flat-eared cat is the collapsed ear, a pair of small ears folded forward, the tip of the ear points to the nose, the folded ear makes the round face more prominent, the cheeks and kiss are full, the nose is short and straight, the eyes are large and round, generally copper-colored, but also change with the change of coat color, and the eyes are sweet and solemn. The neck is short and thick, the body is short and fat, the muscles are developed, the legs are short and strong, and the soles of the feet are strong. The tail is long and elastic, with a tail length of at least 2/3 of the body length.

The Scottish flat-eared cat is a short-haired cat whose coat is short and dense, soft and elastic. There are many types of coat color, common black and white, blue and white, tortoiseshell white, classic spot color and so on.

Angora cat Maine cat Manx cat Scots folded ear cat English short Sphinx hairless Rex curly hair

The Scottish cat has a quiet and peaceful temperament and is easy to get along with people or other small animals. Nostalgic for the family, love the owner, although only with one person day and night, but also show great enthusiasm for other members. The surface is calm and lazy, but when it encounters prey, it quickly starts and puts it to death.

The cat is easy to keep, general food can be, the body is strong, the disease resistance is strong, it is particularly hardy, even in winter, it does not need special care. Generally, each litter produces 3 to 4 litters, but its offspring are not necessarily collapsed ears, when the kitten is born, the ears are erect, at this time to identify whether the ears are collapsed, you can only look at its tail, the tail is short and thick is a collapsed ear cat. After about 4 years of age, the ears begin to hang forward, and as we age, the ears become heavier and lower.

English shorthair cat

Angora cat Maine cat Manx cat Scots folded ear cat English short Sphinx hairless Rex curly hair

The English Shorthair is stocky, with a deep chest, broad shoulders, and a short, flat back. The body is strong and muscular. The head is round, the neck is short and thick, the nose is wide and straight, the nose is also different colors depending on the color of the coat, the ears are small, the tip of the ear is round, and the spacing is wide. The jaw is strong and firm, and the eyes are large and round, also in a variety of colors. The tail is short and thick, and the tip of the tail is blunt and rounded, and it is tapered. The whole body coat is short and dense, the texture is brittle, and the coat color is according to the breed standard, there are 17 species, of which the blue-gray and spotted English shorthair cat is often regarded as a separate breed.

The cat has a peaceful and friendly personality, a dignified demeanor, willfulness, strong independence, good at communicating and playing with children and dogs, and is also a faithful companion for adults. Can adapt to a variety of environments, but prefer to have their own space for activities.

Sphinx cat

Angora cat Maine cat Manx cat Scots folded ear cat English short Sphinx hairless Rex curly hair

The Sphinx refers to the Sphinx. Because the Sphinx cat has a short coat, especially the facial coat is like a goat's skin, and its appearance is strange, it has this name. In fact, it is caused by mutations in the variety. In 1966. One of the litters of kittens born in Ontario, Canada, was almost hairless, and since then someone has used this cat to breed a new breed, which is the beginning of the Sphinx cat, so it is also known as the "Canadian hairless cat".

Although this cat is glabrous or even beardless, it actually has some short fluff, especially at the end of the body. Its skin is pigmented, which together with the short hairs show the overall color of the coat, and a variety of colors can be seen. Slim body, with oriental style, the body is muscular, especially the thighs, strong and powerful, the tail is long, gradually thinning to the end of the tail, and the hairs at the end are slightly longer. "Braided tail". It has a unique standing posture, bending its body backwards in the downward direction when the forefoot is lifted.

Angora cat Maine cat Manx cat Scots folded ear cat English short Sphinx hairless Rex curly hair

The cat is affectionate, warm and sociable. Because it is hairless, it is not adaptable to changes in external temperature and is prone to colds in cold conditions. Because the cat's lack of hair is a hidden mutation, when breeding offspring, it is necessary to mate with each other in the same species to ensure that the offspring are also hairless.

Rex cat

Angora cat Maine cat Manx cat Scots folded ear cat English short Sphinx hairless Rex curly hair

Rex cats are genetic variant cats that are sparsely haired and curled. There are two main strains, one called the Cornish curly cat, which originated from a kitten born in Cornwall, England in 1950, called Cary Bangkel, the other traits are normal, but the hair is bent, and later the cat is specially cared for, and the breeders return it to their mother, giving birth to more curly cats. This is the predecessor of the Curly Cat of Königs.

The other is called the Devon Curly Cat, which first appeared in 1960, when a woman in Devonshire, England, was said to have seen a large curly male cat near her home, which mated with her cat and gave birth to a similar curly cat, fortunately she had heard of the Cornish curly cat and realized that this cat may have some special meaning. It eventually became a separate strain. Originally , the Devon curly cat was thought to be a species of Curly Cat , but because they could not produce the typical curly hair trait due to their mating , it was confirmed that they carried different genes , so they were divided into two strains , but shared the name Rex.

Angora cat Maine cat Manx cat Scots folded ear cat English short Sphinx hairless Rex curly hair

Both strains of Rex cats have the body shape of oriental cats (such as Thai cats), with a tough body, slender and slender, muscular, long and straight limbs, and a high center of gravity, giving people a tall feeling. The tail is long, tapering, and elastic, and tends to curl up the tip of the tail when sitting down and resting. The head is wedge-shaped, the ears are large, high on the head, the ears are wide, the eyes are oval, bright and enthusiastic, the body has no outer coat (the Devon curly cat is slightly longer), the inner layer of villi is delicate and smooth, wavy and curly, and even the beard and eyebrows are curled. The difference between the Rex cat and the American curly cat is that in addition to the body size, it is mainly whether it has hair protection or not. The coat color is black, white, red and other colors.

The cat is outgoing, independent, intelligent, responsive, enthusiastic and cute, and curious. At the same time, there is also an idyllic, easy-to-manage side, once called the cat in the pocket, but it runs like an arrow off the string. Since the cat has no hair protection, the rest of the secondary hair protection and lower hair are wavy and short, so they are more sensitive to temperature changes and have poor cold tolerance. It can produce curly offspring only when mated with cats of the same strain, each litter produces 3 to 6 litters, the baby cat is very lively and active at birth, and the female cat is very maternal.

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