
Stir to make ❗️ a fresh lemon cake that is delicious and not greasy

author:Bean and fruit delicacies
Stir to make ❗️ a fresh lemon cake that is delicious and not greasy

Love this lemon cake, chubby but cute love is simply lemon lemon! Added lemon zest, the taste is small fresh and fluffy and not greasy. The method is super simple to stir and stir can be done, try it out~

by 1199

Low gluten flour 100 g

Powdered sugar 30

Baking powder 2 g

2 fresh eggs

Corn oil or butter 80 g

Lemon one

Stir to make ❗️ a fresh lemon cake that is delicious and not greasy

1. Prepare the ingredients. Wash the lemon with salt and scrape some lemon flakes with a spatula to set aside. (be careful not to scrape the white part of the knife) Add eggs, powdered sugar and a few drops of lemon juice to the bowl

Stir to make ❗️ a fresh lemon cake that is delicious and not greasy

2: Add lemon zest

Stir to make ❗️ a fresh lemon cake that is delicious and not greasy

3. Stir well

Stir to make ❗️ a fresh lemon cake that is delicious and not greasy

4. Sift in low-gluten powder and baking powder

Stir to make ❗️ a fresh lemon cake that is delicious and not greasy

5: Stir well

Stir to make ❗️ a fresh lemon cake that is delicious and not greasy

6, add butter (can be half corn oil and half butter)

Stir to make ❗️ a fresh lemon cake that is delicious and not greasy

7: Stir the butter and mix until smooth

Stir to make ❗️ a fresh lemon cake that is delicious and not greasy

8. Put into a framed flower bag. Grease the surface of the mold and sprinkle flour, flip and knock off excess flour

Stir to make ❗️ a fresh lemon cake that is delicious and not greasy

9: Squeeze the batter into the mold

Stir to make ❗️ a fresh lemon cake that is delicious and not greasy

10、 Hayc k5 oven preheats 180° in advance. Place the mold in the middle of a preheated oven

Stir to make ❗️ a fresh lemon cake that is delicious and not greasy

11: Bake at 180°C for 13 minutes

Stir to make ❗️ a fresh lemon cake that is delicious and not greasy

12. Perfect out of the oven to remove the mold to cool

Stir to make ❗️ a fresh lemon cake that is delicious and not greasy

13, making afternoon tea is amazing

Stir to make ❗️ a fresh lemon cake that is delicious and not greasy

14, fluffy and soft, added lemon crumbs small fresh delicious not greasy ~

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