
Les Misérables: Never seen a movie that makes people so desperate

author:Illustrated movies

This year, a debut film swept through major film festivals , Les Misérables. The director is The Black Raj Leigh, who grew up at the bottom of society in the northern suburbs of Paris.

Les Misérables: Never seen a movie that makes people so desperate

The film is not about the French writer Victor Hugo's "Les Misérables", but it inherits the spirit of Hugo's novels.

In 1862, Hugo, a generation born after the French Revolution and growing up in the long revolution and various coups and wars, published the novel Les Misérables.

The French Revolution went to radicalism, and the blood of revolutionaries washed away Paris. Then, there was an alternating change of regimes, dynasties and new governments.

Louis XVI, the Republic, the July Dynasty, the Napoleonic Empire, and finally Napoleon was defeated and exiled again, and France finally ushered in a more stable Third Republic in the storm.

Hugo sees the human heart in these thick pasts and realities, "in the eyes of the spirit, the human heart is more dazzling and darker than anywhere else;

Nothing that the eyes of the spirit gaze on is as frightening, so complex, so mysterious, so boundless as the human heart. It is the human heart that releases the infinite light, and it is the human heart that creates the boundless darkness, and the light and darkness are intertwined and fighting, and this is the human world for which we are attached and helpless. ”

And the movie also tells us how people become violent hatred.

Les Misérables: Never seen a movie that makes people so desperate

In June 2018, France competed in the World Cup and reached the final. On this day, the people of Paris flocked to the streets to celebrate. Blacks and whites mingled in the mix, and there was a jubilation. Yet under darkness there will be shadows. The huge and lively parades also harbor violence.

It was also the day with the highest number of violent crimes in Paris. The story proceeds in two lines. One line is that black boys living in paris's underclass neighborhoods steal circus lion cubs, and the gangs and police are tracking them down.

Les Misérables: Never seen a movie that makes people so desperate

On the other side of the line were Agent Lutz, who had just been transferred to work. He had just divorced his wife and settled in Paris so that he could see his son more often.

On his first day at work, Lutz met colleagues who were similar to gangsters. The boss, nicknamed "Pink Pig", likes to collect all kinds of pig dolls.

The community in charge of his new police department is a community of black immigrants, most of whom believe in Islam, where pigs are considered unclean. It refers not only to unhygienic, but also to impurity. This is very interesting to associate with the pink pig.

Les Misérables: Never seen a movie that makes people so desperate

Pink Pig sees a young black girl and touches the girl's body on the grounds of searching whether smoking or hiding drugs, which is simply naked sexual harassment. Lutz was on the side trying to stop it.

When they meet black boys on the road, pink pigs will also carry them over and pat them twice, scolding them with some ugly words.

Luz and pink pigs look for the boy who stole the lion, the owner of the fast food restaurant in the community is a very devout Muslim, in Islam, the lion is considered a noble and elegant animal, he asked Lutz, "Should a beast as noble as a lion be kept in a cage?" ”

Les Misérables: Never seen a movie that makes people so desperate

They finally find the boy who stole the lion, and during the fight, the boy is shot in the eye by a black policeman, and the boy falls to the ground, and the other boys who chased after him are frightened and flee in all directions.

The worst part was that what they had just done was filmed by a drone. Their most important thing at the moment is to find the owner of the drone, destroy the memory card, and delete the records.

Les Misérables: Never seen a movie that makes people so desperate

Lutz couldn't understand why black cops had fired and why Pink Pigs had enforced the law. The black cop said, I know this better than you do, I grew up here, and only violence can subdue them.

Can countering violence with violence really stop sin?

They finally found the owner of the drone, another black boy. His memory card was taken.

The boy who stole the lion was intimidated and beaten by the pink pig, and you are not allowed to say that your eye was shot, just that you fell by yourself, and you are an unruly child. Then he was relieved to let the boy go.

Les Misérables: Never seen a movie that makes people so desperate

The incident was finally over.

This was Agent Lutz's first day on work.

Another day, Lutz and Pink Pig patrolled the community as usual.

Les Misérables: Never seen a movie that makes people so desperate

The black boys rushed out with water guns, led by the boy who stole the lion, and the water gun slammed through the half-open window, and the pink pig yelled angrily at the boys.

The boys, armed with water guns, made a throat slit motion at the three men inside in front of the car window.

Les Misérables: Never seen a movie that makes people so desperate

If the water gun attack can also be seen as a game between children and police, but this throat cut makes Qingjia sweat coldly, which is simply the beheading action of the terrorist organization.

Because they have not been loved by the world and have not been treated well, the children's hearts have been prematurely contaminated with darkness.

Violence breeds hatred, and hatred fuels atrocities.

The boys lured three policemen into a building, and the frenzied attack and burning fire forced the policemen to breathe and the pink pig's eyes were injured.

Les Misérables: Never seen a movie that makes people so desperate

Luz, who had been persuading pink pigs and black police officers to stop violent law enforcement, eventually took up a gun and pointed it at the boy who stole the lion.

The black boy also took the weapon and glared at the three people in the corner. Behind him, there was a raging fire.

Les Misérables: Never seen a movie that makes people so desperate

The film comes to an abrupt end, leaving us with only a suspense and imagination. Who will survive? Did Luz kill the boy, or did the boy kill Luz?

Qingjia hoped, as Hugo wrote, "The world is miserable, there will be a flame in the middle, the night will end, the sun will rise, and in God's garden of freedom, we will eventually be reborn." ”

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