
Sweet and sour carp is a home-cooked recipe, sweet and sour appetizers, suitable for all ages!

author:Foodie's dish

Hello! Hello everyone! I am the "foodie's dish" today to introduce you to a sweet and sour appetizer of a Lu dish "sweet and sour fish". As the old rule goes, let's learn the origin of this dish before we start making it!

"Sweet and sour fish", also known as "West Lake vinegar fish", it is a famous dish in Jiangnan, named after its "sweet and sour" taste. The sweet and sour fish on the outside is crispy on the inside and the meat is crisp and fragrant, the soup is red and bright, the food is sweet and sour, and it is particularly appetizing.

Sweet and sour carp is a home-cooked recipe, sweet and sour appetizers, suitable for all ages!

Mention it, and there is a long history. It originated in Hangzhou and dates back to the Northern Song Dynasty. Originally called "Song Concubine Fish", it was first created by a woman named Song Wujie.

Legend has it that at the broken bridge of the West Lake, there was a woman named Song Wujie, who raised her underage uncle alone. Song Wujie is a fisherman who makes a living by fishing, so she also makes a good job of fishing. One day, the little uncle was sick and had no appetite for anything to eat. In order to make the little uncle appetizing, she specially left a fish for the little uncle to eat. I heard that the elders in the village said that sweet and sour can be appetizing, so Song Wu added sugar and vinegar when cooking fish. The fish is fried and served with a sauce of sugar, vinegar, wine, green onion and ginger. After the little uncle ate it, a sour and sweet taste was immediately refreshing, very delicious, and made him taste delicious. Over time, his illness gradually improved. So the practice of this fish spread ten times, ten hundred, and spread among the neighbors.

This is also the origin of sweet and sour fish. Today's sweet and sour fish, is no longer limited to the Jiangnan area, there are its figures all over the country, the resulting sweet and sour fish strips, sweet and sour fish pieces are good and delicious.

Sweet and sour carp is a home-cooked recipe, sweet and sour appetizers, suitable for all ages!

Don't look at the sweet and sour fish so famous, in fact, the cooking process is not complicated. Its first task in production is to select fish, the variety of fish is not strictly required, but it is preferable to choose the kind of fish with a more round body, more meat, good taste, like grass carp, crucian carp, carp and so on. After a simple cleaning, follow the knife - marinade - hanging paste - frying - pouring and other major steps, a delicious sweet and sour fish can be made.

Ingredients to prepare:

1. A two-pound fresh carp, the carp is processed clean, scraped off the scales, take out the internal organs, remove the black mucous membrane in the stomach, remove the gills and teeth of the fish, these fishy smells are relatively heavy (when you buy it, you can let the merchant help clean it up), clean the fish, dry the moisture of the fish body, press the fish body tightly by hand, so as not to slip, every 2 cm apart, scratch a knife, scratch to the fish bone, without scratching through.

Sweet and sour carp is a home-cooked recipe, sweet and sour appetizers, suitable for all ages!

2. Cut a white green onion into horseshoe slices, cut a piece of ginger into thin slices, pour the white green onion and ginger into a dish filled with carp.

Sweet and sour carp is a home-cooked recipe, sweet and sour appetizers, suitable for all ages!

3. Pour in the appropriate amount of cooking wine, cooking wine and ginger and green onions are all to increase the flavor and fishy, add three grams of salt, blackfish on the bottom flavor, pepper two grams, stir evenly by hand, spread the seasoning evenly on the fish, and then marinate for 10 minutes to give the fish a taste.

Sweet and sour carp is a home-cooked recipe, sweet and sour appetizers, suitable for all ages!

4. Below we start to mix the paste, prepare a small pot, pour in the appropriate amount of flour, and then add the right amount of corn starch, add 2 grams of salt, add salt mainly to increase the bottom taste.

Sweet and sour carp is a home-cooked recipe, sweet and sour appetizers, suitable for all ages!

5. Then add the right amount of water, stir well, adjust into a batter, in order to taste more crisp, this time the batter is more thick.

Sweet and sour carp is a home-cooked recipe, sweet and sour appetizers, suitable for all ages!

6. Remove the carp, remove the green onion and ginger from the fish, put the carp into the batter, and spread the batter evenly on the fish, preferably on each cut knife edge.

Sweet and sour carp is a home-cooked recipe, sweet and sour appetizers, suitable for all ages!

7. After the fish is evenly applied, we start the next operation, below we fry the carp over the oil, burn the oil in the pot, when the oil temperature rises to 50% heat, the slight smoke on the oil surface is 50% hot, and the temperature is about 150 degrees.

Sweet and sour carp is a home-cooked recipe, sweet and sour appetizers, suitable for all ages!

8. Take out the carp, pick the head and tail of the fish, put the fish body into the oil pot first, turn on the low heat, first fry the fish body until it is set, this setting time is about 1 minute, be careful not to burn it.

Sweet and sour carp is a home-cooked recipe, sweet and sour appetizers, suitable for all ages!

9. After the fish body is fixed, you can release your hand and press the fish head with a spoon to further shape. After the fish tail is fried, start to fry the fish head, turn the fish over, immerse the place that has not been fried in the oil, during which the hot oil is poured on the exposed oil surface with a spoon, (this process will last from five minutes to six minutes), be sure to turn on the medium heat, fry the fish until golden and crispy, when you can easily penetrate it with chopsticks, you can control the oil in the pot, and then put the fish into the dish.

Sweet and sour carp is a home-cooked recipe, sweet and sour appetizers, suitable for all ages!
Sweet and sour carp is a home-cooked recipe, sweet and sour appetizers, suitable for all ages!

10. Below we start to mix the sweet and sour sauce, leave the bottom oil in the pot, add 30 grams of tomato sauce, use a spoon to fry the tomato sauce evenly, add the right amount of water, stir the sweet and sour juice into a paste, add 50 grams of sugar, 1 gram of salt, and then add 20 grams of white vinegar, the tomato sauce is sour, you can put a little less white vinegar.

Sweet and sour carp is a home-cooked recipe, sweet and sour appetizers, suitable for all ages!

11. Use a spoon to stir quickly, sweet and sour juice slowly become viscous, this time you can properly taste the sweetness and sourness, and then add the right amount of water starch, add a small half spoon of vegetable oil (add vegetable oil, sweet and sour juice will be more oily red).

Sweet and sour carp is a home-cooked recipe, sweet and sour appetizers, suitable for all ages!

12. Then stir well, wait for the soup to thicken and bubble, then pour the sweet and sour sauce on the fish, and finally sprinkle with white sesame seeds, and use a little coriander as a garnish to taste.

Sweet and sour carp is a home-cooked recipe, sweet and sour appetizers, suitable for all ages!

Cooking Tips:

1. Before frying, the carp should be marinated for a period of time to remove the fishy bottom taste;

2. When hanging paste for carp, it is necessary to wrap a layer of dry starch to absorb the moisture on the fish and then hang the paste to prevent defolking during the frying process;

3, when frying fish, do not directly go to the pot, first pick up the fish upside down and pour overheat oil to set the shape, and then put it into the pot to fry, the flower knife will be obvious and beautiful. Fry the fish for a little longer, which can make the skin crisp, the outside crisp and tender, and the taste is good and no fishy.

In addition, the so-called "sweet and sour fish", its taste mainly lies in the "sweet" and "sour" two flavors, so in the seasoning should be large sour and sweet, within the range of personal taste can accept the seasoning of the seasoning, so that the soup out of the delicious and clear taste. Sweet and sour fish sour and sweet taste is very low, and quite popular with children, with this method can make children willing to eat more nutrient-rich fish, very good for physical development, there are conditions can often be made for children to eat.

4, personally think that the fishy line of the fish can not go, because the fishy taste of the fish and the fishing line does not have much to do with the fishing line.


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