
Chili market is so good! What about white peppers?

author:Crop Agronomy 110

White pepper is the most regional type of pepper in Zhejiang Province, with its unique flavor and delicious taste. For a long time, Quzhou, Jinhua, Lishui and other southwest Zhejiang, central Zhejiang region has a tradition of eating white peppers, the product market price is high, farmers have good cultivation benefits, but because the green peel of peppers is controlled by a pair of complete dominant genes, the skin color of white peppers in production is extremely easy to hybridize, and the currently planted white pepper farm varieties have been seriously degraded.

Chili market is so good! What about white peppers?

To this end, Quzhou Academy of Agricultural Sciences in 2010 and 2013 respectively bred Qu pepper No. 1 and Yulong pepper 2 white pepper varieties, after the breeding of new varieties, quickly promoted planting in southwest Zhejiang, central Zhejiang, as of 2017, the annual planting area of more than 667 h ㎡.

Although the promotion area of Quzhou white pepper varieties has been widespread, farmers do not have enough grasp of the characteristics of new varieties, and there are problems such as low yields and uneven planting levels in production, and the lack of unified planting standards is not conducive to the sustainable development of the white pepper industry and the maximization of pepper farmers' income.

Chili market is so good! What about white peppers?

To this end, on the basis of summarizing and absorbing the experimental research results of Quzhou white pepper in recent years, the good experience and practices in production, the local standard specification db 3308/t 037-2017 "Quzhou White Pepper Facility Cultivation Technical Specification" was drafted and formulated to standardize the production and management of Quzhou white pepper, which effectively promoted the healthy development of the white pepper industry and promoted agricultural efficiency and farmers' income. The standard was published on December 20, 2017 and implemented on January 20, 2018.

1 Origin environment

Choose a plot with high and dry terrain, convenient drainage and irrigation, deep soil layer, loose and fertile, and good water and fertilizer retention. Cultivation facilities can choose a single greenhouse with a span of 6 m or 8 m, and the length of the greenhouse is 30 to 50 m; if possible, you can choose a row greenhouse or a glass greenhouse.

2 Variety selection

Choose varieties with strong resistance, high quality, high yield, and meet the market demand, such as Qu Pepper No. 1, Yulong Pepper, etc.

3 Nursery

(1) Pit disc and matrix preparation

Seedlings are bred in 32-well or 50-well burrows or vegetative bowls with a size of 8 cm× 10 cm or 10 cm× 10 cm. The seedling substrate adopts the commodity-specific seedling substrate, which is pre-wet before sowing, the water content of the substrate is 30% to 35%, and the degree of dryness and humidity is appropriate to knead into a ball by hand and scatter on the ground.

Before seedlings, the seedbed is flattened and compacted, the width of the seedbed is 1.15 to 1.20 m, the gardening floor cloth is laid, and each bed is placed side by side with 2 burrows.

(2) Seed soaking treatment

It is treated by soaking seeds in warm soup or potassium permanganate liquid. Warm soup soaking seeds: put the dried seeds into 55 ~ 60 ° C warm water, and constantly stir, keep the water temperature soaked for 15 ~ 20 min, and then cooled to room temperature, continue to soak the seeds for 4 ~ 5 h, dry to sow; potassium permanganate solution soaking seeds: first soak the seeds with water for 4 to 5 h, fish out and put in 0.1% potassium permanganate solution for 15 to 20 min, rinse with clean water, dry to sow.

(3) Sowing

Early spring cultivation from mid-October to mid-November, autumn planting began in early to mid-July. Seeds are 25 to 30 g per 667 m2 colonization.

The treated seeds are sown into the burrow plate, each hole is sown with 1 grain, covered with a mixture of vermiculite and matrix = 1:1 0 cm thick, watered thoroughly, spring sowing needs to be covered with transparent mulch film, build a small arch to keep warm and moisturize; autumn sowing needs to be covered with shade net, shade and moisturizing.

(4) Seedling management

a. Temperature management. In the spring, the nursery is closed before the seedlings are kept warm. When 30% of the seeds are topped with soil, the veneer cover is removed, and the seedbed temperature is gradually reduced, and the most suitable temperature during the day is 20~28 °C. When the maximum temperature of the seedbed exceeds 35 °C, the shade net covering with a shading rate of 65% is used from 10:00 to 15:00 every day.

b. Water and fertilizer management. After emergence, water according to the growth of seedlings and the dry humidity of the substrate, watering should be carried out in the morning, and watering is prohibited in the evening. When the seedlings were 4 to 5 true leaves, the three-element compound fertilizer (n-p2o5-k2o= 15-15-15) was re-applied 1 to 2 times.

c. Pest control. The main diseases and insect pests at the seedling stage are cataplexy, gray mold disease, viral disease, aphids, tobacco whitefly, etc., and comprehensive prevention and control measures are taken in a timely manner.

Chili market is so good! What about white peppers?

4 Greenhouse soil disinfection

Using the summer greenhouse idle period, the use of lime nitrogen disinfection: after the end of the harvest of the previous crop, remove the straw, 667 ㎡ apply lime nitrogen 40 ~ 50 kg, plough the soil, irrigate the water, cover the soil with agricultural film, seal the greenhouse after 20 to 30 days to remove the cover agricultural film, rotary tillage once to use.

5 Colonization

(1) Fertilize the land for furrowing

2 weeks before colonization, every 667 ㎡ sprinkled with decomposed organic fertilizer 1 000 ~1500 kg, three element compound fertilizer (n-p2o5-k2o=15-15-15) 20 ~40 kg, ploughing, land preparation, furrow, furrow width (even ditch) 1.4 ~1.5 m, furrow height 0.25 m, ditch width 0.6 m.

(2) Colonization

Each furrow is laid with 2 drip irrigation tubes, covered with silver and black two-color mulch film. In the spring, in early to mid-February, choose sunny and warm weather to colonize in time; in early to mid-August in autumn, choose cloudy or sunny afternoon colonization. Double row colonization, plant spacing 35 ~40 cm, colonization of 2 000 ~2 400 plants per 667 square meters, after colonization, watering through the root water.

6 Field management

(1) Temperature management

In the spring, the greenhouse is closed for 2 to 4 days before slow seedlings, keeping 25 to 28 °C during the day, and the maximum is not more than 30 °C; keep the night temperature 10 ~ 20 °C, the minimum is not less than 8 °C. In autumn, if the outside temperature is above 35 °C, the shade net with a shading rate of 65% outside the greenhouse is covered 2 days before colonization, and the temperature is lower than 35 °C or rainy days after the seedlings are slowed down, and the shade net is removed, and the temperature is adjusted through ventilation, covering and other measures.

(2) Water and fertilizer management

Keep the soil moist after planting the seedlings in the spring, and choose a sunny morning for the timing of water replenishment, and the specific amount of watering should depend on soil moisture and weather conditions. Before the autumn slow seedlings, water with drip irrigation for 10 to 15 minutes every morning, drip irrigation according to the growth and temperature of the plants after the slow seedlings, keep the soil moist and the plants without wilting, starting in late October, as the temperature drops, gradually reduce the number of drip irrigation and drip irrigation time.

In late April, foliar calcium and magnesium fertilizers were sprayed once every 7 days for 3 consecutive sprays. Every 15 to 20 days during the harvesting period, according to the growth of the plant, 3 to 5 kg of medium nitrogen, low phosphorus, high potassium (15:10:30 or similar products) water-soluble fertilizer of medium nitrogen, low phosphorus and high potassium (15:10:30 or similar products) were applied every 667 square meters, and the topdressing concentration was 300 to 500 times.

(3) Plant adjustment

When the side branches (buds) below the door pepper are more than 5 cm long, they should be erased in time, and the rope should be pulled around the furrow, and the height of the rope should be adjusted in time to prevent the plant from lodging.

7 Pest control

The main pests and diseases are cataplexy, standing blight, root rot, gray mold, blight, virus disease, aphids, whiteflies, thrips, tea mites, red spiders, smoke green insects, beet nocturnal moths, etc.

In accordance with the plant protection policy of "prevention first, comprehensive control", priority is given to the use of agricultural control, physical control, biological control and other technologies, rational use of high-efficiency, low-toxicity and low-residue pesticides, and control harmful organisms within the economic allowable threshold.

(1) Agricultural control

Select disease-resistant varieties, pay attention to seed disinfection, rational crop rotation, and promote water and drought rotation. During the stubble change, do a good job of soil treatment, deep ditch high furrow cultivation, reasonable ventilation and light transmission, keep the countryside clean.

(2) Physical biological control

Yellow plates, blue plates, insecticidal lamps, and sexual attractants are used to trap insects, and 20 to 25 mesh insect nets are used to block pests during the summer seedling period.

(3) Chemical control

Pesticide use is carried out in accordance with the provisions of gb/t 8321 and ny/t 1276. Select registered pesticides or pesticide varieties with high efficiency, low toxicity and low residue recommended by the agricultural extension department after testing, avoid long-term use of single pesticide varieties, and give priority to the use of plant-derived pesticides, mineral-derived pesticides and biological-derived pesticides. The use of highly toxic and high residue pesticides is prohibited.

The information comes from the first half of April 2019 of Yangtze River Vegetables

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