
Jacqueline: The Most Beautiful "First Lady" in American History

author:Cover News

The movie "First Lady", about President Kennedy's widow, is finally going to meet the audience on the big screen. The award-winning film focuses on the White House years of Jacqueline, the most beloved first lady in the United States. Natalie Bohmann was also nominated for the 2017 Academy Awards again for the film.

The film dragged on for a full year before it finally met a Chinese audience on the big screen. In fact, there are many more films depicting female politicians on the big screen, and each one has a strong feminist style.

Jacqueline: The Most Beautiful "First Lady" in American History

Jacqueline Kennedy's legendary life

Jacqueline wasn't really a particularly beautiful girl, she wasn't petite enough, the distance between her eyes was too wide, and she wasn't from a good background. This girl of mixed French and Irish descent, her biological father is a stockbroker, her mother is an Olympic champion, and although her stepfather is a rich banker, he is also a little bit of an upstart. In order to marry into the famous Kennedy family, she also made up her own fictitious French aristocratic status, so that the Kennedy family finally accepted her.

During Kennedy's presidential campaign, Jacqueline participated in almost every political event, writing more than 20,000 letters and speaking in French, Spanish and Italian before the newly naturalized voters. People called her Jackie, and eventually she became the youngest first lady in the White House.

Jacqueline: The Most Beautiful "First Lady" in American History

After entering the White House, Jackie decided to make the White House the most beautiful house in the United States, which would be equivalent to an American history museum. She set up a committee that raised millions of dollars to buy ancient furniture and paintings across the country. A fresh breeze blew into the White House, ending the house's constant stereotypes.

After Kennedy's death, Jackie snatched love from the opera goddess Maria Callas and stole the Greek ship king Aristotle Onassis from the hands of the opera goddess Maria Callas. After becoming Lady Onassis, Jackie spent so much money that Onassis had to limit her spending, giving her only $20,000 a month in pocket money. This also put the relationship between the two couples into an impasse, and even once to the point of divorce.

Onassis had completed the divorce papers, but he died before they could take effect. According to the prenuptial agreement, Jacqueline did not get Onassis's property, but the Ship King family spent $30 million in exchange for a certificate that Jackie had renounced the entire estate.

Jacqueline: The Most Beautiful "First Lady" in American History

Returning to the United States, Jackie entered the publishing industry and edited and published many influential books. Like her name Jackie, she did become an outstanding woman.

After Jackie's death, her funeral was televised nationwide, though she herself hoped the funeral would be confined to relatives. She was buried next to her late husband Kennedy at Arlington Cemetery, where then-President Clinton gave a written speech and her two children presented flowers to mark the end of an era in America.

Jacqueline: The Most Beautiful "First Lady" in American History

Jacqueline and Kennedy

The film focuses on moments of turning times in fate

For Jackie, the turning point in her life was not her encounter with Kennedy, nor the white house, but the moment her husband was murdered. For a woman, Jackie had a really unpleasant time during that time, and even with Kennedy, she was only in a good position and had the consideration of divorce. For a long time, she has been tormented by various scandals between her husband and sexy actress Marilyn Monroe. Although Monroe later died, various media revelations also made her heart haggard.

On November 22, 1963, in an effort to secure re-election, the Kennedys solicited votes in The City of Dallas. Unexpectedly, the shadow of death had enveloped the couple. At 12:30 p.m., a bullet fired from a building on the side of the street hit Kennedy in the head, and Kennedy died. Jackie was wearing a suit full of her husband's blood, and even his brain plasma splashed on her body, and she trembled and climbed to the back of the car.

Jacqueline: The Most Beautiful "First Lady" in American History

After the gunshots, Jacqueline tried to rescue President Kennedy, who had been shot.

She had encountered such psychological trauma, but she still had to be strong. A week after president Kendini's assassination, she needs to keep unraveling the scar. That's the story that First Lady tells. Jackie was sometimes in a trance and sometimes excited in the face of the interview, telling about the great changes in her life. The first lady, who appeared calmly and powerfully in public after the assassination of her husband, was to attend her husband's state funeral, explain her father's departure to her two young children, and even have questions about inheritance. When Vice President Lyndon Johnson was sworn in as President of the United States on the plane, she was wearing a pink suit that was still bloodstained, showing her courage and composure to the American people, but outside of the television broadcast, she was out of control and unable to calm down. For most of the people around her, the assassination was the president of the United States, the first priority was state affairs, and for her it was the father of her husband's children, bearing the brunt of the grief of losing her loved ones.

The film uses interspersed narrative, blending color and black and white images to try to capture time and try to capture the moment. The emergence of black and white images allows us to remember history and retain memories, while the emergence of color pictures creates unlimited imagination space for us, allowing the audience to wander between reality and re-creation, and to examine the most beautiful "first lady" in American history with a new perspective, so as to continuously approach her.

Jacqueline: The Most Beautiful "First Lady" in American History

Jacqueline and Kennedy in the film

More emphasis is placed on depicting fragments of life

Not many films about female politicians like to use the long-term narrative of "Madame Perón". "Madame Perón" tells the story of how Evita transformed from a teenage girl to the first lady of Argentina, spanning decades. This cinematic approach to storytelling has ceased to be popular since the beginning of the new millennium. Today's filmmakers like to choose a smaller perspective to reveal the experience of these female politicians in a special period, and from these works, they can actually enrich the unique image of women standing on the stage of history.

This type of film usually revolves around the most difficult moments in the lives of these women, through one or a few small things, a few small fragments, focusing on recreating their lives. For example, Hannah Arendt, the most famous thinker and philosopher of the twentieth century, experienced a difficult time of reputational damage in the early 1960s. In the famous "Eichmann Trials," she traveled as a journalist to report that the "evil of mediocrity" was mistaken for exonerating Eichmann's crimes. For a time, all kinds of doubts, all kinds of distrust surrounded her, and the film mainly tells the main experience of Arendt during this period.

Jacqueline: The Most Beautiful "First Lady" in American History

History and film character comparison

The film "The Queen", which helped Helen Mirren win the Oscar for Best Actress, also chose to use an event to show the queen's life, that is, the death of Diana. After the death of the princess, who was loved but controversial and less accepted by the royal family, the British royal family all hid in the Balmoral resort in Scotland and issued only two brief, unsentimental statements.

The Queen is devoted to what Queen Elizabeth experienced, felt, and thought in the days after Diana's death. This makes her no longer a British representative wearing a luxurious crown and saying Christmas greetings, nor a little old lady with a short-legged corgi, but an old man with children, grandchildren and a family. She needs to carry not only the pressure of the state, but also the pressure of the family.

"The Iron Lady" presents the most pitiful moment of Thatcher's ten thousand years, when a female politician who was once in the limelight went to buy a carton of milk in her pajamas and knitwear, because the price of goods was worried... These small things further add to the style of the film.

In contrast, China's domestic film and television is much weaker to excavate women, there are relatively few films about female political figures, and the excavation of character portrayal and inner depth is relatively rare. In recent years, a large number of TV drama works under the banner of female politicians have appeared on China's television screens, but in terms of storytelling, most of them also focus on love and house fights. In contrast, excellent works are rare.

Worth a look:

Jacqueline: The Most Beautiful "First Lady" in American History

Elizabeth I

Starring: Kate Blanchett

In 1554, Mary I ascended to the pinnacle of power in England, and under her bloody rule, England fell into unprecedented chaos. In 1558, Mary I died and her half-sister Elizabeth ascended to the throne. Faced with the mess left by her sister, Chief Counsellor William urged Elizabeth to resolve as soon as possible the threat of being threatened by neighboring countries because Britain had no army, and some people in the country began to carry out subversive activities against her. In order to cope with the dilapidated situation in Britain, some people in the DPRK and China began to suggest that Elizabeth marry and seek a protectorate for Britain. When Elizabeth felt alone, the return of Count Liszt, who was with Elizabeth, brought her great confidence.

Jacqueline: The Most Beautiful "First Lady" in American History

The Iron Lady: Solid and Tender

Starring: Starring Meryl Streep

In her old age, Margaret Thatcher suffered from Alzheimer's disease, often switching between hallucinations and memories. She felt that her beloved husband had always been by her side, but in fact, the latter had long since died.

As the daughter of a grocery store, she was admitted to Oxford University with honors, and in the company of the love of her life, she gradually moved to the position of conservative leader. Finally, the Conservative Party won the election, and she became the first female prime minister in British history. In the face of the complicated international and domestic situation, the free market policy she advocated has also been criticized, but she has used her superior wisdom and super endurance to overcome the situation of rebellion and separation of the left and the right, and single-handedly saved the British economy, defended territorial sovereignty, and was called the Iron Lady by the world...

Jacqueline: The Most Beautiful "First Lady" in American History

The Queen

Starring: Helen Mirren

In 1997, Princess Diana died in a car accident, and the whole country was devastated, but the British royal family took an attitude of evasion and alienation. This indifference infuriated many British people. Anti-royal sentiment among the population was quite high, and the emergency situation plunged the royal family into a serious crisis. However, King Elizabeth did not come out to stabilize the people's hearts, but hid with her family in the holiday palace. Tony Blair, who had just become Prime Minister at this time, must find a balance between the interests of all parties as soon as possible, so that the royal family can get out of the crisis of trust, and the Queen has re-established her relationship with the people and established her own authority in it.

Jacqueline: The Most Beautiful "First Lady" in American History

The Princess of Monaco

Starring: Nicole Kidman

In 1962, six years after the princess's wedding, her smile has become a classic image of the princess in the 20th century, but at this time, she is trying to reconcile her past with the present. Hitchcock suggested that she return to Hollywood, an offer that troubled Grace. At that time, her husband Rainier's modernization reforms were resisted by French President de Gaulle, who wanted to impose heavy taxes on Monaco and push for force to ensure that the measure was implemented. The growing international crisis and the imminent french invasion are not only the crisis of Grace's family, marriage, and country, but also the crisis of her personal life

West China Metropolis Daily - Cover News Reporter Yan Wenwen

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