
Early abundant cultivation technology of Shandong Jin Ruyi Huang hawthorn

author:Blue willow

Early abundant cultivation technology of Shandong Jin Ruyi Huang hawthorn

Liu Xuehai and others

Fei County is a suitable area for hawthorn cultivation in Yimeng Mountain, Shandong Province, known as "Hawthorn Kingdom", national geographical indication product "Fei County Hawthorn" 2020 China Fruit Regional Public Brand Value 8. 2.3 billion yuan. Among the resources of hawthorn varieties, Huang hawthorn is a rare and rare variety. Fei County Damen Mountain Hawthorn Research Institute selected and bred early maturing budding varieties from the local small yellow red hawthorn, and produced early fruits and abundant yields. The fruit is golden in color, small in sourness, moderate in fruit size, and the ripening period coincides with the Mid-Autumn Festival, which is a stomach fruit for relatives and friends, and in 2019, it passed the approval of the new varieties of the State Forestry and Grassland Administration and named Jin Ruyi. It has a high cultivation promotion value. The characteristics of its varieties and early harvesting techniques are summarized below.

Early abundant cultivation technology of Shandong Jin Ruyi Huang hawthorn

Fig. 1 Fruit of golden ruyi hawthorn

1 Variety characteristics

1. 1 Fruit traits

The fruit of Golden Ruyi Hawthorn is nearly round, golden yellow, with an average single fruit weight of about 12g, a fruit diameter of about 27mm, a longitudinal diameter of about 23mm, and a maximum single fruit weight of 18g (Figure 1); The peel is golden yellow, the fruit is small and yellowish brown, and the flesh is yellowish white, sweet and slightly sour, with a clear fragrance. The seeds are 5 grains and about 9 mm long. The cabal depression depth is about 12 mm, and the edge retains 5 degenerate sepals, tongue-shaped, 1 to 3 mm long. The stalk is slender, and there are often 1 to 5 degenerated leaves on the stalk near the base of the fruit, which are 8 to 13 mm long and resemble willow leaves. The base of the fruit is often accompanied by a shoulder bump on one side, but it is not obvious, and some have degenerated narrow leaves at the site of the bulge. The fruit is more resistant to storage.

On October 11, 2019, it was tested by Xi'an Guolian Quality Inspection Technology Co., Ltd. to detect the total sugar (in glucose) per 100g of Golden Ruyi Hawthorn fruit 8. 9g, organic acid (in malic acid) 0. 1 g, vitamin C (ascorbic acid) 71. 5 mg, protein 0. 54g, pectin content 1. 56g, calcium 51. 5 mg, iron 1. 26 mg, potassium 276 mg, zinc 0. 6 mg, selenium not detected (detection limit, 0. 01mg/kg)。 The total sugar content of the fruit exceeds that of the mother plant, the organic acid content is lower than that of the mother plant fruit and the conventional red cultivars, the vitamin C content is higher than that of the conventional cultivars, and the fruit can be used as a high-end fresh food in addition to being used as a wine and pharmaceutical raw material. At present, the "Yishou" (trademark name) Ruyi Red Hawthorn series of red hawthorn series red wines produced by Feixian Damen Mountain Hawthorn Research Institute and Shanxi Tongkang Food Co., Ltd. has been launched.

1. 2 Growth outcome habits

Golden Ruyi hawthorn tree trunk is strong, medium germination force, strong branching force, obvious apex advantage, easy to flower, into the fruiting period earlier, generally colonized 2 to 3 years that is, flowering and fruiting, single inflorescence fruit set 6 to 8. 2-year trees produce about 1kg, 3-year trees bear 4~5kg, 4-year trees bear 8~10kg, 5-year-old trees bear about 15kg, and large trees above 7 years old can bear fruit at about 50kg.

In the southern foothills of Mengshan Mountain, the Golden Ruyi Hawthorn tree sprouts around March 9 and spreads its leaves on March 25; It blooms on April 18 and has a flowering period of about 15 days; The fruit ripens in early to mid-September, 7 to 8 days earlier than the mother plant, more than 1 month earlier than Venus, and the fruit develops for about 120 days, with leaves falling in mid-to-late November. Cold resistance, drought resistance, strong resistance to stress.

Early abundant cultivation technology of Shandong Jin Ruyi Huang hawthorn

2 Cultivation techniques

2. 1 Colonization

Planting occurs before soil freezes after fallen leaves in autumn or before hawthorn germination after soil thawing in spring. Rational dense planting is not only the key to early harvest, but also the basis for continuous harvest and stable yield. The construction of the park in the plain should give priority to the needs of small agricultural machinery operations, and the plant row spacing should be 2. 5m ×4m or 2m ×5m is appropriate, and the furrow is covered for cultivation; Mountain fish scale pit or terraced garden, the plant spacing is 3m, and the row spacing is determined according to the slope of the mountain. To fully consider solving the problems of rainwater interception and soil erosion, terraces and fish scale pits should be high outside and low inside, and the use of mountain height difference to build reservoirs, conditional implementation of sprinkler drip irrigation, is of great importance for alleviating drought in the dry season. Promote lamination cultivation.

2. 2 Soil fertilizer water management

soil management. Hawthorn is adaptable but not waterlogged. In the bluestone mountains and sand and gravel mountains, it can grow normally, and the hawthorn fruits cultivated in the sand and gravel mountains are of good quality, and the color and taste are better than the hawthorns planted in the yellow clay of the bluestone mountains. The establishment of gardens on yellow clay land should improve the physical and chemical properties of the soil through measures such as orchard grass, mulching, straw returning and increasing organic fertilizer.

In sand and gravel mountainous areas, measures such as deep turning and expanding holes, increasing the application of organic fertilizer, orchard grass, film covering and other measures should be used to reduce soil erosion.

fertilize. Organic fertilizer is the mainstay, supplemented by nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium compound fertilizer, according to the growth trend of hawthorn trees to determine the amount of fertilizer, generally 2 ~ 3 years of organic fertilizer 15kg, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium compound fertilizer 0. 5kg; Fruiting trees with more than 4 years of age were subjected to organic fertilizer of 20 kg and nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium compound fertilizer of about 1 kg.

Moisture management. Hawthorn trees require less water during their growth period than other fruit trees, but they should be well irrigated during critical water needs, such as before wintering, before budding, before flowering, during fruit expansion and coloring. Orchards in mountainous areas can solve the problem of sunburn in hawthorn fruits in the dry season through orchard covering and drip irrigation. Waterlogging is easy to induce hawthorn root rot, so the plains should optimize the drainage and irrigation system, so that drought can be watered and waterlogged can be drained.

2. 3 Flower and fruit management

Artificial pollination can significantly improve hawthorn fruit set rate. Spraying 50mg/kg gibberellin during the flowering period can also significantly improve the fruit set rate. Removing lean inflorescences and controlling inflorescence retention in years with large flowers can effectively improve hawthorn quality.

2. 4 Trimming

The hawthorn trees commonly used in production are mostly mainly happy branches and small crown thin layers. The key to early fertility is the rational application of techniques such as spring bud carving, summer heart-picking ring peeling (early June), and autumn pulling branches. Follow each of the 666. 7m2 The target yield of 3000kg at the full fruiting stage is preset, the target yield of each plant is 50kg, the target fruit retention of each plant is about 4000, and the inflorescence is about 650. According to this, the fruit branch group is selected, the appropriate number of inflorescence fruits is selected, and the canopy width and height are controlled.

Multi-main branch happy shape. Suitable for dense plantations in plains. Planting in the first year of fixed dry height of 80cm, below 50cm off the ground buds and early erase, cultivate 3 to 4 main branches, the growth season through bracing, pulling and other measures to open the main branch angle, promote the fruiting period, try not to shorten the pruning; In the second year, the middle and lower parts of the main branches are carved to promote the germination of short and medium branches to prevent the canopy from being empty. Pluck the branches that sprout on the main branches at 25cm to ease the tree momentum and promote the formation of flower buds. Remove 1 to 2 peripheral branches "trident branches" according to the growth space; In the 3rd year into the first fruiting stage, the short main branch extends the head, and the back branch is removed to maintain the growth advantage of the main branch. During the growing season, the branches are flattened and the resulting branches are cultured. The ring stripping measures of hawthorn trees in dense plantations can control growth potential, promote flower bud differentiation, and facilitate early harvest. In the 3rd to 4th year, when the trunk diameter reaches 5 to 7 cm, the main trunk and main branches are peeled in the ring from late May to early June, and the width of the peeling mouth is 1/10 to 1/15 of the dry thickness, and the peeling mouth is tightened up and down with newspaper to avoid contact with the newspaper. The weather was sunny and rain-free for 1 week before and after the ring peeling. After the 5th year into the full fruit period, summer pruning is mainly a reasonable selection of long branches. Moderate truncation and thinning according to the growth space, reduce the number of peripheral branches. By retracting the fruit branch group, the winter pruning is mainly to remove and retract, retain the robust fruit branch group, and pay attention to maintaining the growth advantage of the main branch.

The small crown is sparsely layered. Suitable for orchards on hilly grounds. The whole tree cultivates 5 to 6 main branches, and the height of the tree is 3 ~3. 5m, hierarchical layout of main branches, layer 1 is 60cm off the ground, 3 main branches are distributed, and the main branches are 20~25cm in rotation spacing in the main trunk; The second layer is distributed with 2 main branches, the layer spacing is 1m, and the main branches are rotated between 30~35cm in the trunk; The two main branches are arranged in an empty row, and the rest of the pruning method refers to the pruning points of multi-main branch shaping.

2. 5 Pest control

The common diseases of hawthorn are powdery mildew, flower rot, anthrax, root rot, sunburn, etc., and common pests include peach heartworms, yellow thorn moths, red spiders, sky caterpillars, etc. Under the premise of scientifically cultivating soil in production and cultivating strong trees to improve tree resistance, focus on 5 key periods of drug control and pest control: (1) Before germination, it is recommended to apply 5 ° Be stone sulfur compound or 40% fluosilazole emulsion 6000 times plus 1. 8% Caprylamine Acetate Water Agent 400 times liquid to remove the source of initial infection of powdery mildew, anthrax and other diseases and kill pests and eggs that are about to emerge. (2) In the early stage of flowering, use 100mg/kg gibberellin plus 25% nitricoxol 1500 times plus 2. 5% high efficiency cypermethrin emulsion 1000 times plus 70% methyl tolbuzin wettable powder 800 times liquid to control powdery mildew, flower rot, scarab beetles, heartworms, etc., and improve fruit set rate. (3) Before wheat harvest at the young fruit stage, use 40% carbendazim wettable powder 600 times plus 80% spirant ethyl ester suspension agent 4000 times plus 30% avyl spirant ester 3000 times liquid to control anthrax, heartworms and red and white spiders; (4) 70% methyl tolbuzin wettable powder 700 times plus 25% triazoltin wettable powder 1500 times plus 30% chlorocyanatomalamathione emulsion 1000 times liquid to control anthrax, brown spot disease, heartworms and red and white spiders during the expansion stage of the fruit; (5) After fruit harvesting, use 40% carbendazim wettable powder 600 times plus 10% phenoxymethazole water dispersible granules 1000 times plus 4. 5% High Efficiency Cypermethrin Emulsion 2000x Solution controls anthrax, brown spot and rot rot and pests, protects hawthorn leaves.

Early abundant cultivation technology of Shandong Jin Ruyi Huang hawthorn

3 Suitable harvest

Jin Ruyi hawthorn in Fei County, Shandong Province, began to turn from green to yellow in late August, and is edible, but the taste is not good. In early to mid-September, the fruit noodles turn completely golden brown and have a sweet taste, and they can be picked and marketed for more than a month. Because it is a relatively early mature variety in the hawthorn variety, the temperature is still high, which is not conducive to storage, but the flavor is not reduced at room temperature for 1 week, and it can be kept fresh until March of the following year under the condition of refrigeration of 0 ~ 5 °C.

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