
Rural uncles sell Yongji stone cakes, relying on "black" seasonings, selling up to 2,000 a day

author:Foodie Crazy Fan

I don't know if you ever played a game of grabbing stones when you were a child, using the back of your hand to flip five or six stones back and forth, it was my childhood fun.

Rural uncles sell Yongji stone cakes, relying on "black" seasonings, selling up to 2,000 a day

I only knew that stones could play games, but later I learned that there was a Kind of Shanxi Gourmet Stone Cake, and its delicious taste benefited from the role of stones.

Rural uncles sell Yongji stone cakes, relying on "black" seasonings, selling up to 2,000 a day

In Yongji, Shanxi, a rural uncle sells stone cakes on the street, the unique production method and delicious taste have attracted the attention of many diners, long queues to eat, up to 2,000 a day on holidays, the business is very hot.

Rural uncles sell Yongji stone cakes, relying on "black" seasonings, selling up to 2,000 a day

Uncle every day very early out of the stall, a stall there are many people gathered in front of the stall, not only by the aroma of the stone cake overflowing with the taste of attraction, more is that everyone likes to see the uncle's good craftsmanship of the stone cake, as if watching a wonderful performance.

Rural uncles sell Yongji stone cakes, relying on "black" seasonings, selling up to 2,000 a day

I saw that the uncle first washed the stone for the stone cake, poured it into the special stove for baking the stone cake, rubbed some oil, and then put the round pancake on the stone, using the characteristics of slow heat transfer and slow heat dissipation of the stone to control the heat to prevent the cake from burning. Spread the cake, spread the stones in all directions, leaving only the middle part, place a round mold on top of the cake, and then cover it with stones around it. When the cake is baked, it will leave a pothole-like stone mark, and the name of the stone cake is worthy of the name.

Rural uncles sell Yongji stone cakes, relying on "black" seasonings, selling up to 2,000 a day

Speaking of the ingredients used by the uncle, flour is the grain from the home-grown grain, made into flour, and the uncle also has an exclusive ingredient, that is, the "black" seasoning. They are made of pepper leaves and cumin, and the taste is very special, and it is impossible to eat anywhere else, no wonder the uncle's stone cake is so popular.

Rural uncles sell Yongji stone cakes, relying on "black" seasonings, selling up to 2,000 a day

Most of the people who come to the uncle's stall to buy stone cakes are old customers, new customers are also admiring, and the uncle sometimes sees familiar customers and will give two more cakes. Sometimes when there is no change, the uncle will let you give it next time. "You can't just want to make money, they are all villagers, everyone likes my cake, and they also come to the scene." he said.

Rural uncles sell Yongji stone cakes, relying on "black" seasonings, selling up to 2,000 a day

Exquisite craftsmanship, an ingenuity, I believe that the uncle's stone cake business will get better and better!

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