
Special flavor knife cutting noodles, how to make people even lick the bottom of the bowl clean?

author:Food and life

The love of northerners to eat noodles is the consensus of many people, among which the Shanxi people are particularly famous for their love for the opposite. It is precisely because of this love that many famous noodles have been born in Shanxi Province, among which Shanxi Knife Noodles is a famous dish inside and outside the province.

Special flavor knife cutting noodles, how to make people even lick the bottom of the bowl clean?

The seasoning of knife-cut noodles (commonly known as "toppings" or "blending"), is also diverse, including tomato sauce, meat fried sauce, lamb farm, golden needle fungus egg brine, etc., and accompanied by seasonal fresh dishes, such as cucumber shreds, leek flowers, mung bean sprouts, boiled soybeans, minced garlic, chili noodles, etc., and then dripped with old vinegar, very delicious.

Special flavor knife cutting noodles, how to make people even lick the bottom of the bowl clean?

and noodles

We use high-gluten flour with high protein as the raw material for the noodles, and the noodles that come out of this are white and tendonous, and the shape is also very beautiful. Mix the flour in a basin with an appropriate amount of weakly alkaline water.

After pouring in the water, the noodles should be stirred in one direction into spikes, and then slowly and the noodles, the noodles and the long circle, until the degree of "face light, basin light, hand light", you can move the noodles to the pallet to wake up. About fifteen to twenty minutes or so to wake up.

Special flavor knife cutting noodles, how to make people even lick the bottom of the bowl clean?

Cut the surface

Put the pallet on your shoulder, support the board with one hand, and pick up the knife with the other hand and stand on the edge of the pot to cut it. Pay attention to the strength and thickness when cutting, this is a skilled job, familiar with the teacher fu can control the length and thickness of the noodles very well. The sliced noodles are cooked directly into the pot and set aside.

Special flavor knife cutting noodles, how to make people even lick the bottom of the bowl clean?

Make halogen

If 'noodles' are a bowl of knife-cut bones, then 'halogen' is the soul of knife-cut noodles.

Brine is also divided into several kinds, the first is the sauce brine, we use fresh front leg pork, with a certain proportion of peppercorns, large ingredients, cumin, fragrant leaves, cinnamon and other Chinese herbs stir-fried together, until the sauce is fragrant can be put out for later. Another kind of brine that many people like is tomato brine, which is blanched in boiling water and crushed by hand, and then put into a pot with chopped green peppers to stir-fry. Although the cabbage brine is vegetarian, it is also loved by many people, and it is not difficult to do it, cut the cabbage into strips and sauté it in a pot, while adding some soy sauce to enhance the taste. After preparing the brine, you can pour the brine according to your personal taste, and then pair it with cucumber shreds, garlic, soybeans, sesame chips and other side dishes, stir well and eat!

Special flavor knife cutting noodles, how to make people even lick the bottom of the bowl clean?

Knife cut noodles noodles are q bullets, brine is fresh and fragrant, even people who usually do not like to eat noodles, can't help but eat bowl after bowl, this is probably the charm of Shanxi knife cut noodles!

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