
Chen Yajun: Scientific, rational, standardized and orderly promote the construction of characteristic towns
Chen Yajun: Scientific, rational, standardized and orderly promote the construction of characteristic towns

China's new urbanization forum was held in Beijing on January 20. Jiang Zhenghua, former vice chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress and chairman of the China Association for the Promotion of Urbanization, Zhang Junkuo, deputy director of the Development Research Center of the State Council, Yin Chengjie, former deputy secretary of the party leading group and executive vice minister of the Ministry of Agriculture, and other leaders and experts attended the meeting and discussed relevant issues.

Chen Yajun, director of the Development Planning Department of the National Development and Reform Commission, pointed out at the meeting that the attitude towards characteristic towns should be "scientific and rational", and the construction of characteristic towns should be "standardized and orderly".

First, the so-called science is to scientifically grasp the functional positioning of characteristic towns

Positioning determines the direction of progress, and finding the functional positioning of characteristic towns is the basic premise for promoting the sustainable development of characteristic towns. To find the functional positioning of characteristic towns, it is necessary to base on national conditions, follow the law, grasp the trend, and need to start from the conceptual connotation of characteristic towns, and scientifically define the functional positioning and historical role of characteristic towns around the two backgrounds of the implementation of the new urbanization strategy and the rural revitalization strategy in the new era.

Characteristic towns are the innovation and entrepreneurship platforms that gather characteristic industries on several square kilometers of land, and integrate production and living ecological spaces, which is different from the innovation and entrepreneurship platform of administrative towns and industrial parks. Its main connotation is that the industry is "special and strong", the function is "gathered and combined", the form is "small and beautiful", and the mechanism is "new and alive". Due to its basic characteristics of "non-town and non-district", it is determined that the characteristic town is not an independent part of the current urban system, but it is precisely because it gets rid of the shackles of administrative hierarchy and administrative framework, so that it can be organically embedded in various cities and organized towns, and play a special role in promoting the construction of new urbanization and promoting rural revitalization.

The first is to promote the new space for the construction of new urbanization. Many characteristic towns are embedded in various types of cities, some are laid out in urban suburbs or industrial parks, although they are not the main battlefield for the urbanization of agricultural transfer population, but they have formed a new platform for carrying agricultural transfer population into the city for employment and undertaking the relief of population functions in urban areas in the center of large cities.

The second is a new fulcrum for promoting the integration of urban and rural development. Some characteristic towns are in the middle of urban and rural nodes, becoming the carrier of urban talents, capital, technology and other elements and enterprises going to the countryside, which to a certain extent promotes the interactive allocation of urban and rural elements and the integrated development of industries, and forms an effective grasp to open up the "last kilometer" of urban and rural integration development.

The third is a new platform for practicing high-quality economic development. With new and living institutional mechanisms, as well as relatively low costs of land, housing, labor and other costs, characteristic towns are more likely to gather elements and characteristic industries in a small space, which is conducive to stimulating the vitality of new economic development, or driving the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries, and cultivating the formation of a supply-side town economy.

Second, the so-called rationality is to correctly look at achievements and problems

In the past three years, all regions have implemented the decision-making and deployment of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, learned from Zhejiang's experience, closely combined with local realities, and actively promoted the construction of characteristic towns. First, many regions have established a multi-departmental coordinated promotion mechanism, clarified the work objectives and policy measures for the construction of characteristic towns, and coordinated and strengthened the standardization and correction and typical guidance. Second, many regions innovate construction concepts, paths and methods, do not adhere to a model, promote the diversified development of characteristic towns, and strive to create a new starting point for economic transformation and upgrading and new urbanization construction. Third, many regions continue to explore the boundaries between the role of the government and the market, focusing on actively encouraging the participation of various market entities and funds while giving full play to the role of the government in formulating planning policies, building development platforms, providing public services, and strengthening spatial supervision.

Generally speaking, the grass-roots exploration and practice of the construction of characteristic towns has made certain progress, accumulated beneficial experience, and played a positive role, and a number of characteristic towns with distinctive industrial characteristics, agglomeration of elements, livability and vitality are emerging. According to a sample survey of 225 characteristic towns by relevant institutions, each characteristic town has an average of more than 150 settled enterprises, absorbed more than 5,000 jobs, effectively invested 1 billion yuan, and contributed tens of millions of yuan in taxes.

At the same time, we are also soberly aware that in the process of promoting the construction of characteristic towns, there have also been some chaos and even deformation and deformation problems. It stands out in two ways:

First, there are too many quantities and unclear concepts. At present, the relevant departments have named some characteristic towns; many local governments have also published a list of characteristic towns to create and cultivate, including a list created at the provincial level and a list created at the city, county and district levels; and market entities outside the government's list have also named some characteristic towns themselves. Among them, many of them are administrative towns that misuse concepts, false towns that abuse concepts, and virtual towns that lack investment entities and have not started construction, which have caused conceptual confusion, confusion of understanding and a large number of negative public opinions.

Second, the quality is not high and the characteristics are not obvious. In the absence of comparative advantages in manufacturing, some regions blindly chase characteristic towns such as cultural tourism, agriculture, and health care, resulting in homogeneous competition. Some towns do not have a good demonstration of the industry, the industrial characteristics are not distinct, the level is low, the scale is small, the chain is short, and the technology is weak, and no agglomeration effect has been formed. Some areas are really developing in the name of developing small towns. This will not only lead to a waste of resources, but also lead to a lack of stamina for the development of the town.

In the process of building characteristic towns, the mainstream media has played an active role, not only fully excavating good models and good cases, but also objectively and rationally reporting new situations and new problems, creating a good atmosphere for the healthy development of characteristic towns. However, some media also have the problem of misunderstanding and inaccurate reporting, such as individual media commenting on ordinary projects and administrative town development problems on the head of characteristic towns, arbitrarily drawing conclusions without sufficient investigation and argumentation, and so on. We believe that the promotion of characteristic towns from Zhejiang to the whole country in less than 3 years, in addition to Some mature towns that have been built in Zhejiang, other regions, especially towns in the central and western regions, are generally in the stage of creation and cultivation, and some problems in development and growing troubles will inevitably occur in the exploration. We must have enough historical patience for this, and we cannot measure the town in the cultivation stage by the standard of the most mature characteristic town in Zhejiang. If we can't find the achievements, we will rush to publicize them; we can't find problems and beat them to death with a stick; we can't understand the deviations and reports are untrue, resulting in confusion in market signals.

Third, the so-called norms are to correct deviations in a timely manner and avoid chaos

The purpose of normative correction is to avoid chaos and to guide characteristic towns along the right track. On this basis, at the end of 2017, the National Development and Reform Commission, the former Ministry of Land and Resources, the former Ministry of Environmental Protection, and the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development jointly issued the "Several Opinions on Standardizing and Promoting the Construction of Characteristic Towns and Characteristic Small Towns" to the provincial people's governments, proposing to accurately grasp the connotation of characteristic towns, strengthen departmental coordination, consolidate provincial responsibilities, timely regulate and correct deviations, and strictly prevent government debt risks. Strictly control the tendency of real estate, strictly save intensive land, and strictly abide by the red line of ecological protection, and other 16 standardized management measures. In 2018, we also issued the Notice on Establishing a High-quality Development Mechanism for Characteristic Towns and Characteristic Small Towns, proposing 12 standardized management measures. On the whole, the work of standardizing and correcting deviations has achieved certain results, the construction of characteristic towns in various regions has gradually returned to rationality, and the tendency of alienation is gradually reversing.

Recently, we have organized various regions and departments to conduct a dragnet investigation of the problems in the construction of characteristic towns, deepen the standardization and correction of the existing problems, and plan to eliminate a number of towns that do not match the name of misusing the concept or abusing the concept in the list of the construction of characteristic towns in various relevant departments in various regions, as well as the virtual towns that lack investment entities and have not started construction; rectify a number of problem towns with inconspicuous characteristics and low quality. In the future, we will also promote regular monitoring and evaluation of all relevant departments in various regions on an annual basis, and publish the list of elimination and rectification year by year. As a new attempt to standardize and correct deviations, the fundamental purpose of eliminating rectification and reform is to play a warning role and avoid chaos in the construction of characteristic towns.

Fourth, the so-called orderly means to adapt measures to local conditions and proceed step by step

Urbanization has its own development law, and promoting the construction of characteristic towns should follow the law and follow the trend. China is vast, different stages of development in various regions, different development conditions, but each has its own characteristics and advantages, the development of characteristic towns must start from the local reality, reflect regional differences, advocate diversity of forms, learn from Zhejiang's concepts and methods, connotation essence, innovative spirit, to prevent copying. At the same time, it is necessary to fully consider the characteristics of the long operation cycle of the construction of characteristic towns and the high requirements of specialization, and adhere to the long-term achievements and prevent rushing to the top.

If the "Several Opinions on Standardizing and Promoting the Construction of Characteristic Towns and Characteristic Small Towns" issued by the four ministries and commissions in 2017 is a corrective document, then the "Guiding Opinions on Accelerating the Construction of Beautiful And Characteristic Small (City) Towns" issued by our committee in 2016 is a directional document for the development of characteristic towns, in this document, it is proposed that the construction of characteristic towns should adhere to innovation and exploration, prevent wearing new shoes and take the old road, adhere to local conditions, prevent rushing to the top, adhere to industrial construction of towns, prevent the side of thousands of towns, adhere to people-oriented, Prevent image projects, adhere to the "five adherences and five preventions" principle of market leadership and prevent the government from taking charge of the whole package, and clarify the development direction and development path of characteristic towns from 9 aspects, such as classified policies, prominent characteristics, innovation and entrepreneurship, improvement of functions, quality improvement, green leadership, subject diversity, urban-rural linkage, and innovation mechanism. Comprehensively implementing the spirit of the above two documents is the key to ensuring the healthy and orderly development of characteristic towns.

In the next step, we will work with relevant parties to further strengthen the typical guidance, continue to excavate the boutique characteristic towns with characteristics, advanced models and universal experience, summarize and promote replicable experiences by holding on-site experience exchange meetings, and give play to the guiding role and demonstration effect of advanced cases. All localities should adhere to the principle of government guidance, enterprise mainstay, and market-oriented operation, innovate institutional mechanisms, methods and methods, and all relevant parties should improve the quality of the "Thousand Enterprises and Thousand Towns" project, build a good government-bank-enterprise docking service platform, comprehensively optimize the development environment of characteristic towns, and strive to create a high-quality development path of characteristic towns with distinctive characteristics, agglomeration of elements, livability and vitality.

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