
Spicy pot can also be made at home, the steps are simple, the ingredients are rich, and it is much more affordable than takeaway

author:Personality trumps posture I

Speaking of spicy pot everyone is no stranger to it, a pot of fusion n levels of aroma, the ingredients are more mixed and matched, the ingredients of the north and south of the world into a pot, enjoy is rich and diverse taste. If you want to eat spicy hot pot, don't order takeout anymore. Make your own clean and hygienic at home, simple and delicious.

Spicy pot can also be made at home, the steps are simple, the ingredients are rich, and it is much more affordable than takeaway

Spicy pot to eat out, it is really expensive. Casually hundreds of no, or do their own affordable ha at home. After making a spicy pot yourself, you will find that it is not difficult to make a spicy pot with an authentic taste at home!

Spicy pot can also be made at home, the steps are simple, the ingredients are rich, and it is much more affordable than takeaway

Pixian bean paste 1 spoon, hot pot base 20 grams, base shrimp 100 grams

Lotus vegetables 60 g, potatoes 80 g, foam fungus 20 g

80 g celery, 60 g cauliflower, 1 corn

6 chicken wings, 100g luncheon meat

Spicy pot can also be made at home, the steps are simple, the ingredients are rich, and it is much more affordable than takeaway

1. Blanch the lotus, fungus, celery, cauliflower and corn, remove the dried water and set aside

Spicy pot can also be made at home, the steps are simple, the ingredients are rich, and it is much more affordable than takeaway

2. Pour the amount of oil that can not exceed the ingredients, the oil temperature is 70% hot (put the chopsticks in it, there will be a lot of bubbles around the chopsticks, and there will be a crackling sound) And fry the shrimp, lunch meat, chicken wings, and potatoes and set aside

Spicy pot can also be made at home, the steps are simple, the ingredients are rich, and it is much more affordable than takeaway

3. Start another pot, pour 15 grams of rapeseed oil into the pot, add 1 spoonful of Pixian bean paste, hot pot base 20 grams

Spicy pot can also be made at home, the steps are simple, the ingredients are rich, and it is much more affordable than takeaway

4. Sauté the red oil over low heat, add shallots, slices of ginger, garlic cloves, dried chili peppers, peppercorns and stir-fry until fragrant (simmer over low heat so that the red oil will not be mushy)

Spicy pot can also be made at home, the steps are simple, the ingredients are rich, and it is much more affordable than takeaway

5. Stir-fry until fragrant, add all the ingredients and stir-fry

Spicy pot can also be made at home, the steps are simple, the ingredients are rich, and it is much more affordable than takeaway

6. Add 1 spoonful of cooking wine, 1/2 spoon of sugar and 1 spoonful of raw soy sauce and stir-fry for 1 minute (because the hot pot base and watercress sauce have a salt flavor, so there is no additional salt, the taste is heavier, you can also add a little salt appropriately)

Spicy pot can also be made at home, the steps are simple, the ingredients are rich, and it is much more affordable than takeaway

7. Stir-fry well and sprinkle with white sesame seeds and coriander to get out of the pot.

Spicy pot can also be made at home, the steps are simple, the ingredients are rich, and it is much more affordable than takeaway

8. All vegetables come out in one pot, what is cooked inside the refrigerator, completely unrestrained.

Spicy pot can also be made at home, the steps are simple, the ingredients are rich, and it is much more affordable than takeaway

1. Feel free to add or change vegetables and meat according to your preference.

2. The dishes need to be treated separately, some need to be blanched, some need to be fried, so that the vegetables fried in the spicy pot at the end are crisp and refreshing, and the color is good.

3. The processed ingredients should be drained, otherwise the spicy pot made will have water, affecting the taste.

4. Make a spicy pot, because everyone's taste is different, you can adjust the amount of pepper according to your own preferences, and get the spiciness that suits you. The more peppers, the heavier the taste. Peppercorns can be replaced with peppercorns

I am Xiaozi, multi-platform certified original food author; daily updates of various food practices, want to see what is delicious, just in the comment area to Xiaozi message yo, graphic original, strictly prohibit other media to carry privately, must defend the rights to the end!

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