
In 1961, "anti-Chiang Kai-shek" plotted an assassination plan, why chairman Mao sent a secret report reminding Chiang Kai-shek from patriot to traitor: Liao Wenyi, who went astray, rubbed shoulders with the god of death: the 1961 assassination case

author:Sinology Focus

In the autumn of 1961, Chairman Mao frowned after reading a letter of information sent by the "Taiwan Affairs Office" and directly asked his secretary to send the contents of the telegram to Chiang Kai-shek.

And a few days later, after this telegram was delivered to the Shilin official residence and delivered to Lao Jiang's hand, Lao Jiang looked at it and broke out in a cold sweat and issued two orders in a loud voice.

"From today onwards, strengthen the security checks throughout Taiwan; no one will be allowed to enter the official residence without my permission!"

After Old Jiang gave the order, he circled around the room a few times, seemingly uneasy about the people underneath, and went out again to give careful instructions.

It was only at this time that Chiang Ching-kuo, who was staying in the room, had time to glance at the intelligence, but even this glance frightened him into a pale face and clenched his fists, and the telegram between them read impressively,

"Liao Wenyi has already picked a killer into Taiwan, and he will openly assassinate Chiang Kai-shek in the near future."

Who is this Liao Wenyi? What is the tortuous process and ending of the assassination? Why did Chairman Mao send a telegram to remind old Chiang Kai-shek?

In 1961, "anti-Chiang Kai-shek" plotted an assassination plan, why chairman Mao sent a secret report reminding Chiang Kai-shek from patriot to traitor: Liao Wenyi, who went astray, rubbed shoulders with the god of death: the 1961 assassination case

Liao Wenyi was born in 1910 in a large family in Yunlin County, Taiwan Province, because his grandfather Liao Longyuan once opened a private school and educated talents, so the Liao family was quite famous in the local area.

Coupled with the fact that his father Liao Chengpi was very clever in financial management, he annexed a large amount of local farmland through commercial means and the prestige of Liao Longyuan, so when Liao Wenyi was born, it can be said that he had a golden spoon, and the family's property was squandered for several lifetimes.

When he was young, Liao Wenyi wanted to become a literary writer, so at the age of 15, he entered Taiwan's Tamsui Middle School, and after a year of study, he transferred to Japan Doshisha Middle School to study, hoping to cultivate his artistic sentiments.

However, most of the people living in the big family are not free, and the same is true of Liao Wenyi, who, under the persuasion of his brother, finally entered the School of Engineering of Jinling University in Nanjing at the age of eighteen and began to study mechanical science.

In 1961, "anti-Chiang Kai-shek" plotted an assassination plan, why chairman Mao sent a secret report reminding Chiang Kai-shek from patriot to traitor: Liao Wenyi, who went astray, rubbed shoulders with the god of death: the 1961 assassination case

Why did Liao Wenyi change so much?

Soon after receiving his doctorate, Liao Wenyi returned to Taiwan, and because he had his own skills and family background, he was also very popular in Taiwan.

At the age of 35, he became the director of public works of the Taipei City Government, and later resigned and was elected as the director of the Taipei Public Utilities Management Office.

At that time, Liao Wenyi had extremely sincere feelings for Taiwan and even for the motherland, and he even claimed in the newspaper that "we should always stand with our motherland", which can be said to be an absolutely positive figure in the public impression at that time, but unfortunately, this positive image was only maintained until the age of 40.

In 1961, "anti-Chiang Kai-shek" plotted an assassination plan, why chairman Mao sent a secret report reminding Chiang Kai-shek from patriot to traitor: Liao Wenyi, who went astray, rubbed shoulders with the god of death: the 1961 assassination case

Liao Wenyi before the age of 40 is "someone else's child", and as for Liao Wenyi after the age of 40, he is a big traitor that everyone hates.

At the age of 36, Liao Wenyi had twice run for public office, and he had more than enough to hold those positions, both in ability and prestige.

Unfortunately, the then Chief of Civil Affairs of the Chief Executive's Office, Monday Wagyu, obstructed him and failed to be defeated by despicable means, which was also the beginning of his resentment.

In 1947, the people of Taiwan launched an anti-dictatorship and democracy "228 Uprising", which was only a demonstration in itself, but the Kuomintang police officers shot and injured the local people in the process of maintaining order, and eventually killed them, so that the conflict immediately escalated.

Many people, led by Liao Wenyi, began to demand the surrender of the murderers, but instead of treating them fairly, the Kuomintang government in Taiwan also added Liao Wenyi and others to the "List of Principal Fugitives of the 228 Incident Rebels."

This completely made Liao Wenyi die of the Kuomintang, and the seeds of resentment also took root in his heart, and finally blossomed the most vicious flower.

In 1961, "anti-Chiang Kai-shek" plotted an assassination plan, why chairman Mao sent a secret report reminding Chiang Kai-shek from patriot to traitor: Liao Wenyi, who went astray, rubbed shoulders with the god of death: the 1961 assassination case

Because the situation in Taiwan was too urgent, Liao Wenyi first fled to Hong Kong, and then ran to Japan in 1950, declaring himself "general commander" and calling for the Taiwanese to govern the Taiwanese.

Although Liao Wenyi ran to Japan, he could not change the fact that Chiang's father and son's rule in Taiwan was becoming more and more stable.

And just when he was depressed in his heart, a counselor came to him and gave him an idea.

"The reason why the Republic of China was able to rule Taiwan lies in the fact that the old Chiang Kai-shek, as long as the old Chiang Kai-shek dies, the Taiwan autonomy plan will be completed in an instant."

In 1961, "anti-Chiang Kai-shek" plotted an assassination plan, why chairman Mao sent a secret report reminding Chiang Kai-shek from patriot to traitor: Liao Wenyi, who went astray, rubbed shoulders with the god of death: the 1961 assassination case

He found his former playmate Yue Anhe and borrowed his gun directly from the criminal policeman, and in order to be able to better carry out the assassination, he also used the excuse of writing a manuscript to get a lot of information about Chiang Kai-shek from his good brother.

Although Zheng Songtao is not a professional killer, because he has been serving as a bodyguard for dignitaries and dignitaries during his time in Japan, he can be called top-notch in both his skills and marksmanship, which is very much in line with Liao Wenyi's plan.

What surprised Liao Wenyi even more was that after he confessed his plan to Zheng Songtao, Zheng Songtao agreed without much thought.

Zheng Songtao also immediately patted his chest and told him that there was absolutely no problem, and soon after, as a reporter for a Japanese Chinese newspaper, he rushed from Tokyo to Taiwan to prepare for the assassination.

However, due to Chairman Mao's prior warning, Chiang Kai-shek had already stepped up security checks in the entry and exit areas, and Zheng Songtao's own gun could not be brought with him, but he still had a way.

In 1961, "anti-Chiang Kai-shek" plotted an assassination plan, why chairman Mao sent a secret report reminding Chiang Kai-shek from patriot to traitor: Liao Wenyi, who went astray, rubbed shoulders with the god of death: the 1961 assassination case

When everything was prepared, Zheng Songtao was confident, but he never expected that just one day before the plan was launched, he would actually flee from Taiwan.

It turned out that although Yue Anhe lent the gun to his own Fa Xiao, his many years of experience in criminal investigation made him suspicious of his brother.

So that Zheng Songtao's words showed a little bit of horse foot, he understood Zheng Songtao's intentions, in order to pluck himself out of this matter and not be dragged down by Zheng Songtao.

Yue Anhe rode directly on a motorcycle and forcibly broke into Chiang Ching-kuo's mansion, informing him of what he had learned and his speculations.

In 1961, "anti-Chiang Kai-shek" plotted an assassination plan, why chairman Mao sent a secret report reminding Chiang Kai-shek from patriot to traitor: Liao Wenyi, who went astray, rubbed shoulders with the god of death: the 1961 assassination case

As soon as Chiang Ching-kuo heard this, he knew that this was mostly true, because he had only recently seen Chairman Mao's telegram from Chiang Kai-shek, and in his anger, Chiang Ching-kuo first ordered the guards not to let Chiang Kai-shek go out, and then he wanted The sword Songtao in Taiwan.

Unfortunately, Zheng Songtao knew Yue Anhe too well, and after realizing that he had said the wrong thing and That Yue Anhe was an excuse to leave, Zheng Songtao took a taxi and followed Yue Anhe, seeing Yue Anhe rushing into Chiang Ching-kuo's mansion, where could Zheng Songtao not know that his plan had been revealed? He quickly took the latest flight and fled back to Japan.

This matter was still not over here, and after old Jiang learned that Liao Wenyi had really sent someone to kill him, his body trembled with anger.

Old Chiang's implication was to send someone to Japan to assassinate Liao Wenyi, but just as he was preparing to carry it out, Chiang Ching-kuo stopped him and said that this matter would have an extremely bad impact.

In 1961, "anti-Chiang Kai-shek" plotted an assassination plan, why chairman Mao sent a secret report reminding Chiang Kai-shek from patriot to traitor: Liao Wenyi, who went astray, rubbed shoulders with the god of death: the 1961 assassination case

So the father and son finally decided to take Zheng Songtao to open the knife, with a seemingly coincidental "accident" to push Zheng Songtao into the rails, ending his life.

After learning of this incident, Liao Wenyi was frightened and stupid, and no longer dared to make any small moves, because old Jiang later threatened Liao Wenyi's family, so he also had to return to Taiwan and accept old Chiang's all-weather surveillance.

Although the old Chiang also gave Liao Wenyi some positions, the surveillance against him did not stop until Liao Wenyi's death, and from the moment Liao Wenyi returned to Taiwan, he was ordered not to leave The island of Taiwan for life.

Liao Wenyi's life not only makes us feel sorry, from a patriotic youth to a traitor spurned by everyone, to a prisoner without freedom, he can also be said to be self-inflicted.

In 1961, "anti-Chiang Kai-shek" plotted an assassination plan, why chairman Mao sent a secret report reminding Chiang Kai-shek from patriot to traitor: Liao Wenyi, who went astray, rubbed shoulders with the god of death: the 1961 assassination case

What makes people feel surprised is why, when our party learned that Liao Wenyi was going to assassinate Chiang Kai-shek, instead of clapping its hands and applauding him, it sent someone to inform him?

In fact, the reason is very simple, that is, although Chiang Kai-shek was in Taiwan at that time, the positions of the two parties on the Taiwan issue were the same, and if the old Chiang Kai-shek was assassinated and Taiwan fell into the hands of others, it would be different.

Why Chairman Mao was so worried about the safety of old Chiang Kai-shek, we also have to lament the wisdom of the leader.

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