
Miracle in the Green: 3 hours long, Douban score 9.1, a fantasy masterpiece starring Tom Hanks

author:Great Dragon Hanlin

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Released in 1999, Miracle in the Green is a fantasy film starring Tom Hanks, with a Douban rating of 9.1. The whole film as a whole makes people feel very warm, and the three-hour plot does not make people feel that the time is too long after watching it, but it is still unfinished.

When Da Long watches movies, he likes to pick movies that are very long, because movies that are more than two hours old are generally blockbusters. The movie "Miracle in the Green" is indeed not disappointing, Tom Hanks's acting skills are deeply rooted in people's hearts, and his role in "Forrest Gump" is also a very classic masterpiece.

The film opens with the story of a lonely old man in a nursing home who has to walk a long way every day to feed a mouse in a wooden cabin in the forest, and this old man is full of stories.

A series of actions by the old man attracted everyone's attention.

One of the old man's female friends chatted with him and wanted to hear his story. Between the four eyes, the old man told the story of his youth.

Miracle in the Green: 3 hours long, Douban score 9.1, a fantasy masterpiece starring Tom Hanks

What is the meaning of life, and how is the distinction between life and death, good and evil? Have you ever thought about this question after dinner?

In the memories of the old man, the memories of the past slowly become clear, and the thinking about life also begins.

The old man was a prison guard when he was young, and he was a prison guard who guarded death row inmates. The road to executions by death row inmates is known as the Green Tour because the road leading to execution is green.

One day in 1935, a death row inmate named John Coffey arrives in prison, and this death row inmate is also the soul of the play.

Miracle in the Green: 3 hours long, Douban score 9.1, a fantasy masterpiece starring Tom Hanks

A burly beast walked into the prison, and his appearance looked extremely fierce. In the era of discrimination against skin color, his appearance made people feel terrible, dangerous, and frightening. He was sentenced to death for a crime of a heinous nature, raping and killing two underage girls.

Tom Hanks plays a prison guard with a sense of justice and a very kind and soft heart, he is a very righteous person, although he faces some death row inmates, but he does not treat them as inhumans at all. Death row inmates have used their own deaths to pay for their sins, and they owe no one anything.

When everyone was afraid of the big murderer, at this time, the big man did a few things to make everyone's impression of him completely change.

This giant named John has a mysterious power that can heal the wounds of others. But whenever he heals others with his own energy, he himself can also feel the pain of others, as if he were exchanging his life for the life of someone else.

He helped the prison guards cure urethritis.

Miracle in the Green: 3 hours long, Douban score 9.1, a fantasy masterpiece starring Tom Hanks

Transform the pain of others into yourself, and then turn into moths and spray them in the air.

Miracle in the Green: 3 hours long, Douban score 9.1, a fantasy masterpiece starring Tom Hanks

In the process, he was able to feel the pain of others as he himself had experienced it, so his body, mind, and body were increasingly hurt.

His gentle eyes, like the eyes of a fawn, were full of tears, looking at the world with compassion, feeling the pain felt by the world equally, so he became weaker and weaker day by day, and he suffered more and more pain day by day, so that he could no longer bear this pain.

A story about Mr. Ginger, a little mouse in the movie, is also very touching, a death row prisoner in prison raised a small mouse, and trained it as a circus rat, this little mouse evoked his last conscience. And the prison guards are also carefully guarding this warmth, which is very touching.

Miracle in the Green: 3 hours long, Douban score 9.1, a fantasy masterpiece starring Tom Hanks

But the little mouse was trampled to death by a vicious prison guard, completely destroying the last conscience of the condemned prisoner. It's heart-wrenching.

Miracle in the Green: 3 hours long, Douban score 9.1, a fantasy masterpiece starring Tom Hanks

At this time, John brought the dead little mouse over and used his own divine power to save the little mouse.

Miracle in the Green: 3 hours long, Douban score 9.1, a fantasy masterpiece starring Tom Hanks

He also cured a cancer patient, and it turned out that he was not actually a giant beast, not a beast from hell, but an angel from heaven.

The film tells us that anyone deserves to be respected, even if he is a death row inmate. The death row inmate has made up for the sins he has committed with his own death, then he does not owe anyone, he deserves to be respected.

The guards also had doubts about John's identity: how could John be such a kind man as a murderer? With the arrival of a new death row inmate, the truth of the case gradually becomes clear.

Here we will talk about the two evil people in the play, one is an unsympathetic prison guard, and the other is a perverted death row prisoner. Bad prison guards entrusted the family's relatives to take up positions in prisons where death row inmates were being held. His greatest wish was to be able to carry out the execution himself to satisfy his perverted psyche. The other was the perverted murderer who had actually killed the two poor little girls.

Here to popularize the knowledge of the electric chair death penalty, when performing the electric torture of the electric chair, it is necessary to put a sponge soaked in water on the head of the death row prisoner, so that the power effect can be quickly transmitted to the brain. After the brain dies, the person dies, but if he does not soak the sponge in water and sit directly on the electric chair, he will go through a process of electric burns all over his body, which is extremely painful and inhuman torture. It is extremely inhumane to allow death row inmates to endure such torture before they die.

When the bad prison guard was executing the death penalty task, in order to retaliate against a death row prisoner, he did not dip water in his sponge, and directly energized the electric chair, resulting in the death row inmate being burned to death, and the entire body emitted a disgusting stench, which made him suffer great pain before he died, which was very, very vicious.

Miracle in the Green: 3 hours long, Douban score 9.1, a fantasy masterpiece starring Tom Hanks

Sensing the presence of this evil, John uses his divine power to control the evil prison guard, causing him to shoot and kill the real murderer who killed the two cute little girls.

Then, the bad jailer became a neurotic.

Miracle in the Green: 3 hours long, Douban score 9.1, a fantasy masterpiece starring Tom Hanks

Here, we can see a moral in the movie, that is, what the law cannot achieve is finally achieved through divine power. That is to say, the way of heaven that we call it is constant, it is not that it is not reported, and the time has not yet come.

When the angel possessed the bad prison guard and tried to kill the death row prisoner, the two tears that fell from his eyes were compassion for the world. Why do I always have tears in my eyes, because I am full of love for the world.

Miracle in the Green: 3 hours long, Douban score 9.1, a fantasy masterpiece starring Tom Hanks

Finally, the angel punished the wicked with the help of the hand of the wicked, but he could no longer bear any more suffering in the world, and he eventually returned to heaven and no longer remained on earth.

His last words to the world were, My birth was a sin.

Miracle in the Green: 3 hours long, Douban score 9.1, a fantasy masterpiece starring Tom Hanks

This drama makes us feel that angels are in hell and demons are in the human world.

Reflections on good and evil, life and death, are reflected in the film. As for the real answer, you can go and look for this movie to find the real answer to the true meaning of life.

The three-hour movie ended like this, but after watching it, it still made people feel unfinished. Tom Hanks's delicate expression of emotion is like eating a plate of dishes, making the audience smash their mouths and be unfinished.

Da Long believes that the biggest highlight of this movie is that the scene is set in a prison of a death row prisoner, although the characters are very simple and the plot is not complicated, but in such a very impactful environment, to discuss the issues of life and death, good and evil, give people a very profound feeling. The whole film is full of fantasy colors, which is worth watching.

Okay, today's Dragon said the movie ends here. @Big Tail Dragon

Today is the first day of the Mid-Autumn Festival holiday, give everyone a moon cake, I wish you a happy Mid-Autumn Festival, a good full moon, and everything is as you wish!

Miracle in the Green: 3 hours long, Douban score 9.1, a fantasy masterpiece starring Tom Hanks

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