
The ordinary clerk of "Counter-Espionage Lianlian" was sentenced to death for the crime of "espionage"

author:Big River Newspaper

Dahe Daily reporter Shao Keqiang

The ordinary clerk of "Counter-Espionage Lianlian" was sentenced to death for the crime of "espionage"

According to CCTV, Huang Yu, born on July 28, 1974, a native of Zigong City, Sichuan Province, majored in computer science and worked in a secret-related scientific research unit. More than 150,000 pieces of information were provided to overseas espionage organs, including 90 top-secret state secrets, 292 secret-level state secrets, and 1,674 secret-level state secrets, causing immeasurable losses to the cryptographic communication security of China's party, government, military, financial and other departments.

The ordinary clerk of "Counter-Espionage Lianlian" was sentenced to death for the crime of "espionage"

(CCTV announcement screen)

Huang Yu, who did not look amazing, was originally an ordinary employee of a secret-related scientific research institution. However, from the age of 28, he began to sell intelligence to foreign spy agencies, and the amount, scope, and depth of the secrets were shocking.

Huang Yu transformed from an ordinary clerk into a big spy and committed unforgivable crimes, so how did all this happen?

In July 1997, after graduating at the age of 23, Huang Yu joined a secret-related research institute and left in 2004. Sociable, playful, vain, and unruly are the impressions of many colleagues on Huang Yu. Due to his mediocre ability and improper work attitude, he changed three departments in 5 years, but his performance was always low. According to the provisions of the last place elimination system of the unit, Huang Yu was dismissed. His unit undertakes the research and development of relevant passwords in China, which has a high degree of confidentiality. Huang Yu was dissatisfied with this and went so far as to sell state secrets to foreign spy agencies.

Tempted by money, Huang Yu became a spy who worked for a foreign spy agency. He also said he was willing to work for the other party for at least five years. Since then, Huang Yu has lied to the outside world that he works in the Sichuan office of a Shenzhen company and often goes to foreign meetings every year to cover his identity as a spy.

Huang Yu's espionage is very cleverly disguised, but it will eventually leave clues. State security agencies had evidence of Huang Yu's crimes. One day in 2011, state security agencies arrested Mr. Huang.

After the arrest of Huang Yu, the state security organs immediately searched his home, and found a large amount of evidence of the crime. These dense customs seals on the passport recorded the detailed time and place of Huang Yu's departure, 21 of which were to meet with foreign spy organizations, sell secrets and receive funds.

As for the facts of the crime, Huang Yu confessed. Pursuant to the provisions of articles 110 and 113 of the Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China, whoever joins a spy organization or accepts a mission by a spy organization or its agents, engages in espionage activities, endangers national security, shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than 10 years or life imprisonment;

In the end, Huang Yu was sentenced to death for "espionage", deprived of political rights for life, and confiscated espionage funds. For such a result, Huang Yu regretted it.

Source: Dahe News Editor: Hou Xiaoyong

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