
A delicacy on the tip of your tongue – Senko

author:The wind flutters and blows clothes

My hometown, Xiao County, is a county under the jurisdiction of Suzhou City, Anhui Province, a sub-central city of Xuzhou Metropolitan Circle; located in the north gate of Anhui Province, the suburbs of Xuzhou, located in the Yangtze River Delta region, the center of the Huaihai Economic Zone and the southeast edge of the North China Plain; known as the "Four Provinces Thoroughfare", is the node of the state's implementation of the overall strategy of "Belt and Road", "Central Plains Economic Zone" and Anhui Province's implementation of regional strategies such as "Eastward Development" and "Revitalization of Northern Anhui".

Xiao County, known as Xiao Guo in ancient times, has more than 6,000 years of civilization history and more than 3,000 years of city history, is the birthplace of Han culture, filial piety culture, Xiao County is known as the "State of Documents" and "Victory City" honor, is the hometown of Chinese calligraphy and painting art, the hometown of Chinese folk culture and art, the hometown of Chinese grapes, and the cultural relics county of Anhui Province. In addition, Xiao County's unique geographical location and natural environment have bred a simple folk custom and a colorful food culture.

A delicacy on the tip of your tongue – Senko

Xiaoxian has a wide variety of cuisines and is very local. Xiaoxian noodle skin, mutton soup, frog fish, ground pot chicken, mixed soup, fish bite sheep, slippery chicken, put meat, mushroom chicken... And so on, and the taste is delicious, and the aftertaste is endless. Today, I would like to share with you a special dish that can be eaten in a variety of ways - Xiaoxian Qianzi.

What is "Senko"? Let me introduce you to you first.

"Qianzi" is also written as "Shuzi", and Xiaoxian people also call it "Let Dish", which is a common dish at Xiaoxian people's New Year's Festivals and various banquets. Chiko is a chunky dish made by steaming pork (or beef), sweet potato starch, sweet potato vermicelli and eggs in a certain proportion. Senko is delicious and has a variety of ways to eat it. It can be eaten directly, can be used as a dish, and can be cooked in soup.

A delicacy on the tip of your tongue – Senko

The raw materials for making Senko are simple. Choose 250 grams of lean pork or beef, 3 eggs, sweet potato starch, sweet potato vermicelli, thin tofu skin.

Seasoning: 1/2 tbsp rice wine, 1/2 tbsp soy sauce, 1/3 tsp salt, 1/3 tsp MSG, 1/4 tsp allspice powder, a little chopped green onion and ginger, a little pepper salt.

1: Soak the sweet potato vermicelli in water in advance, drain and then chop.

2, pork or beef washed and chopped into meat filling, the thickness and thickness of the meat filling we usually wrap dumplings is almost on the line.

Here's how:

1: Add minced green onion and ginger and some water to the minced meat, beat in the same direction until the top is served, then add starch and beat well.

2: Mix well with vermicelli, then add salt, monosodium glutamate, five-spice powder, soy sauce, rice wine and pepper salt to taste, stir well and then form a thousand seeds. This thousand seed filling should be done to the extent that it can be basically formed, too soft to put in the pot and flow out, too hard to cook thoroughly, and it is not delicious to make.

3, add enough water to the steamer and put in the grate, dry cage cloth wet water squeezed dry, spread on the grate, boil, and then spread the tofu skin on the top of the cage cloth, covered with a layer of tofu skin on the line.

4, next spread the thousand seed filling on the tofu skin, flattened, the thickness is about two fingers thick, with a small amount of water to smooth the surface and cover the pot, steam on high heat for about 1 hour.

In this step, my mother's approach was to lay a layer of cabbage under the tofu skin. Because the skin of the tofu is relatively easy to rot, the mixture of starch and meat will stick to the cage cloth after rotting, and it is not easy to remove it. With the addition of cabbage cushions, this problem is solved.

5, wait for the thousand seeds to steam to about nine ripe when the lid opens, beat the eggs well, pour on the surface of the thousand seeds, smooth, and continue to steam for a few minutes to get out of the pot.

6: Cut into four-finger-long and two-finger-wide rectangular strips, put them on a plate and smear a layer of sesame oil.

At this time, the sesame oil will be full of fragrance with the volatilization of the heat, and the egg skin will also appear shiny, tender and delicious.

A delicacy on the tip of your tongue – Senko


1, sweet potato starch in the meat filling is an indispensable key raw material, the amount of use directly determines the taste of thousands of seeds, sweet potato starch is not delicious, less is not easy to form. This is all based on feelings, and the more times you can grasp the starch amount.

2, when whipping the meat filling must always be in the same direction, otherwise the meat filling is loose in the middle, and it is not good to look at after steaming and molding, nor is it delicious.

3, the proportion of meat filling and vermicelli is also very critical, meat stuffing will be greasy, fans put more will dry.

4, the top of the cage cloth can also be covered with Cabbage leaves, use it to replace the thin tofu skin, mainly to prevent thousands of seeds from sticking to the top of the cage cloth.

5, the most critical thing to do a thousand seeds is to choose good raw materials, especially starch and vermicelli, you must choose real pure sweet potato starch and pure sweet potato noodles, these two raw materials even if only one is false, you make a thousand seeds not only poor taste, but also easy to crush when cooked, no matter how high your cooking skills can not make a delicious thousand seeds.

6, seasonings can be adjusted according to personal tastes, suitable for their own taste is delicious.

7, freshly steamed thousands of seeds should not be eaten immediately, but should be put until it is cool before it can be used to make dishes, otherwise it is easy to break.

8. When Qianzi comes out of the pot, drag out the steamer intact together with the cage cloth, and then remove the cage cloth after the thousand seeds are slightly cool.

9, when steaming must be on high heat, the time generally can not be less than one hour, the time is short and not easy to steam.

10, before steaming the thousand seeds, you can sprinkle some dried red pepper shreds on the surface, and the egg liquid can only use egg yolk, so that the color of the steamed thousand seeds is more beautiful and attractive.

A delicacy on the tip of your tongue – Senko

Xiaoxian Qianzi tastes delicious and smooth, if you come to Xiaoxian, you must try it. To share with you, you can also try it at home.

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