
Mid-to-late Shang Dynasty event - Pan Geng's move to Yin

author:Si Qiu talks about history

The pangeng migration of Yin to Yin occurred around 1300 BC, a historical event of the Shang Dynasty in China.

The Shang Dynasty monarch Pan Geng moved his capital from Yan (present-day Qufu, Shandong Province) to Yin (present-day Anyang, Henan), and was historically known as "Pan Geng Qianyin". After Pan Geng moved to Yin, he continued to "practice the government of Tang, and then the people were revived by Ning and Yin Dao", and experienced a period of prosperity, so later generations also called Shang "Yin Shang". Pan Geng Qianyin drew an end to the chaos of the Ninth Dynasty.

Pan Geng's move to Yin is a historical event that occurred in the middle and late Shang Dynasty, which refers to The decision to move the capital to Yin (present-day Anyang, Henan) and the site of present-day Yin Ruins after Pan Geng succeeded to the throne in order to save the political crisis. The background of Pan Geng qianyin can be said to be a natural disaster and a man-made disaster. In ancient China, the establishment of the capital and the relocation of the capital were both major national events, and in order to stabilize the regime, successive rulers paid great attention to maintaining the stability of the capital. But there were also many dynasties that moved their capitals to adapt to changes in the ecological environment and changes in the political and economic situation, and the Shang Dynasty was a typical example. When Shang Tang established the Shang Dynasty, the earliest kingdom was in Bo (present-day Shangqiu, Henan). Over the next three hundred years, the capital was relocated five times. This is because there is often a struggle for the throne within the royal family, civil unrest occurs, and the lower reaches of the Yellow River are often flooded. Once there was a great flood that flooded the capital, and at the same time, the competition for the throne among the rulers was also very fierce, some people said that the father should die and the son should succeed, and some people said that the brother should die and the brother should be the brother. Uncles and nephews, brothers, for the throne, often fight between you and me. They have thrown the country into chaos for their own interests.

"Pan Geng's relocation to Yin" is a famous event in the history of the Shang Dynasty, and it is also the fifth capital move of Yin Shang. So, some people will ask Why Yin Shang kept moving the capital? This is indeed an issue worth exploring. According to the statistics of the kings who moved the capital, the Shang Dynasty moved the capital five times, which may have been caused by political and environmental factors from historical sources. We will discuss the specifics below. Since the founding of the Shang Dynasty, the capital was initially set at Bo. Later, starting from the eleventh monarch Zhongding, the process of moving the capital began. The specific circumstances are summarized as follows: The first move to the capital: The tenth monarch of the Shang Dynasty, Zhongding, succeeded to the throne in the early years, because the Yellow River broke the embankment, Bo was hit by the flood, and had to move the capital to Yanjing. Second capital relocation: In order to alleviate the internal struggle of the royal family, He qijia had to move the capital from Huan to Xiang. The third time to move the capital: Zu Yi moved from Xiangxiang to Geng because of the flooding of the Yellow River, but less than a year Later Geng was destroyed by the flood, because the time was short, so it is generally not regarded as an official capital. After that, the capital was moved to Xing again. However, xing was also hit by the flood, so Zu Yi moved the capital to Pi again.

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