
About Dreams, Love and Death – The Mortician

author:Shioshu Water

When he walked into the movie theater, Daigo was selling his cello, and even the buyer couldn't help but praise it as a good one, and the person who regarded the cello as a dream to accompany him for almost all his years left without looking back.

"The dream I've been chasing may never have existed." This sentence, before watching the movie, my sister shared it with me, and she said that she broke the defense at that moment. I can understand that where people resonate, that empathetic cry of sorrow. Just like the whale with a frequency of 52Hz, after countless silent shouts, it finally met and understood.

About Dreams, Love and Death – The Mortician


Where does the dream begin, what is the moment? Is it not like "Spiritual Journey" tells us that when we are still souls, the things that move in the moment have become the meaning of life.

Daigo's dream, when he was a child, had been carved into the cello, but the reality was always too difficult, and he finally decided to give up. Looking back at the road is still ugly. But the relief of that moment, I almost understood a little, and finally left the cello that had been forcing me, the strings that had been tight, the heart that had always wanted to succeed, and that moment was gone.

The twist of fate is always sudden, with his wife back to his hometown after the great enlightenment, by the ambiguous recruitment advertisement to apply for the mortician, the president of the company at a glance to him, the man who acted intuitively, perhaps saw the purest and clearest thing in this man, or perhaps, fate did not need a reason.

This special profession brought earth-shaking changes to Daigo's life, from rejection, contempt, pain, withdrawal, relief to respect, he realized from death that he was alive.

When his soul was strongly impacted for the first time, he began to miss his cello incomparably, and that night, the sound of the piano was no longer just a melody, not a dream, not an empty shell, but his understanding of life, his emotions, his comfort and companionship.

When his wife Mika learns of his secret and chooses to leave, he devotes himself wholeheartedly to the work of the mortician, and he deeply understands its weight, just as he deeply understands the meaning of life. He plays in the wilderness, without the need for an audience, the mountains of heaven and earth, the rivers of years, the germination of a gust of wind, a cloud, a seed, the cello is no longer a tool for seeking fame, but an expression of his life, a silent confession, a gentle companionship.

I once heard the saying, "We all exhaust our little talent to express our innermost feelings", no matter which art form, in the end, it is the same destination.

The sublimation of dreams may begin with truly knowing how to live.

About Dreams, Love and Death – The Mortician


Love is an eternal topic.

The first clip I couldn't help but share with my sister was the moment when Daigo and Mika came out of the bathhouse, saw the snowflakes flying in the sky, and smiled and said they wanted to have a drink together. Warm little room, hot wine, soft sweaters, nostalgic music from the phonograph, snowflakes flying outside the window, people who love and understand inside the house.

Perhaps, as my sister said, love is not the main line of this movie, but it runs through the whole text. If it were not for the pull of love, the story would not have been fulfilled.

Mika is a too gentle character, whether Daigo decides to give up the cello or move back to the countryside, she is smiling and accompanying her, she must love him deeply, and she will melt happiness into a smile when difficulties come.

Until, until, the secret is discovered. It is common for people not to understand, who wants to invite death into the home? How did she accept such a pair of gentle and generous hands that played the cello and became the hands that touched the corpse every day? How did she accept that the hand that had touched the corpse would touch her again?

Mika left him because of Daigo's profession, it must have been a long winter, and she must have missed him like that.

About Dreams, Love and Death – The Mortician

Until she knew that she had the child of Enlightenment and returned to his side.

Just as she was once again asking Daigo to make a choice, the bathhouse owner— the one who insisted on running the bathhouse business alone in order to make it easier for the neighbors to take a bath, and talked emotionally about Daigo's childhood with her— suddenly passed away. It was also because of her death that Mika saw for the first time the great enlightenment of being a mortician. His meticulous, cautious, gentle, pious and profound movements, appearances, and expressions deeply touched Mika, and she was truly moved and truly understood his persistence.

On the day of the cremation, Daigo learned that the uncle who often played chess in the bathhouse used to work in the funeral parlor, and he reluctantly looked at the owner of the bathhouse for the last time and said, "There will be a period later." Some love, from the time of companionship, has crossed the vicissitudes of the mulberry field.

It is not until the end of the story that Daigo learns that his father, who had abandoned him since childhood, had passed away. The web of love and hate is too dense to look back and will be breathless.

If it weren't for Yuriko's persuasion, Daigo might have really ignored it and ended up with regrets. "I am also a mother who abandons her children and elopes with the people she likes", perhaps remorse and guilt, made her choose a profession in the burial company, and she was atonement for her sins, just like the father who also abandoned his wife and children, and spent a lifetime alone in the fishing port.

Daigo and Mika arrive at the fishing net, and he can't bear to see his father being put in a coffin at random, and he wants to bury himself. It was also at that moment that Mika said, "My husband is a mortician," so solemn and not to be taken lightly.

If he hadn't scrubbed his father's body, he would never have found the stone letter that he had clutched in his father's hand, which was the stone letter he had given to his father when their family was still happy. It turned out that the father who he had deliberately forgotten and abandoned himself had the only concern in his life.

Daigo finally remembers his father's appearance, and he finally faces the strong love and longing for his father in his heart.

Daigo finally gives the stone letter to Mika, to the unborn child in her belly, which is love, passed down from generation to generation...

About Dreams, Love and Death – The Mortician


Death is always full of avoidance, is it the end of life, or the beginning of a new world?

The president's wife died, and the president personally buried her, because she chose this profession. The president mentioned his deceased wife to Daigo for the first and only time: "At that time, I dressed her up beautifully and sent her away." It was also because of her that she made this profession. "The person who is left behind is the most painful, perhaps because he can't live, he is close to death."

The owner of the bathhouse died, and the uncle who played chess said when he pressed the ignition button, "After working here for so long, I often think that death is like a door, death is not the end, you pass through the door of death and enter another world." Death is a door, and I am the gatekeeper, sending so many people away. ”

The decency of death is the last respect for life; a great respect for life can have compassion for death. Daigo must have begun to think about life when facing death again and again, and the epiphany was alive. From the moment he truly understood the meaning of life, his cello really lived. Life flows through his fingertips, flowing through time and space, bringing comfort to a flower, a leaf, a grass, and an insect.

From disgust to love, the work of a mortician became the meaning of life.

It wasn't until his father's death, until the wounds of childhood were healed, that Daigo's life truly began.

About Dreams, Love and Death – The Mortician

Perhaps, life is never trying to make things difficult for us, but to fulfill the thoughts of our hearts, a little bit of carving and polishing, at the right time, all the meaning will appear.

Dreams will be temporarily stranded, but they will not be broken, and those who really love will be with them for a lifetime.

Oh my God, I love the sound of the cello so much...

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