
Images posted on social networks can reflect depression levels and anxiety tendencies| the world of daily canning is too sad, we want to do something healing. Click on the business card and let us accompany you ↓

author:Simple psychology
Images posted on social networks can reflect depression levels and anxiety tendencies| the world of daily canning is too sad, we want to do something healing. Click on the business card and let us accompany you ↓
Images posted on social networks can reflect depression levels and anxiety tendencies| the world of daily canning is too sad, we want to do something healing. Click on the business card and let us accompany you ↓

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Eh, the pictures I send to the circle of friends can reveal depression?

Using the latest AI image recognition technology, Penn School of Medicine counted more than 4,000 participating tweets, performed an image recognition analysis of their 3,200 tweets, and compared them with the depression and anxiety levels of 887 users measured by traditional scales, and found that:

◍ People with depression and anxiety tendencies are more likely to produce pictures with dull colors and low aesthetics, especially gray. Moreover, users with depressive tendencies are more pronounced in this regard than users with anxiety tendencies;

◍ Even if it is to express negative emotions, these users will choose expressionless pictures, rather than more direct expressions of emotions with frowns and other expressions;

Users with high depressive tendencies are more likely to take selfies without family, friends, or others. Meaningful activity scenes are also rarely seen in the background. These reflect the fact that depression is often accompanied by a decrease in emotional responses, self-expression, and the disappearance of mood swings.

The research team said that with the development of image recognition technology, one day we may really be able to identify and prevent depression and anxiety early through social network information.

Images posted on social networks can reflect depression levels and anxiety tendencies| the world of daily canning is too sad, we want to do something healing. Click on the business card and let us accompany you ↓



University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine. "Twitter image colors and content could help identify users with depression, anxiety." ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 15 May 2019. <>.

<h1 toutiao-origin="h1" > the world is so mournful that we want to do something healing. Click on the business card and let us accompany you ↓</h1>

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