
How to think about college students wandering social networks

author:Bright Net

【Education Caprice】

Author: Wang Ying (Special Researcher of Beijing Xi Jinping Research Center for Socialism with Chinese Characteristics in the New Era, Associate Professor of Marxism College, Capital University of Economics and Business) Jin Zixin (Graduate Student, School of Marxism, Capital University of Economics and Business)

In the era of rapid technologicalization, informatization and networking, social media has also ushered in rapid development. From the "pen pals" of the 80s and 90s, to the popularity of Tianya and blog exchange platforms, Renren has swept the campus and become the memory of a generation of college students. The rise of Tieba and forums has made people's communication simple and fast, circle culture has begun to appear, and social networking has become a new fashion. With the gradual popularization of smart phones, the social direction of college students has shifted from computers to mobile Internet, followed by the continuous prosperity of Weibo, QQ and WeChat, which has become the main channel for today's college students to socialize. At the same time, with the rapid development of Internet technology, Internet + has become a new trend in society, so that the social structure is "flattened", the value orientation is "diversified", Vibrato, public number, Soul, Tantan, Falo continue to become a new fashion for college students to communicate and communicate, with the Blue City Brothers going to the United States to go public, Only the domestic Blue is as high as 49 million users of Blue, eye-catching, the diversified development of social networks tends to continue to extend. At the same time, college students rely more and more on social networks, chat, dating, "face base" continues to be popular on campus, classrooms, dormitories, canteens, on the road, "low-headed people" are always paying attention to their social information; the traditional "hello" has become the "hello" in the mobile phone, the common handshake has become the "left stroke" in the software, the colloquial "eat" has become the "change of photos" in the network, more and more people will convert offline interaction into online interaction, "home" has become a new term for college students. The average social media spending 2 hours and 25 minutes on average among the world's 4.2 billion social media users, while the number of young, time-free college students has doubled from this index, and the resulting psychological and health risks cannot be ignored. So, what do you think of the problem of college students wandering social networks?

Online social networking became part of the center of college student life

For college students, online social networking has become a central part of life. School notices, club activities, and daily communication all rely on social networks, and social networking applications are not required for learning, living, falling in love, and interacting. If the "post-80s and post-90s" use social networks to communicate rely on market guidance, then the "post-00s" use social networks to communicate more "natively". As the "natives" of the Internet, "post-00s" college students have enjoyed the convenience of social networks since they were born. In college, almost "everyone has a smartphone", and emerging social software is widely used because of its convenient operation. Therefore, compared with other age groups, "post-00s" college students have a higher sense of identification with online communication.

Online social networking has become a part of the center of college students' lives, and because from the perspective of social development needs, college students who are still in the youth stage are still in a state of ignorance in terms of mind, thinking and cognitive ability to society, and are in a state of transition from unknown to known. College students crave recognition and connect with the world and others, and the emergence of social media matches their strong need for social interaction. Social media is based on accurate measurements of user settings, browsing records and other data, and the software will actively promote the layering of circles, making it easier for college students to find like-minded friends. At the same time, with the development of media technology innovation and differentiation, the information sharing links between social media have become more humane, and users can "freely cross" between various social circles to produce and share information. Therefore, social networks have become an important social occasion for college students to quickly understand and understand the world, and gain a sense of identity and achievement within the group.

In addition, from the perspective of the interpersonal needs of college students, universities are the transition period from "student families" to "professional people", and interpersonal skills are important social skills that college students must master and possess during college. College students come from all over the world, gather different values, and face the alienation caused by different languages, living habits, etc. Compared with traditional social networking, online social networking transcends the limitations of time and space, making it more convenient for people to connect with each other. Face-to-face is easy to produce "sparks", and virtual network social networking can minimize friction and estrangement, do not have to worry about embarrassment, shyness, conflict of contradictions and the collision of passion, the warmth of the heart and the inner thoughts can be expressed at will. The emergence of social media is a qualitative breakthrough for introverted and social college students, making their handling of interpersonal relationships simple.

College students should pay attention to the problems of social networks

Social networks integrate the advantages of network and mobile phone platforms, integrate audio, video, illustration, H5, Mini Programs and other forms, break through regional barriers and time restrictions, and meet the audience's "fast food" information reception needs through accurate push of users point-to-point. At the same time, the interactive functions of social networks such as forwarding, commenting, liking, and sharing can establish multiple communication feedback channels such as one-to-one, one-to-many, many-to-one, and many-to-many, realizing "top-down" and "bottom-up" two-way interaction, so that the audience becomes a two-way participant from a one-way recipient, so social networks have become an important platform for college students to show themselves. College students improve their "attention" in screen interactions under their fingertips, meeting the needs and desires of college students for self-expression. Moreover, between "likes" and "comments", college students feel their own value and enhance their inner "sense of substitution", which makes college students pay special attention to the shaping of "individual image" in social network platforms.

However, when false beautification, filters run rampant, "posting pictures" become retouching pictures, when sharing becomes a show off, communication becomes catharsis, the virtual "circle of friends" seems to be moving towards distortion, and college students who are addicted to the virtual "circle of friends" are more likely to lose themselves in the torrent of the Internet. Moreover, online social networking belongs to "virtual social" in the final analysis, and although "virtual social" expands the social circle in form, it actually narrows the "effective communication circle" of college students. Because most of this "virtual social" is "like" or "broadcast" social networking, college students wandering in social networks may enjoy entertainment and hustle and bustle one moment, and put down their mobile phones the next moment but become more lonely and lonely.

In addition, the concept of social media is "how to make the software consume more time and conscious attention of users", and uses the psychological needs of human beings eager to connect with others, while constantly enriching the way social networks are played through rapid iteration. This design idea makes it easy to make people "addictive" attributes, and compared to the middle school era, the university learning and living environment is relatively loose, if the college students themselves lack of self-control, so that a variety of social media become a strong party, accelerate the invasion of their own learning life, there is nothing to take out the mobile phone all kinds of brushes, from WeChat circle of friends, jump to Zhihu, Douban, and then to vibrato, B station, happy, can't help it, "always online", compulsive use phenomenon intensified, Then he has been unknowingly kidnapped by social networks. Behind the addiction is not only the neglect of social skills learning, the estrangement of interpersonal communication in real life, but also interferes with the cognitive and emotional control of college students, resulting in a decrease in the level of social skills in real society, and even causing psychological problems such as depression.

Create a good "ecological environment" for online social networking

Social networks have changed the traditional "person-to-person" social model, expanding the choices and possibilities of social networking for college students. Today's college students' online social networking, like people's chatting after tea and dinner, gathering and socializing in winter cafes, is a cultural choice of modern youth. Therefore, respecting the social network culture of college students should give college students more room for growth, and affirm and accept college students' independent choice. At the same time, in order to allow college students to better use social networks, it is also necessary to create a good "ecological environment".

First of all, it is necessary to strengthen the construction of network security and special legislation on social networks, encourage and promote network operators and service providers to formulate industry self-discipline norms and corporate codes of conduct, abide by relevant national laws and regulations, earnestly perform network supervision responsibilities, and actively file and establish reporting and defense mechanisms, through multi-party collaboration, comprehensively purify cyberspace, maintain a healthy and orderly network environment, and spread positive energy. Secondly, it is necessary to fully tap the deeper "self" strength of college students, and through promoting the development of college students' intentional self-regulation ability, realize their self-examination, self-examination, self-reflection, self-education, self-cognition, self-purification, and self-correction, improve their self-discipline awareness and self-restraint ability, develop good network use habits, and effectively prevent Network addiction. Finally, as a university that carries university life, it is necessary to educate and guide young students to correctly view the relationship between online social and real social. It is not only necessary to hold more academic, scientific and technological, artistic and recreational activities that help college students release their youthful vitality, diversification and positivity, but also actively encourage the development of school clubs, increase exchanges between college students by carrying out colorful practical exchange activities, so that college students can "expand" their friendships from realistic communication and sharing interactions, obtain emotional companionship, establish intimate relationships with peers, and find a sense of belonging to the group. At the same time, we should also pay attention to the emotional counseling of college students, help college students change their negative self-perception, improve social skills, reduce social anxiety, so that college students can socialize healthily, knowledge socialize, and interest socialize in the process of growing up, establish a positive and enterprising attitude towards life, and assume the mission and responsibility of the new era.

Guangming Daily (15th edition, November 2, 2021)

Source: Guangming Network - Guangming Daily

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